• @telehunt_video #131758 05:30 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124849 ↩


    The child who died from the shells of the Armed Forces of Ukraine managed to give our tankers his toy. Now they do not part with it - they hung it on the T-80 cannon and always go into battle along with the talisman.

    Once, the toy was lost. But the crew, despite the shelling, went to look for her. Without this talisman, the soul is restless, the tanker admitted to the Zvezda correspondent.
    Погибший от снарядов ВСУ ребенок успел подарить нашим танкистам свою игрушку. Теперь они не расстаются с ней - повесили на пушку Т-80 и всегда идут в бой вместе с талисманом.

    Однажды, игрушку потеряли. Но экипаж, несмотря на обстрел, поехал искать ее. Без этого талисмана на душе неспокойно, признался танкист корреспонденту «Звезды».
  • @telehunt_video #131759 05:30 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94344 ↩


    Artillerymen of the 6th brigade of the Southern Group of Forces in the Lisichansk direction destroy the positions of the militants of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

    Артиллеристы 6 бригады Южной группировки войск на Лисичанском направлении уничтожают позиции боевиков ВСУ

  • @telehunt_video #131760 05:32 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/SIL0VIKI/72697 ↩


    🇬🇧💥 Hit: "Alligators" 🅾️ of the good ones destroy the armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

    The crew of the Ka-52 helicopter destroyed several enemy armored vehicles using the Vikhr-M anti-tank missile system in the Krasnolimansky direction.
    🇷🇺💥 Попадание: "Аллигаторы" 🅾️тважных уничтожают бронетехнику ВСУ

    Экипаж вертолета Ка-52 уничтожил несколько единиц бронетехники противника с помощью противотанкового ракетного комплекса «Вихрь-М» на Краснолиманском направлении.
  • @telehunt_video #131761 05:34 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/nm_dnr/10783 ↩

    Народная милиция ДНР

    📹Under the fire of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the center of the capital of the Republic

    On August 8, Ukrainian militants from 155 guns fired at the Voroshilovsky district of the city of Donetsk. As a result of the barbaric strike on the city center, civilian infrastructure and houses of civilians were damaged, the number of victims is being specified.

    Subscribe to the telegram channel People's Militia of the DPR to see the war through our eyes
    📹Под огнем ВСУ центр столицы Республики

    8 августа украинские боевики из 155-орудий обстреляли Ворошиловский район города Донецка. В результате варварского удара по центру города повреждения получила гражданская инфраструктура и дома мирных жителей, количество пострадавших уточняется.

    Подписывайтесь на телеграмм канал Народная милиция ДНР, чтобы увидеть войну нашими глазами
  • @telehunt_video #131762 05:34 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23184 ↩

    Два майора

    Zaporozhye front

    The Armed Forces of Ukraine today again threw infantry and armored vehicles into battle. On the sector of the front known to us, the enemy lost up to an infantry platoon, at least one armored vehicle of the enemy was destroyed by ATGMs.

    The enemy does not take the wounded.

    Two Majors
    Запорожский фронт

    ВСУ сегодня снова бросали в бой пехоту и бронетехнику. На известном нам участке фронта противник потерял до взвода пехоты, минимум одна бронемашина врага уничтожена ПТУР.

    Раненых враг не забирает.

    Два майора
  • @telehunt_video #131763 05:35 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/rian_ru/211539 ↩

    РИА Новости

    The village of Cossack camps near Kherson is controlled by the Russian military, a RIA Novosti correspondent who visited the village was convinced.

    Small arms fire is not heard, but the enemy is shelling the village with mortars and cannon artillery.
    Поселок Казачьи Лагери под Херсоном контролируется российскими военными, убедился корреспондент РИА Новости, побывавший в населенном пункте.

    Стрельбы из стрелкового оружия не слышно, но противник обстреливает поселок из минометов и ствольной артиллерии.
  • @telehunt_video #131764 05:37 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/rian_ru/211540 ↩

    РИА Новости

    Under the shelling of the Ukrainian military in Donetsk was a busy quarter with a transport interchange. An apartment building was damaged, one of the shells fell on a public transport stop
    Под обстрел украинских военных в Донецке попал оживленный квартал с транспортной развязкой. Поврежден многоквартирный жилой дом, один из снарядов упал на остановку общественного транспорта
  • @telehunt_video #131765 05:38 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/donbassinsider/39948 ↩

    Donbass Insider

    "Do you want to live under a drugged President?"

    This is a question posed to its subscribers by the Ukrainian journalist Diana Panchenko. In the video, she calls what is happening in Ukraine “a very high degree of surrealism”. Otherwise how to explain the fact that while there is a forced mobilization in Ukraine, the deputies of Zelensky's party are spending their holidays in the Maldives.

    «Voulez-vous vivre sous un Président drogué?»

    C’est une question posée à ses abonnés par la journaliste ukrainienne Diana Panchenko. Dans la vidéo, elle qualifie ce qui se passe en Ukraine de «très haut degré de surréalisme». Sinon comment expliquer le fait que pendant qu'il y a une mobilisation forcée en Ukraine, les députés du parti du Zelensky passent leurs vacances aux Maldives.

  • @telehunt_video #131766 05:42 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/rybar/50538 ↩


    🎞 In 15 minutes @SolovievLive will host the author's program Rybar's Analysis: the results of the day.

    🔻In today's episode:

    ▪️Opening of the border crossing Kolotilovka-Pokrovka on the border of Sumy and Belgorod regions.

    ▪️Successful offensive of the Russian Armed Forces on the Kupyansky sector of the front.

    ▪️The situation near Bakhmut: the resumption of attacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine near the Berkhovsky reservoir.

    ▪️Fighting at the Vremyevsky sector: the RF Armed Forces continue to hold the defense of Urozhaynoye.

    ▪️Another unsuccessful attempt of the APU attack on Rabotino.

    ▪️Landing of the Ukrainian DRG on the left bank of the Dnieper near the Cossack camps.

    See you at 20.57 @SolovievLive.
    #video #analysis

    Support us

    🎞 Через 15 минут на @SolovievLive выйдет авторская передача Разборы Рыбаря: итоги дня.

    🔻В сегодняшнем выпуске:

    ▪️Открытие погранперехода Колотиловка-Покровка на границе Сумской и Белгородской областей.

    ▪️Успешное наступление ВС РФ на Купянском участке фронта.

    ▪️Ситуация под Бахмутом: возобновление атак ВСУ у Берховского водохранилища.

    ▪️Бои на Времьевском участке: ВС РФ продолжают удерживать оборону Урожайного.

    ▪️Очередная неудачная ...
  • @telehunt_video #131767 05:42 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124850 ↩


    Film crew of Russia-24 TV channel came under fire in Donetsk
    During the filming of the consequences of another Nazi shelling of the center of Donetsk, the film crew of Rossiya 24 came under enemy fire, along with civilians, according to military correspondent Andrey Rudenko.

    Correspondent Stanislav Bernwald rendered first aid to a wounded woman, pulling a tourniquet on her arm, which was pierced through by a fragment. At that moment, under Nazi fire, Anton Khobotov took out a wounded child, whom the guys found in the courtyard of the house.

    The boy is treated in the hospital. As a result of this strike, three people were killed, five were injured ...

    Съёмочная группа телеканала Россия-24 попала под обстрел в Донецке
    Во время съемки последствий очередного обстрела со стороны нацистов центра Донецка под огонь противника вместе с мирными жителями попала и съемочная группа «России 24», сообщает военкор Андрей Руденко.

    Корреспондент Станислав Бернвальд оказал первую помощь раненой женщине, перетянув жгутом руку насквозь пробитую осколком. В этот момент под огнем нацистов Антон Хоботов ...
  • @telehunt_video #131768 05:43 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50904 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇬🇧The village of Cossack camps near Kherson under the control of the Russian army
    ▪️Today it became known about the enemy's attempt to break through to the village by conducting a landing operation. According to authorities, the attack was repelled.
    ▪️Now firing from small arms is not audible, corr. RIAN, but the enemy is shelling the village with mortars and howitzers.
    ‼️🇷🇺Поселок Казачьи Лагери под Херсоном под контролем армии России
    ▪️Сегодня стало известно о попытке врага прорваться к посёлку, проведя десантную операцию. По данным властей, атака была отражена.
    ▪️Сейчас стрельбы из стрелкового вооружения не слышно, сообщает корр. РИАН, но враг обстреливает поселок из минометов и гаубиц.
  • @telehunt_video #131769 05:50 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/opennewss/27313 ↩

    Русский аванпост ⚔️

    ⚡️Urgent⚡️AFU has been shelling a residential area in Donetsk since lunchtime⚡️

    Today in Donetsk residential areas of Kuibyshevsky, Voroshilovsky and Kirovsky districts of the city came under enemy fire.

    Presumably, the shelling was carried out from 155-mm howitzers. Especially got the quarter in the Kiev region. Neo-Nazis from the Armed Forces of Ukraine are randomly hitting a residential square with harassing fire. There are victims. At the moment, five are known to be injured, including an eleven-year-old child.

    WG correspondents went to the scene, where, according to a resident of the house, a soldier from the prosecutor's office was killed by a second blow, who was recording the consequences of the previous hit.

    During the interrogation, a new shelling began, which at the moment does not stop.


    ⚡️Срочно⚡️ВСУ с обеда обстреливает жилой массив Донецка⚡️

    Сегодня в Донецке под обстрел противника попали жилые кварталы Куйбышевского, Ворошиловского и Кировского районов города.

    Предположительно обстрел вёлся из 155-мм гаубиц. Особенно досталось кварталу в Киевском районе. Неонацисты из ВСУ бьют хаотично по жилому квадрату беспокоящим огнём. Есть жертвы. На данный момент известно о пяти раненных, включая одиннадцатилетнего ребенк...
  • @telehunt_video #131770 05:52 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37757 ↩


    🎼🎻🇬🇧 Russian soldier in captivity:

    - Thought we were Nazis here?

    - Yes.

    - And now how?

    - I also think so.

    - And how are you here in captivity? Good conditions?

    - Yes, good.

    Would the Nazis have behaved well in captivity?

    - You are civilized Nazis.

    💀 @wagner_group_pmc ♠️
    🎼🎻🇷🇺 Российский боец в плену:

    - Думали что мы тут нацисты?

    - Да.

    - А сейчас как?

    - Все также думаю.

    - А как у вас тут в плену? Хорошие условия?

    - Да, хорошие.

    - А нацисты бы хорошо себя вели в плену?

    - Вы - цивилизованные нацисты.

    💀 @wagner_group_pmc ♠️
  • @telehunt_video #131771 05:52 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/intelslava/50440 ↩

    Intel Slava Z

    🇷🇺🇺🇦 Captured special forces soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine that crossed the Dnieper and landed on the left bank of the Kherson region near the village of Cossack camps
    🇷🇺🇺🇦 Captured special forces soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine that crossed the Dnieper and landed on the left bank of the Kherson region near the village of Cossack camps
  • @telehunt_video #131772 05:54 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/RtrDonetsk/19660 ↩

    Репортёр Руденко V🇷🇺

    💥💥💥In the area of ​​N. p. Otradokamenka, scouts of the Dnepr group of troops opened the temporary deployment point of one of the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. After that, with an accurate air strike, he was wiped off the surface of the Kherson land‼️
    💥💥💥В районе н.п. Отрадокаменка развечиками группировки войск «Днепр» был вскрыт пункт временной дислокации одного из подразделений ВСУ. После чего, точным авиаударом он был стерт с поверхности Херсонской земли‼️
  • @telehunt_video #131773 05:57 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/rian_ru/211542 ↩

    РИА Новости

    A group of SVO participants went from Donetsk to Taganrog for rest and rehabilitation
    Группа участников СВО отправилась из Донецка в Таганрог для отдыха и реабилитации
  • @telehunt_video #131774 06:01 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/notes_veterans/11395 ↩


    Prepare for what you see and hear on NE.CAXAP

    We will show the most terrible moments filmed by us so that you understand what is really happening

    NE.CAXAP is the latest news about NWO from the Russian military.

    Here we do not hesitate to show the truth as it is. You will see everything that others are silent about!

    Go and be aware of the latest insiders: https://t.me/+FS-3BGt-wk5kZjgy
    Приготовьтесь к увиденному и услышанному на канале NE.CAXAP

    Мы покажем самые ужасные моменты снятые нами, чтобы вы понимали, что происходит на самом деле

    NE.CAXAP - это самые свежие новости про СВО от военнослужащих России.

    Здесь мы не стесняемся показывать правду такой, какая она есть. Вы увидите всё то, о чем умалчивают другие!

    Переходите и будьте в курсе самых свежих инсайдов: https://t.me/+FS-3BGt-wk5kZjgy
  • @telehunt_video #131775 06:01 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/izvestia/139339 ↩


    📌 The main news by this hour is in our video digest

    Watch the live broadcast of the round-the-clock news channel "Izvestia"
    📌 Главные новости к этому часу — в нашем видео-дайджесте

    Смотрите прямой эфир круглосуточного информационного телеканала "Известия"
  • @telehunt_video #131776 06:02 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124851 ↩


    The fire in the house due to the impact of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Nova Kakhovka, Kherson region, was extinguished, we were told at the operational headquarters of the city. The fire area was 500 square meters. In parallel with the house, about 300 hectares of dead wood had to be put out.

    Mayor Volodymyr Leontiev stressed that the Ukrainian military, striking civilians, are trying to sow panic. “The number and quality of terrorist attacks [on the city] are constantly changing. Once they were rockets, mortar and artillery strikes, now it’s mostly drone terror. They strike in order to sow chaos,” Leontiev said.

    Video: Elizaveta Demidova/TASS

    Пожар в доме из-за удара ВСУ в Новой Каховке Херсонской области потушен, сообщили нам в оперативном штабе города. Площадь пожара составила 500 м кв. Параллельно с домом пришлось тушить около 300 га сухостоя.

    Мэр города Владимир Леонтьев подчеркнул, что украинские военные, нанося удары по мирным жителям, пытаются посеять панику. "Количество и качество террористических атак [на город] постоянно меняется. Когда-то это были ракеты, миноме...
  • @telehunt_video #131777 06:02 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30222 ↩


    In general, what is the result? Senator is fully armored.

    Soldier of Fortune. Subscribe
    В общем итог какой? Senator полное бронеговно.

    Солдат Удачи. Подпишись
  • @telehunt_video #131778 06:04 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94345 ↩


    The result of the defeat of the BMP M2 "Bradley" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with a landing force in the area of ​​the settlement. Kleshcheevka, where units of the "South" group of troops are fighting.

    Результат поражения БМП M2 «Брэдли» ВСУ c десантом в районе н.п. Клещеевка где бои ведут подразделения группировки войск "Юг".

  • @telehunt_video #131779 06:08 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/dronesrussia/23659 ↩

    Обозреватель БПЛА

    We would like to draw the Mayor's attention to the fact that the only ICE designer in the country, Aleksey Feliksovich Vul, works in Moscow, who has already designed from scratch and built a functioning modern boxer diesel engine with a number of patented innovations.

    However, A.F. Vul cannot receive state support to bring the product to mass production due to the prohibitive conditions for its provision, including within the framework of the Moscow Innovation Cluster.

    Demand for diesel and gas internal combustion engines in Russia will be extremely high for at least another 30-50 years. The suitability of electric transport for most regions of Russia and market segments is extremely doubtful, as is the possibility of producing promising lithium batteries in Russia.

    Хотели бы обратить внимание Мэра на то, что в Москве работает единственный в стране конструктор ДВС - Алексей Феликсович Вуль - который уже спроектировал "с нуля" и построил действующий современный оппозитный дизельный двигатель с рядом запатентованных инноваций.

    Однако получить господдержку на доведения изделия до серийного производства А.Ф.Вуль не может в силу запретительных условий ее предоставления, в том числе в рамках Московс...
  • @telehunt_video #131780 06:14 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48561 ↩


    The units of the RF Armed Forces broke through the first line of defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in several sectors of the front in Serebryansky forestry. Below is the operational situation from the Kremensky direction and footage of combat work taken from the SuperCam drone of the 90th Panzer Division.

    Our fighters managed to wedge into the enemy defenses up to two kilometers. A number of strongholds and heights came under the control of Russian troops. The total length of the trenches in at least one of the taken oporniks is more than a kilometer. A really serious defensive line has fallen, which for many months fettered our actions on this sector of the front.

    The Armed Forces of Ukraine promptly brought up reserves and tried to regain lost positions, but this only turned out to be even greater losses for them. Now the enemy hastily digs in and strengthens reserve lines. It is precisely such engineering work that our aerial reconnaissance officers detect and direct artillery fire. At this moment, the offensive of the Russian army continues here.


    Подразделения ВС РФ прорвали первую линию обороны ВСУ на нескольких участках фронта в Серебрянском лесничестве. Ниже оперативная обстановка с Кременского направления и кадры боевой работы, снятые с дрона “SuperCam” 90-й танковой дивизии.

    Наши бойцы сумели вклиниться в оборону противника до двух километров. Под контроль войск России перешел целый ряд опорных пунктов и высот. Общая протяженность траншей как минимум в одном из взятых опор...
  • @telehunt_video #131781 06:14 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48562 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #131782 06:17 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/bditelnost/24966 ↩

    Бдительность - Z
  • @telehunt_video #131783 06:17 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/bditelnost/24967 ↩

    Бдительность - Z
  • @telehunt_video #131784 06:20 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124854 ↩


    The units of the RF Armed Forces broke through the first line of defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in several sectors of the front in Serebryansky forestry. Below is the operational situation from the Kremensky direction and footage of combat work taken from the SuperCam drone of the 90th Panzer Division.

    Our fighters managed to wedge into the enemy defenses up to two kilometers. A number of strongholds and heights came under the control of Russian troops. The total length of the trenches in at least one of the taken oporniks is more than a kilometer. A really serious defensive line has fallen, which for many months fettered our actions on this sector of the front.

    The Armed Forces of Ukraine promptly brought up reserves and tried to regain lost positions, but this only turned out to be even greater losses for them. Now the enemy hastily digs in and strengthens reserve lines. It is precisely such engineering work that our aerial reconnaissance officers detect and direct artillery fire. At this moment, the offensive of the Russian army continues here.


    Подразделения ВС РФ прорвали первую линию обороны ВСУ на нескольких участках фронта в Серебрянском лесничестве. Ниже оперативная обстановка с Кременского направления и кадры боевой работы, снятые с дрона “SuperCam” 90-й танковой дивизии.

    Наши бойцы сумели вклиниться в оборону противника до двух километров. Под контроль войск России перешел целый ряд опорных пунктов и высот. Общая протяженность траншей как минимум в одном из взятых опо...
  • @telehunt_video #131785 06:21 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48564 ↩


    🇬🇧💪 Short and clear. As it was in reality in the Cossack Camps. Final chord.

    🇷🇺💪 Коротко и ясно. Как всё было на самом деле в Казачьих Лагерях. Завершающий аккорд.

  • @telehunt_video #131786 06:26 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50906 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🏴‍☠️Bloody offensive: Bradley was blown up and the legs of the AFU militants were torn off
    ‼️🏴‍☠️Кровавое наступление: Bradley подорвалась и боевикам ВСУ оторвало ноги
  • @telehunt_video #131787 06:28 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/Doninside/19172 ↩

    Inside 🅉 Donetsk

    Artillerymen of the legendary "Kalmius" successfully received a batch of meteorological stations through the line of the MOO Veche. We hope that these devices will help the guys hit the enemy even more accurately throughout the controlled area.

    Help units on the front lines:

    Sberbank card 4276380166806872 or by phone number +79037001243 (Vladimir O).
    The same number accepts payments via SBP.

    BTC: 3AEveVjfjHQjzXL5GnNm7T8eYStP4HD1As
    USDT (ERC20): 0x3303bac8eb87ddf25004be0581c085d7cead7fcc
    ETH: 0x3303bac8eb87ddf25004be0581c085d7cead7fcc

    Full details (including for legal entities) - at the link: https://t.me/MOOVeche/1726

    We remind you that there is a warehouse in Moscow that accepts any assistance to the front - from military uniforms, equipment and special equipment to long-term storage products.
    Details at the link: https://t.me/MOOVeche/1735

    For all questions: write to [email protected] or call +79037001243 (whatsapp and telegram)


    Артиллеристы легендарного "Кальмиуса" успешно получили партию метеостанций по линии МОО Вече. Надеемся, что эти устройства помогут парням еще точнее бить врага по всему подконтрольному участку.

    Помочь подразделениям на передовой:

    Карта СберБанка 4276380166806872 или по номеру телефона +79037001243 (Владимир О).
    По этому же номеру принимаются платежи через СБП.

    BTC: 3AEveVjfjHQjzXL5GnNm7T8eYStP4HD1As
    USDT (TRC20): TMpV...
  • @telehunt_video #131788 06:29 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/bolshiepushki/4754 ↩

    Крупнокалиберный Переполох

    I follow the Moskva
    Down to Gorky Park listening to the wind of change
    An August summer night,
    Soldiers passing by listening to the wind of change
    I follow the Moskva
    Down to Gorky Park listening to the wind of change
    An August summer night,
    Soldiers passing by listening to the wind of change
  • @telehunt_video #131789 06:31 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/opersvodki/16329 ↩

    Оперативные сводки

    The war in Donbass has left its mark on the hearts of many Donetsk residents, including our heroine. In the most difficult time for her native land, she decided to head the Art-Donbass Museum and go through all the upcoming difficulties with it. The main activity of the museum is the work to promote and develop the culture and history of Donbass. Art-Donbass Art Museum actively contributes to the development of children's creativity, cooperating with various art schools, studios in the Palaces of Culture. And all this thanks to Ekaterina: “We are very pleased that many young artists come. We are happy to help them in revealing their talent, ”our heroine notes.

    Ekaterina Kalinichenko, being a young and creative specialist, could easily leave the war and find a promising job in any other region, but she remained in her native land, with her people.

    Война на Донбассе оставила свой отпечаток на сердцах многих дончан, в том числе и нашей героини. В самое трудное время для своего родного края, она приняла решение возглавить художественный музей «Арт-Донбасс» и пройти с ним все предстоящие трудности. Основное направление деятельности музея — это работа по популяризации и развитию культуры и истории Донбасса. ХМ «Арт-Донбасс» активно способствует развитию детского ...
  • @telehunt_video #131790 06:31 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/spletnicca/11282 ↩


    “We are people, but they are not”: the new speaker of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Sarah Ashton-Cirillo explained to the Western audience the difference between Ukraine and Russia:

    “What is the difference between us and them? Besides the fact that we fight for freedom under the Ukrainian flag, while the Russians fight for tyranny and dictatorship? Because we are human and they are not.”
    «Мы люди, а они — нет»: новый спикер ВСУ Сара Эштон-Чирилло объяснила западной аудитории разницу между Украиной и Россией:

    «В чём разница между нами и ими? Кроме того, что мы под украинским флагом сражаемся за свободу, а русские — за тиранию и диктатуру? В том, что мы люди, а они — нет».
  • @telehunt_video #131791 06:32 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/mig41/28153 ↩

    МИГ России

    Good news about demographics in Russia

    Interesting dialogue. The demographer Raksha, a man of the liberal opposition, tells Sobchak how his words were blatantly misrepresented in the influential The Economist. And, what is most interesting is that in Russia there has been a sharp increase in the number of children, and the death rate has decreased, now it is at a record low level. Despite.

    This is not a propagandist. This is a professional demographer.
    Хорошие новости о демографии в России

    Интересный диалог. Демограф Ракша, человек либерально-оппозиционных рассказывает Собчак, как его слова нагло переврали во влиятельном The Economist . И, что самое интересное, что в России резко увеличилась многодетность, и снизилась смертность, сейчас она — на рекордно низком уровне. Несмотря на.

    Это не пропагандист. Это профессиональный демограф.
  • @telehunt_video #131792 06:34 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/rlz_the_kraken/60133 ↩

    Выпускайте Кракена!

    Bloggers who are not distinguished by intelligence and ingenuity continue the parade of the creep

    This time, Ivangai, in his usual form, which psychiatrists have yet to investigate, said that his streams "save Ukraine."
    Не отличающиеся умом и сообразительностью блогеры продолжают парад кринжа

    На этот раз Ивангай в присущей ему форме, которую ещё предстоит исследовать психиатрам, заявил, что его стримы "спасают Украину".
  • @telehunt_video #131793 06:35 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/rybar/50540 ↩


    ❗️🎞 Rybar's analysis: results of August 8, 2023

    Mikhail Zvinchuk @rybar sums up the results of military operations on the fronts of a special military operation in his author's program on @SolovievLive.

    🔻In today's episode:

    ▪️Opening of the border crossing Kolotilovka-Pokrovka on the border of Sumy and Belgorod regions.

    ▪️Successful offensive of the Russian Armed Forces on the Kupyansky sector of the front.

    ▪️The situation near Bakhmut: the resumption of attacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine near the Berkhovsky reservoir.

    ▪️Fighting at the Vremyevsky sector: the RF Armed Forces continue to hold the defense of Urozhaynoye.

    ▪️Another unsuccessful attempt of the APU attack on Rabotino.

    ▪️Landing of the Ukrainian DRG on the left bank of the Dnieper near the Cossack camps.

    #video #analysis

    Support us

    ❗️🎞 Разборы Рыбаря: итоги 8 августа 2023 года

    Михаил Звинчук @rybar в своей авторской передаче на @SolovievLive подводит итоги боевых действий на фронтах специальной военной операции.

    🔻В сегодняшнем выпуске:

    ▪️Открытие погранперехода Колотиловка-Покровка на границе Сумской и Белгородской областей.

    ▪️Успешное наступление ВС РФ на Купянском участке фронта.

    ▪️Ситуация под Бахмутом: возобновление атак ВСУ у Берховского водохранилища.

  • @telehunt_video #131794 06:36 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/vladlentatarsky/21552 ↩

    Владлен Татарский

    Evening "People's Vladlen"

    "Yakut" and Combat Reserve are in touch

    -Combat situation in the Kherson direction
    Вечерний "Народный Владлен"

    На связи "Якут" и Боевой резерв

    -Боевая обстановка на Херсонском направлении
  • @telehunt_video #131795 06:36 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/uav_tech/18884 ↩

    Беспилотники (дроны, БПЛА, UAV)

    3D model of protection for TX12 remote control sticks.

    Earlier we said that the plug is needed for careful storage and transportation of the remote control (in a backpack, for example).
    If you put the remote in a bag without a plug, the sticks can be damaged (which often happens).

    The model is posted in our cloud of fpv competencies, by the link.

    3Д модель защиты для стиков пульта TX12.

    Ранее мы рассказывали, что заглушка нужна для бережного хранения и переноски пульта (в рюкзаке, например).
    Если убрать пульт в сумку без заглушки, то стики могут быть повреждены (что часто и случается).

    Модель выложена в нашем облаке fpv-компетенций, по ссылке.

  • @telehunt_video #131796 06:38 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/voenacher/50009 ↩

    Повёрнутые на Z войне 🇷🇺

    Ugledar direction. People's FPV-drone "Ghoul" from the team of the Turned at War attacks, although it can probably be more accurately said, it conducts harassing fire on the enemy's fortifications.

    In fact, such raids are a terrible thing. High accuracy, no output audible, just a short buzz and burst. The enemy himself often uses similar methods, now we, after more and more drones appear at the front, can dismantle the ops every day.

    In this video, it is not clear whether our drone killed someone this time, but 100 percent, the crest running through the trench at the end of the video, put a hefty brown larva right into his pants. Everyday life of the war, chronicles of the diving Ghoul.

    Угледарское направление. Народный FPV-дрон «Упырь» от команды Повернутых на Войне, атакует, хотя наверное точнее можно сказать, ведёт беспокоящий огонь по укрепу противника.

    На самом деле такие налеты, страшная штука. Высокая точность, не слышно выхода, только короткое жужжание и врыв. Противник сам часто использует подобные методы, теперь и мы после того как на фронте появляется все больше дронов, может ежедневно разбирать опор...
  • @telehunt_video #131797 06:39 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/45943 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    Mamaev kurgan. Russia. +41. Nowhere and never will this happen. Great people of a great country.
    Мамаев курган. Россия. +41. Нигде и никогда такого не бывает и не будет. Великие люди великой страны.
  • @telehunt_video #131798 06:40 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124855 ↩


    The fighters of the “West-Akhmat” battalion attacked the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the territory of the customs post Nekhoteevka, depriving the enemy of the opportunity to arrange sabotage attacks from this direction.

    This was announced by the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov.
    Бойцы батальона «Запад-Ахмат» нанесли удар по позициям ВСУ на территории таможенного поста Нехотеевка, лишив противника возможности устраивать диверсионные вылазки с этого направления.

    Об этом сообщил глава Чечни Рамзан Кадыров.
  • @telehunt_video #131799 06:46 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/mig41/28154 ↩

    МИГ России

    Alexei Raksha on the demographic situation in Ukraine - the country has rolled back to the level of the 19th century. This is a catastrophe. Moreover, without taking into account military operations, people simply do not want to give birth.
    Алексей Ракша о демографической ситуации на Украине — страна откатилась на уровень 19 века. Это катастрофа. Причем без учета военных действий — просто люди рожать не хотят.
  • @telehunt_video #131800 06:51 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/dvish_alive/26391 ↩


    Ukrainian Su-25 pilot works
    Працює український пілот Су-25
  • @telehunt_video #131801 06:54 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/rustroyka1945/12232 ↩

    ТРОЙКА 🏴‍☠️

    Over the past two days, crests have been hot🔥

    Pickups, MRAPs, and other equipment went to the service station to Bandera.

    And UR-77 VSUshnikov, out of fear, lowered his charge before the Doomsday strike💥

    More videos on the Sudoplatov channel

    PS Hi Madyar, go collect evidence😄

    За последние два дня у хохлов было жарко🔥

    Пикапы, MRAPы, и прочая техника отправилась на СТО к Бандере.

    А УР-77 ВСУшников, от страха спустил свой заряд перед ударом "Судного Дня"💥

    Еще больше видео на канале Судоплатов

    PS привет Мадяру, иди собирай доказательства😄

  • @telehunt_video #131802 06:57 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/sudoplatov_official/230 ↩


    Over the past two days, crests have been hot🔥

    Pickups, MRAPs, and other equipment went to the service station to Bandera.

    And UR-77 VSUshnikov, out of fear, lowered his charge before the Doomsday strike💥

    More videos on the Sudoplatov channel

    PS Hi Madyar, go collect evidence😄

    За последние два дня у хохлов было жарко🔥

    Пикапы, MRAPы, и прочая техника отправилась на СТО к Бандере.

    А УР-77 ВСУшников, от страха спустил свой заряд перед ударом "Судного Дня"💥

    Еще больше видео на канале Судоплатов

    PS привет Мадяру, иди собирай доказательства😄

  • @telehunt_video #131803 06:57 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/npo_dvina/11311 ↩

    Владимир Орлов

    It makes no difference which missiles will fly through the cities of Russia - English, French or German. The French-English STORM SHADOW are already arriving. Just recently we hit the bridge that connected the Crimea with the main territory of Russia. Germany will supply Taurus missiles - not long to wait. These missiles fly about 300-400 kilometers, depending on the weight of the warhead. This is a close analogue of STORM SHADOW - there is nothing special about it. They have approximately similar technical characteristics - and our air defense system, focusing on STORM SHADOW - understands what it will face.

    As for the Abrams, which Abrams will be supplied? Abrams from the period of the Desert Storm war will be delivered. This is the first version that does not have depleted uranium armor and does not have modern telecommunications communications. In fact, this is a tank of the Cold War period. It is in no way superior to those deliveries of weapons that have already been supplied. It is not adapted for this battlefield where NWO is taking place. In terms of its technical characteristics, it will not be issued in any way from either the Leopard or the Challenger, which were delivered. It's just that the Americans are getting rid of their old technology.

    Subscribe to Golovanov

    Никакой разницы нет, какие ракеты полетят по городам России - английские, французские или немецкие. Французско-английские STORM SHADOW уже прилетают. Буквально недавно попали по мосту, который связывал Крым с основной территорией России. Германия поставит ракеты Taurus - ждать осталось недолго. Эти ракеты летят порядка 300-400 километров в зависимости от веса боевой части. Это близкий аналог STORM SHADOW - ничего в нём особенного нет. ...
  • @telehunt_video #131804 06:59 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30224 ↩


    Over the past two days, crests have been hot🔥

    Pickups, MRAPs, and other equipment went to the service station to Bandera.

    And UR-77 VSUshnikov, out of fear, lowered his charge before the Doomsday strike💥

    More videos on the Sudoplatov channel

    PS Hi Madyar, go collect evidence😄

    За последние два дня у хохлов было жарко🔥

    Пикапы, MRAPы, и прочая техника отправилась на СТО к Бандере.

    А УР-77 ВСУшников, от страха спустил свой заряд перед ударом "Судного Дня"💥

    Еще больше видео на канале Судоплатов

    PS привет Мадяру, иди собирай доказательства😄

  • @telehunt_video #131805 07:03 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/opennewss/27320 ↩

    Русский аванпост ⚔️

    ‼️🇬🇧The village of Cossack camps near Kherson under the control of the Russian army
    ▪️Today it became known about the enemy's attempt to break through to the village by conducting a landing operation. According to authorities, the attack was repelled.
    ▪️Now shooting from small arms was not heard at the time of the shooting, corr. RIAN, but the enemy is shelling the village with mortars and howitzers.
    ‼️🇷🇺Поселок Казачьи Лагери под Херсоном под контролем армии России
    ▪️Сегодня стало известно о попытке врага прорваться к посёлку, проведя десантную операцию. По данным властей, атака была отражена.
    ▪️Сейчас стрельбы из стрелкового вооружения на момент съёмки слышно не было, сообщает корр. РИАН, но враг обстреливает поселок из минометов и гаубиц.
  • @telehunt_video #131806 07:05 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/newsfrontnotes/39737 ↩

    FRONTовые Zаметки
  • @telehunt_video #131807 07:05 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/newsfrontnotes/39736 ↩

    FRONTовые Zаметки

    The units of the RF Armed Forces broke through the first line of defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in several sectors of the front in Serebryansky forestry. Below is the operational situation from the Kremensky direction and footage of combat work taken from the SuperCam drone of the 90th Panzer Division.

    Our fighters managed to wedge into the enemy defenses up to two kilometers. A number of strongholds and heights came under the control of Russian troops. The total length of the trenches in at least one of the taken oporniks is more than a kilometer. A really serious defensive line has fallen, which for many months fettered our actions on this sector of the front.

    The Armed Forces of Ukraine promptly brought up reserves and tried to regain lost positions, but this only turned out to be even greater losses for them. Now the enemy hastily digs in and strengthens reserve lines. It is precisely such engineering work that our aerial reconnaissance officers detect and direct artillery fire. At this moment, the offensive of the Russian army continues here.


    Подразделения ВС РФ прорвали первую линию обороны ВСУ на нескольких участках фронта в Серебрянском лесничестве. Ниже оперативная обстановка с Кременского направления и кадры боевой работы, снятые с дрона “SuperCam” 90-й танковой дивизии.

    Наши бойцы сумели вклиниться в оборону противника до двух километров. Под контроль войск России перешел целый ряд опорных пунктов и высот. Общая протяженность траншей как минимум в одном из взяты...
  • @telehunt_video #131808 07:06 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/surf_noise1/31477 ↩


    Mamaev Kurgan, Stalingrad, +41℃

    We live in the best, most humane and fair country in the world
    Мамаев курган, Сталинград, +41℃

    Мы живём в лучшей, самой человечной и справедливой стране мира
  • @telehunt_video #131809 07:07 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94349 ↩


    The defeat of the Polish self-propelled guns Crab in the Kremensk direction.

    Поражение польской САУ Краб на Кременском направлении.

  • @telehunt_video #131810 07:08 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/45946 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    A heavy video showing the consequences of an American infantry fighting vehicle Bradley detonating on a mine. One of the Banderists lost his feet as a result of the explosion.

    Тяжелое видео на котором запечатлены последствия подрыва на мине американской БМП Бредли. Один из бандеровцев потерял ступни ног в результате взрыва.

  • @telehunt_video #131811 07:08 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV/28353 ↩

    Неофициальный Безсонов

    It makes no difference which missiles will fly through the cities of Russia - English, French or German. The French-English STORM SHADOW are already arriving. Just recently we hit the bridge that connected the Crimea with the main territory of Russia. Germany will supply Taurus missiles - not long to wait. These missiles fly about 300-400 kilometers, depending on the weight of the warhead. This is a close analogue of STORM SHADOW - there is nothing special about it. They have approximately similar technical characteristics - and our air defense system, focusing on STORM SHADOW - understands what it will face.

    As for the Abrams, which Abrams will be supplied? Abrams from the period of the Desert Storm war will be delivered. This is the first version that does not have depleted uranium armor and does not have modern telecommunications communications. In fact, this is a tank of the Cold War period. It is in no way superior to those deliveries of weapons that have already been supplied. It is not adapted for this battlefield where NWO is taking place. In terms of its technical characteristics, it will not be issued in any way from either the Leopard or the Challenger, which were delivered. It's just that the Americans are getting rid of their old technology.

    Subscribe to Golovanov

    Никакой разницы нет, какие ракеты полетят по городам России - английские, французские или немецкие. Французско-английские STORM SHADOW уже прилетают. Буквально недавно попали по мосту, который связывал Крым с основной территорией России. Германия поставит ракеты Taurus - ждать осталось недолго. Эти ракеты летят порядка 300-400 километров в зависимости от веса боевой части. Это близкий аналог STORM SHADOW - ничего в нём особенн...
  • @telehunt_video #131812 07:09 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/45947 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    Meeting on the Elbe
    Встреча на Эльбе
  • @telehunt_video #131813 07:17 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48566 ↩


    ⚡️ "Explosive work"! How do sappers of the Russian Armed Forces neutralize NATO weapons? ⚡️⚡️⚡️ Exclusive "Panorama" report from the front line!

    At least 20 thousand hectares of forests and fields in the Republic remain mined. The figure only continues to increase, including in the city. Literally today in the Kirovsky district of Donetsk mines "Petal" were scattered.

    Your news | SUBSCRIBE to UNION
    ⚡️ "Взрывная работа"! Как сапёры ВС РФ обезвреживают натовское вооружение? ⚡️⚡️⚡️ Эксклюзивный репортаж "Панорамы" с передовой!

    Минимум 20 тысяч гектаров лесов и полей в Республике остаются заминированными.Цифра только продолжает увеличиваться, в том числе и в городской черте. Буквально сегодня в Кировском районе Донецка рассыпались мины «Лепесток» .

    Ваши новости | ПОДПИСАТЬСЯ на ЮНИОН
  • @telehunt_video #131814 07:23 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/SonOfMonarchy/11139 ↩

    Сыны Монархии

    And this is how social advertising for improving demographics should look like when normal people do it))
    А вот так должна выглядеть социальная реклама улучшения демографии, когда ее делают нормальные люди))
  • @telehunt_video #131815 07:31 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94350 ↩


    A video is circulating on social networks in which a man declares that he came from Poland to fight for the Armed Forces of Ukraine in order to “squeeze out” Ukrainian territories.

    According to him, the Poles will take Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and other cities of Ukraine that historically belonged to them without a war:

    “My president and prime minister said to feed [Ukraine] and then, f*ck, squeeze it out slowly… We can’t just take them away. We need to make sure that the economy of Ukraine is simply destroyed.”

    The network writes that a man who introduced himself as a Polish mercenary spoke about the real plans of Warsaw when a Crimean stumbled upon him in a chat-roulette.


    В соцсетях расходится видео, на котором мужчина заявляет, что приехал из Польши воевать за ВСУ, чтобы «отжать» украинские территории.

    По его словам, поляки без войны заберут Львов, Ивано-Франковск и другие города Украины, которые исторически принадлежали им:

    «Мой президент и премьер-министр сказали, что надо кормить [Украину], а потом, на х**, отжимать потихоньку... Мы не можем их просто забрать. Нам надо сделать так, чтобы ...
  • @telehunt_video #131816 07:31 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/45952 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    Let's remember the classics. The song was performed by Ukrainian singer Luna, who hates us.
    But you can’t throw words out of the song🫶🏼🏴
    Вспомним классику. Песню исполняла Украиская певица Луна, которая нас ненавидит.
    Но из песни слов не выкинуть🫶🏼🏴
  • @telehunt_video #131817 07:32 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/panteri_panteri/23897 ↩

    Сербский Дивергент

    Some folk from the Caucasus forbids Russians to have relationships with their girls - they just observe traditions and culture. It's great that they do that.

    Russians if they forbid someone to start a relationship with their girls are nocists!!!!foshizdy1!1!1!ololo
    Какой-нибудь народец с кавказа запрещает русским заводить отношения со своими девушками - это они просто соблюдают традиции и культуру. Очень здорово что они так делают.

    Русские если запрещают кому-то заводить отношения со своими девушками - ноцисты!!!!фошизды1!1!1!ололо
  • @telehunt_video #131818 07:36 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50909 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
  • @telehunt_video #131819 07:36 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50908 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇬🇧The front needs help to repel the enemy offensive - the soldiers are asking for "Maviki"
    Due to numerous requests from the front, in May-June we held a collection for 60 Mavic 3 drones, collecting 10.5 million.
    As a result, 67 Mavic 3 drones were bought for 11.5 million. They continue to come to us in parts of 20-24 pieces and are distributed to the fighters.
    ❗️ From September 1, China should close the channel for supplying our soldiers with the necessary drones, we decided to hold a new collection in order to have time to buy them to the maximum.
    🤝Over 4 DAYS, 3.12 million rubles were collected.
    If someone is ready to help, then you can purchase and transfer directly to the fighters - contact through our bot @rvvoenkor_bot
    ▪️We are the media "Russian Spring" since 2014, we have been collecting on the cards of our military correspondent - Anastasia Mikhailovskaya (a film about our work on Channel 1):
    Sber 4276380146243048
    RNKB 2200020709749586
    Alpha: 2200150999146571
    ▪️For transfers from abroad, BTC, Ethereum, Monero wallets at the link
    All details about fees: t.me/rvvoenkor_frontu
    Also fees and reports in the special section on the site rusvesna.su

    ‼️🇷🇺Фронту нужна помощь для отражения наступления врага - бойцы просят "Мавики"
    По многочисленным просьбам с фронта мы с вами в мае-июне провели сбор на 60 дронов Mavic 3, собрав 10,5 млн.
    В итоге были куплены 67 дронов Mavic 3 на 11,5 млн. Они частями по 20-24 шт продолжают приходить к нам и раздаваться бойцам.
    ❗️Китай с 1 сентября должен перекрыть канал для поставок нашим бойцам необходимых дронов, мы решили провести новый ...
  • @telehunt_video #131820 07:38 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/ClanSever/833 ↩

    Клан Севера

    The theme of schools is still not profitable as much as possible because in a number of regions funding is completely 0. Moreover, money is sawed there normally. Some schools have a huge bolt from the state. I wanted to write for a long time, they asked me to wait, but in some places the schools even threw money at the money, promising to train the military. In our country, everyone began to train the military for free😏
    And here's where things took a very profitable turn. Sales, flashing, volunteering, fees, sponsors, money for training, including fictitious ones.
    Soon my patience will run out and I will write how they throw it, and about the attitude of the military to study, and about alcohol, and about the relationship between developers and schools. Soon my good ones, soon

    Тема школ максимально до сих пор не выгодная потому, что в ряде регионов финансирование полный 0. Более того денюжки там пилятся нормально. На некоторые школы забит огромный болт от государства. Давно хотел написать, попросили подождать, но кое где школы даже кинули на бабки, пообещав за обучение военных. У нас же все принялись бесплатно обучать военных😏
    А вот где то дело приняло очень даже выгодный поворот. Продажи, перепрошивки, волонт...
  • @telehunt_video #131821 07:40 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9894 ↩


    Donets Khokhlov will never win!
    Kalininsky district
    Donetsk now!

    The enemy will be defeated!
    Victory will be ours!
    Донец хохлам никогда не победить!
    Калининский район
    г.Донецка сейчас!

    Враг будет разбит!
    Победа будет за нами!
  • @telehunt_video #131822 07:42 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/ghost_of_novorossia/14738 ↩

    ПриZрак Новороссии


    The Kaluga branch of the People's Network project transferred 10 masksets to the 9th regiment, 1st battalion, 3rd company.

    ‼️I remind you the CURRENT details for collecting voluntary donations for the warring army:



    Roman Yurievich Z.

    If you are a legal entity and want to make a donation - write to @maskseti_bot.

    Калужским отделением проекта «Народная сеть» переданы 9 полку 1 батальону 3 роте 10 масксетей.

    ‼️Напоминаю АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ реквизиты для сбора добровольных пожертвований для воюющей армии:



    Роман Юрьевич З.

    Являетесь юр.лицом и хотите сделать пожертвования - пишите в @maskseti_bot.
  • @telehunt_video #131823 07:43 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/donbassinsider/39956 ↩

    Donbass Insider

      ⚡️📷 Ukraine is continuing to hammer the civilian population of center Donetsk. Today on the street Shorsa three people were killed, five more, including a child, received shrapnel wounds. People need to understand what is happening in Donetsk now and for the last 9 years. Photo Shorsa 94a:
      ⚡️📷 Ukraine is continuing to hammer the civilian population of center Donetsk. Today on the street Shorsa three people were killed, five more, including a child, received shrapnel wounds. People need to understand what is happening in Donetsk now and for the last 9 years. Photo Shorsa 94a:
  • @telehunt_video #131824 07:46 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23187 ↩

    Два майора

    Handed over gifts to signalmen!
    The fighters thank the subscribers of the channels "Swing Without Looking Z", "Two Majors", "Volga ZOV".

    On behalf of the channel administration, we would also like to thank the Two Majors team for their active assistance in raising funds for this application! Also volunteers of the Volga ZOV channel, who organized the purchase and delivery of these funds to us!

    Together we have completed the task.

    Передали подарки связистам!
    Бойцы благодарят подписчиков каналов "Махнём Не Глядя Z " , "Два Майора" ,"Волжский ZOV".

    От лица администрации канала, хотели бы так же поблагодарить команду "Два Майора" за активную помощь в сборе средств на данную заявку! Так же волонтёров канала "Волжский ZOV", которые организовали закупку и доставку нам данных средств!

    Общими усилиями мы выполнили поставленную задачу....
  • @telehunt_video #131825 07:48 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/45957 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    Hello alarmists who squealed today like n.p. Cossack camps on the left bank of the Dnieper are controlled by the forelocks.
    Привет паникерам, которые визжали сегодня, будто н.п. Казачьи Лагеря на левом берегу Днепра контролируется чубатыми.
  • @telehunt_video #131826 07:49 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48568 ↩


    They write: “In social networks, two girls were massively condemned for their speech that a Russian woman should be with a Russian man.
    They were called nationalists and provocateurs.
    There were also quite a few who connected this with the NWO and accused them of inciting hostility.

    Actually, what did they say wrong? Why condemn? If a Chechen girl or an Armenian girl, for example, says that they should give birth to children and marry Ze Chechens or Armenians, will they also be condemned and accused of Nazism?
    Girls, good luck to you, good husbands!
    All rightly said!

    Пишут "В соц. сетях массово осудили двух девушек за их речь о том, что русская женщина должна быть с русским мужчиной.
    Их назвали националистками и провокаторшами.
    Нашлось и не мало тех, кто связал это с СВО и обвинил их в разжигании вражды."

    Собственно, а что они неправильно то сказали? За что осуждать? Если чеченская девушка или армянская, например, скажут, что они должны рожать детей и выходить замуж Зе чеченцев или армян, их тоже о...
  • @telehunt_video #131827 07:51 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23189 ↩

    Два майора
  • @telehunt_video #131828 07:53 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37761 ↩


    🎼🎻 #SayThank youWagners

    If you can, don't die
    But if it was necessary, then for a just cause.
    Stormtroopers go to heaven
    Leaving the pierced body.

    "For those who died younger than me" -
    Writes twenty-year-old Sasha.
    They go to other places
    Better than ours.

    Don't shut up about them, don't shut up
    This is not the time to quit and get out.
    All Wagners go to heaven
    But you better live.
    💀 @wagner_group_pmc ♠️
    🎼🎻 #СкажиСпасибоВагнерам

    Если можешь - не умирай,
    Но если пришлось - то за правое дело.
    Штурмовики попадают в рай,
    Бросив пробитое тело.

    "За тех, кто умер моложе, чем я", -
    Пишет двадцатилетняя Саша.
    Они уходят в другие края,
    Лучше, чем наши.

    Не замолкай о них, не замолкай,
    Не время бросить и выйти.
    Все "Вагнера" попадают в рай,
    Но лучше живите.
    💀 @wagner_group_pmc ♠️
  • @telehunt_video #131829 07:56 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23191 ↩

    Два майора

    Improved T-72B3M model 2022!

    YouTube channel of the wonderful author Hellfire555 (active link)

    Good night everybody.

    Улучшенные Т-72Б3М образца 2022 года !

    Ютуб-канал замечательного автора Hellfire555 (активная ссылка)

    Всем доброй ночи.

  • @telehunt_video #131830 07:56 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48569 ↩


    “He left my Dima to die ... the child was unconscious” - the mother-in-law of the guy injured in a mass accident at 8 km told IA Mass Media Kamchatka that the taxi driver who drove into the oncoming lane, causing the accident, fled the scene
    «Он оставил моего Диму умирать….ребенок был без сознания» - теща пострадавшего в массовом ДТП на 8 км парня рассказала ИА Масс Медиа Камчатка, что таксист, выехавший на встречную полосу, став причиной аварии, скрылся с места происшествия
  • @telehunt_video #131831 07:57 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/newsfrontnotes/39739 ↩

    FRONTовые Zаметки

    Typical Ukraine, in which there is no Nazism.
    Типичная Украина, в которой так никакого нацизма и нет.
  • @telehunt_video #131832 07:59 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/izvestia/139343 ↩


    Amusement park opened in Belgorod.

    The amusement park "Kaleidoscope", which has 12 attractions, and the city beach appeared in Belgorod. On the opening day, these locations gathered several hundred Belgorod residents of different ages, who enthusiastically got acquainted with the new place for recreation. Izvestia correspondent Ksenia Soldatova shared footage from the scene.

    The opening of the park and the beach was attended by the Governor of the Belgorod region Vyacheslav Gladkov. He stressed that it is not planned to stop at this in improvement - in the next two years, a 20-kilometer embankment will be made.

    Subscribe to REN TV

    В Белгороде открылся парк с аттракционами.

    Парк развлечений "Калейдоскоп", в котором установлено 12 аттракционов, и городской пляж появились в Белгороде. В день открытия эти локации собрали несколько сотен белгородцев разных возрастов, которые увлеченно знакомились с новым местом для отдыха. Корреспондент "Известий" Ксения Солдатова поделилась кадрами с места событий.

    На открытии парка и пляжа присутствовал губернатор Белгородской области...
  • @telehunt_video #131833 08:00 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/romanov_92/41105 ↩

    Romanov Лайт ]ࣩࣩࣩࣩ࣯ࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩ
  • @telehunt_video #131834 08:12 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/voenacher/50015 ↩

    Повёрнутые на Z войне 🇷🇺

    ❗️🎞 Rybar's analysis: results of August 8, 2023

    Mikhail Zvinchuk @rybar sums up the results of military operations on the fronts of a special military operation in his author's program on @SolovievLive.

    🔻In today's episode:

    ▪️Opening of the border crossing Kolotilovka-Pokrovka on the border of Sumy and Belgorod regions.

    ▪️Successful offensive of the Russian Armed Forces on the Kupyansky sector of the front.

    ▪️The situation near Bakhmut: the resumption of attacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine near the Berkhovsky reservoir.

    ▪️Fighting at the Vremyevsky sector: the RF Armed Forces continue to hold the defense of Urozhaynoye.

    ▪️Another unsuccessful attempt of the APU attack on Rabotino.

    ▪️Landing of the Ukrainian DRG on the left bank of the Dnieper near the Cossack camps.

    #video #analysis

    Support us

    ❗️🎞 Разборы Рыбаря: итоги 8 августа 2023 года

    Михаил Звинчук @rybar в своей авторской передаче на @SolovievLive подводит итоги боевых действий на фронтах специальной военной операции.

    🔻В сегодняшнем выпуске:

    ▪️Открытие погранперехода Колотиловка-Покровка на границе Сумской и Белгородской областей.

    ▪️Успешное наступление ВС РФ на Купянском участке фронта.

    ▪️Ситуация под Бахмутом: возобновление атак ВСУ у Берховского водохрани...
  • @telehunt_video #131835 08:16 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/sudoplatov_official/231 ↩


    It would be a trough, but there will be pigs🤙.

    #ship payments
    #Judgment Day
    Было бы корыто, а свиньи найдутся🤙.

  • @telehunt_video #131836 08:17 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV/28354 ↩

    Неофициальный Безсонов

    "Reverse side of CIPSO"

    - combat situation;
    - just chatting.

    Admin channel: t.me/rsotmdivision
    "Обратная сторона ЦИПСО"
    08.08.2023 года

    - боевая обстановка;
    - просто, болтавня.

    Канал Админа: t.me/rsotmdivision
  • @telehunt_video #131837 08:24 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94352 ↩


    Yesterday's footage from our comrade: the Armed Forces of Ukraine, having retreated from the settlement of Novoselovskoye, strike at the positions of the RF Armed Forces with incendiary ammunition.

    Вчерашние кадры от нашего товарища: ВСУ, отступив из населенного пункта Новоселовское, наносят удары по позициям ВС РФ зажигательными боеприпасами.

  • @telehunt_video #131838 08:26 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/izvestia/139344 ↩


    A huge asteroid will make its closest approach to Earth on August 23, NASA said.

    According to experts, the celestial body 1988 EG will fly towards our planet at a speed of 14.25 km/s. Its diameter ranges from 430 to 960 meters. The distance between it and the planet will be 0.04 astronomical units or almost 6.1 million kilometers.

    Watch the live broadcast of the round-the-clock news channel "Izvestia"
    Огромный астероид максимально приблизится к Земле 23 августа, рассказали в NASA.

    По данным специалистов, небесное тело 1988 EG будет лететь к нашей планете со скоростью 14,25 км/с. Его диаметр составляет от 430 до 960 метров. Расстояние между ним и планетой составит 0,04 астрономической единицы или почти 6,1 млн километров.

    Смотрите прямой эфир круглосуточного информационного телеканала "Известия"
  • @telehunt_video #131839 08:27 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/newsfrontnotes/39741 ↩

    FRONTовые Zаметки

    A resident of Vienna is indignant that they do not have people like Putin.

    Alas. We are also very sorry that there are no people of honor and conscience in the countries of Europe and America.
    Жительница Вены негодует, что у них нет таких, как Путин.

    Увы. Нам тоже очень жаль, что в странах Европы и Америки нет людей чести и совести.
  • @telehunt_video #131840 08:44 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48573 ↩


    Already even the animals realized what to do when meeting with such.
    Уже даже до животных дошло, что делать при встрече с такими.
  • @telehunt_video #131841 08:47 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/newsfrontnotes/39742 ↩

    FRONTовые Zаметки

    Ukrainian Armed Forces continue shelling Aleshki in Kherson region

    Military correspondent footage News Front LeX

    ВСУ продолжают обстреливают Алешек в Херсонской области

    Кадры военкора News Front LeX

  • @telehunt_video #131842 08:59 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37765 ↩


    ❗️In the area of ​​N. p. Otradokamenka, scouts of the Dnepr group of troops opened the temporary deployment point of one of the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

    It was wiped off the face of the earth by a precise airstrike. 😈

    ❗️In the area of ​​the locality of Otradokamenka, the detachments of the Dnepr group of troops opened a temporary deployment point of one of the AFU units.

    It was wiped off the face of the earth by an accurate air strike. 😈


    ❗️В районе н.п. Отрадокаменка развечиками группировки войск «Днепр» был вскрыт пункт временной дислокации одного из подразделений ВСУ.

    Точным авиаударом он был стерт с лица земли. 😈

    ❗️In the area of the locality of Otradokamenka, the detachments of the Dnepr group of troops opened a temporary deployment point of one of the AFU units.

    It was wiped off the face of the earth by an accurate air strike. 😈

    💀 WAGNER Z G...
  • @telehunt_video #131843 09:00 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37766 ↩


    🎼🎻 No worries to all personnel of the night! 💥
    Those who are in the outfit continue to drag the service! Who is on guard and in "secrets" to be on the lookout!👁
    The rest of the END!

    And do not forget that Victory will definitely be ours. Because the truth is on our side. With these thoughts we fall asleep. Hug ✊🏻🤙🏻

    All personnel of the night without alarm! 💥
    Those who are in the outfit continue to drag the service! Who is on guard and in "secrets" to be on the lookout!👁
    The rest of the CLEAR! And healthy, sound sleep!
    I firmly shake hands with everyone!🤙🏻✊🏻🏴🇷🇺😎🤝

    🎼🎻 Всему личному составу ночи без тревог! 💥
    Те кто в наряде продолжаем тащить службу ! Кто в карауле и в ,,секретах,, быть на стрёме!👁
    Остальным ОТБОЙ!

    И не забываем, что Победа обязательно будет за нами. Потому что правда на нашей стороне. С этими мыслями и засыпаем. Обнял ✊🏻🤙🏻

    All personnel of the night without alarm! 💥
    Those who are in the outfit continue to drag the service! Who is on guard an...
  • @telehunt_video #131844 09:01 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94353 ↩


    August 8, Military Chronicle. The main events of the day

    8 августа, Военная хроника. Главные события этого дня.

  • @telehunt_video #131845 09:02 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/VladimirKarasyov/34540 ↩

    Владимир V Карасёв

    Friends, another short video with Alexey. He moves more and more confidently, getting used to the prosthesis, which together with you helped him to find.

    👍 Keep it up, Alex!

    👇 Our other social networks at the bottom of the post. Subscribe, friends!

    VKontakte ● Odnoklassniki ● Youtube channel ● Rutube channel ● Website

    Друзья, еще одно небольшое видео с Алексеем. Он двигается все увереннее, привыкая к протезу, который мы вместе с вами помогли ему обрести.

    👍 Так держать, Алексей!

    👇 Другие наши соц.сети внизу поста. Подписывайтесь, друзья!

    ВКонтакте ● Одноклассники ● Youtube-канал ● Rutube-канал ● Сайт

  • @telehunt_video #131846 09:02 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/chvkmedia/81538 ↩

    ЧВК Медиа

    It's no secret that my hackers can do everything. An interesting document (link to the document and translation) of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs was found on one of the e-mails of the Armed Forces of Ukraine about the search for schemes for the supply of Swiss weapons to Ukraine in order to supply weapons and maintain a neutral status. This document was handed over to the Ukrainian side of the US intelligence services, which also spy on the Swiss. I would advise you to draw the attention of the Russian Foreign Ministry to this document.

    I also publish a video inside the mail where this document was. We have access to all their emails, applications and devices. And I also love to brag. I'm the Joker.

    Ни для кого не секрет, что моим хакерам подвластно всё. На одной из электронных почт ВСУ был обнаружен интересный документ (ссылка на документ и перевод) Федерального департамента иностранных дел Швейцарии о поисках схем поставок швейцарского вооружения на Украину, чтобы и вооружение поставлять и нейтральный статус сохранить. Этот документ передали украинской стороне спецслужбы США, которые также шпионят за швейцарцами. Советовал бы обрат...
  • @telehunt_video #131847 09:11 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/ghost_of_novorossia/14748 ↩

    ПриZрак Новороссии

    We are handing over to the 83rd separate air assault brigade a set of 20 camouflage nets in the Moss color scheme, 3*6m in size.

    The guys promise that the enemy will be defeated. And the task of the rear is to help them win. And without high-quality competent disguise, this can not be done in any way.

    In order for the #people_network project to continue working and pay for materials for military orders for the autumn period, we need your support.

    You can help us in two ways:

    1️⃣ Make a donation for the purchase of materials

    Roman Yurievich Z.

    2️⃣ Sign up for weaving camouflage nets
    - in Moscow, Adler, Aleksandrov, Belgorod, Voronezh, Donetsk, Dmitrov, Kaluga, Kirishi, Pskov, Rostov-on-Don, St. Petersburg, Simferopol, Sochi, Chelyabinsk, Yalta - write to @maskseti_bot.

    - in Saratov, Volgograd, Volzhsky, Volsk, Yekaterinburg, Yelabuga, Kazan, Kursk, Mozhga, Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Novouzensk, Orenburg, Samara, Syzran, Tver, Tolyatti, Ufa, Shikhany, Yaroslavl - write to @techpobedabot .

    Передаем в 83 отдельную десантно-штурмовую бригаду комплект из 20 маскировочных сетей расцветки «Мох» размера 3*6м.

    Парни обещают, что враг будет разбит. А задача тыла — помочь им победить. И без качественной грамотной маскировки этого никак не сделаешь.

    Чтобы проект #народная_сеть мог продолжить работать и оплатить материалы для заказов военных на осенний период, нам нужна ваша поддержка.

    Вы можете помочь нам двумя способам...
  • @telehunt_video #131848 09:19 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV/28356 ↩

    Неофициальный Безсонов

    It's no secret that my hackers can do everything. An interesting document (link to the document and translation) of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs was found on one of the e-mails of the Armed Forces of Ukraine about the search for schemes for the supply of Swiss weapons to Ukraine in order to supply weapons and maintain a neutral status. This document was handed over to the Ukrainian side of the US intelligence services, which also spy on the Swiss. I would advise you to draw the attention of the Russian Foreign Ministry to this document.

    I also publish a video inside the mail where this document was. We have access to all their emails, applications and devices. And I also love to brag. I'm the Joker.

    Ни для кого не секрет, что моим хакерам подвластно всё. На одной из электронных почт ВСУ был обнаружен интересный документ (ссылка на документ и перевод) Федерального департамента иностранных дел Швейцарии о поисках схем поставок швейцарского вооружения на Украину, чтобы и вооружение поставлять и нейтральный статус сохранить. Этот документ передали украинской стороне спецслужбы США, которые также шпионят за швейцарцами. Совето...
  • @telehunt_video #131849 09:22 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/ghost_of_novorossia/14749 ↩

    ПриZрак Новороссии


    We are understaffing the 358th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment of the 20th Guards Division of the 8th Army.

    We pass to the guys:
    — 6 portable stations "Lira" 2000V;
    - 6 additional batteries for them;
    - a certain amount of zip (spare parts, tools and accessories) to car stations.

    Unfortunately, we cannot give out the car stations themselves right now - they are being taken away clean. Looking forward to a new batch!

    In order for the digitalization of the warring army to be more successful, we need your support.

    ‼️I remind you the CURRENT details for collecting voluntary donations for the warring army:

    Roman Yurievich Z.



    If you are a legal entity and want to make donations for the purchase of material for the maskset and / or radio communications - write to @maskseti_bot, now your help is needed more than ever


    Доукомплектовываем 358 зенитно-ракетный полк 20 гвардейской дивизии 8 армии.

    Передаем парням:
    — 6 портативных станций «Lira» 2000V;
    — 6 дополнительных аккумуляторов к ним;
    — определенное количество зипа (запчасти, инструменты и принадлежности) к автомобильным станциям.

    К сожалению, сами автомобильные станции сейчас выдать не можем — их забирают подчистую. Ждем новую партию!

    Чтобы цифровизация воюющее арм...
  • @telehunt_video #131850 09:28 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50917 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇬🇧Battles for Staromayorskoye: the landing force destroys the enemy trying to gain a foothold in the village
    ▪️Fighting on the Vremevsky ledge continues, having occupied Staromayorsoye, the enemy is trying to hold on there.
    ▪️VDV fighters continue to hunt down and cover up the fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who are trying to create positions in the village.
    ▪️As A. Khodakovsky said, the enemy was in a disadvantageous position for himself and is now paying with blood for location in a village located in a lowland.

    ‼️🇷🇺Бои за Старомайорское: десант уничтожает врага, пытающегося закрепиться в селе
    ▪️Бои на Времевском выступе продолжаются, заняв Старомайорсое враг пытается там удержаться.
    ▪️Бойцы ВДВ продолжают выслеживать и накрывать боевиков ВСУ, пытающихся создать позиции в населенном пункте.
    ▪️Как и говорил А. Ходаковский, противник оказался в невыгодной для себя позиции и теперь платит кровью за расположение в находящемся в низине се...
  • @telehunt_video #131851 09:37 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/voenacher/50016 ↩

    Повёрнутые на Z войне 🇷🇺

    A direct hit on a group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kleshcheevka area in the Bakhmut direction.

    Прямое попадание по группе ВСУ в районе Клещеевки на Бахмутском направлении.

  • @telehunt_video #131852 09:42 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/45975 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    ‼️🇬🇧Battles for Staromayorskoye: the landing force destroys the enemy trying to gain a foothold in the village
    ▪️Fighting on the Vremevsky ledge continues, having occupied Staromayorsoye, the enemy is trying to hold on there.
    ▪️VDV fighters continue to hunt down and cover up the fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who are trying to create positions in the village.
    ▪️ As A. Khodakovsky said, the enemy occupied the village, but found himself in a dangerous position for himself and is now paying with blood for the location in the lowland village.

    ‼️🇷🇺Бои за Старомайорское: десант уничтожает врага, пытающегося закрепиться в селе
    ▪️Бои на Времевском выступе продолжаются, заняв Старомайорсое враг пытается там удержаться.
    ▪️Бойцы ВДВ продолжают выслеживать и накрывать боевиков ВСУ, пытающихся создать позиции в населенном пункте.
    ▪️Как и говорил А. Ходаковский, противник занял село, но оказался в опасной для себя позиции и теперь платит кровью за расположение в находящемся...
  • @telehunt_video #131853 10:06 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94354 ↩


    A rather rare sample was lit up on the move, namely the High-speed Trench Machine (BTM) of the APU.

    video: @milinfolive
    Засветился довольно редкий образец на ходу, а именно Быстроходная Траншейная Машина (БТМ) ВСУ.

    видео: @milinfolive
  • @telehunt_video #131854 10:14 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50918 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇬🇧Fighting at Kleshcheevka: the 4th brigade destroys the enemy on the flank of Artyomovsk
    Our fighters continue to repel the enemy offensive on the southern flank of Artemovsk.
    The scouts discovered a group of AFU militants and covered them with accurate artillery fire.
    ‼️🇷🇺Бои у Клещеевки: 4-я бригада уничтожает врага на фланге Артёмовска
    Наши бойцы продолжают отражать наступление врага на южном фланге Артёмовска.
    Разведчики обнаружили группу боевиков ВСУ и накрыли точным огнем артиллерии.
  • @telehunt_video #131855 10:27 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/voenacher/50017 ↩

    Повёрнутые на Z войне 🇷🇺

    The chubat warrior tells how the KhokhlosMI frankly fucks the people about all the victories of the ukroreich. But in fact, it turns out that the Russians fuck them, and very well.

    Maybe he even liked it, since he started cutting such a uterus😏
    Чубатый воеватель рассказывает как хохлоСМИ откровенно так наебывает народ касательно всех перемог укрорейха. А на деле то оказывается русские их ебут, и очень даже неплохо.

    Возможно ему даже понравилось, раз такую матку рубить начал😏
  • @telehunt_video #131856 10:31 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV/28357 ↩

    Неофициальный Безсонов

    The chubat warrior tells how the KhokhlosMI openly fuck the people about all the victories of the ukroreich. But in fact, it turns out that the Russians fuck them, and very well.

    Maybe he even liked it, since he started cutting such a uterus😏
    Чубатый воеватель рассказывает как хохлоСМИ откровенно так наебывают народ касательно всех перемог укрорейха. А на деле то оказывается русские их ебут, и очень даже неплохо.

    Возможно ему даже понравилось, раз такую матку рубить начал😏
  • @telehunt_video #131857 10:37 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/RtrDonetsk/19665 ↩

    Репортёр Руденко V🇷🇺

    ⚡️ In the area of ​​Kleshcheevka, our air reconnaissance detected the movement of the enemy (up to the platoon). The coordinates were immediately transferred to the artillery, which worked at lightning speed and right on target. The enemy was completely destroyed.

    Such is the price of "meat assaults".
    ⚡️ В районе Клещеевки наша воздушная разведка засекла передвижение противника ( до взвода). Координаты тут же были переданы артиллерии которая отработала молниеносно и точно в цель. Враг был полностью уничтожен.

    Такова цена «мясных штурмов».
  • @telehunt_video #131858 10:40 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/donbassinsider/39957 ↩

    Donbass Insider

    🇷🇺🇺🇦 In the Klechtcheyevka area near Artiomovsk, Russian air reconnaissance detected the movement of the enemy (a platoon). The coordinates were immediately transferred to the artillery, which worked with lightning speed and straight on target. The enemy has been completely destroyed.

    🇷🇺🇺🇦 Dans la zone de Klechtcheyevka, près d'Artiomovsk, la reconnaissance aérienne russe a détecté le mouvement de l'ennemi (un peloton). Les coordonnées ont été immédiatement transférées à l'artillerie, qui a travaillé à la vitesse de l'éclair et droit sur la cible. L'ennemi a été complètement détruit.

  • @telehunt_video #131859 10:45 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/ghost_of_novorossia/14753 ↩

    ПриZрак Новороссии


    The Yalta branch of the project "People's Network" transferred:

    🇬🇧 Russian Guard 5 "Mokh" networks;
    🇬🇧126 Naval Defense Brigade, Jet Division 5 "Mokh" networks.

    ‼️I remind you the CURRENT details for collecting voluntary donations for the warring army:



    Roman Yurievich Z.

    If you are a legal entity and want to make a donation - write to @maskseti_bot.

    Ялтинским отделением проекта «Народная сеть» переданы:

    🇷🇺 Росгвардии 5 сетей «Мох»;
    🇷🇺126 бригаде морской обороны, Реактивному дивизиону 5 сетей «Мох».

    ‼️Напоминаю АКТУАЛЬНЫЕ реквизиты для сбора добровольных пожертвований для воюющей армии:



    Роман Юрьевич З.

    Являетесь юр.лицом и хотите сделать пожертвования - пишите в @maskseti_bot.
  • @telehunt_video #131860 10:45 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/ghost_of_novorossia/14754 ↩

    ПриZрак Новороссии
  • @telehunt_video #131861 10:45 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/izvestia/139348 ↩


    📌 The main news by this hour is in our video digest

    Watch the live broadcast of the round-the-clock news channel "Izvestia"
    📌 Главные новости к этому часу — в нашем видео-дайджесте

    Смотрите прямой эфир круглосуточного информационного телеканала "Известия"
  • @telehunt_video #131862 11:36 PM, 08 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37769 ↩


    🎼🎻 The story of one fighter. 🤙🏻✊🏻
    💀 @wagner_group_pmc♠️
    🎼🎻 История одного бойца. 🤙🏻✊🏻
    💀 @wagner_group_pmc♠️
  • @telehunt_video #131863 12:21 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/DDGeopolitics/76496 ↩

    DD Geopolitics


    Mali fears a military intervention in Niger will leave a trail of destruction lasting decades.

    It made the warning while sending a joint delegation with Burkina Faso to Niamey to show support for its neighbour.

    ECOWAS has so far failed to follow through on its threat of military action against Niger if its ousted president is not re-instated.

    President Bazoum was removed in a coup two weeks ago amid fierce anti-French sentiment in the former French colony.

    Hear Us Roar: https://t.me/AfricanStream


    Mali fears a military intervention in Niger will leave a trail of destruction lasting decades.

    It made the warning while sending a joint delegation with Burkina Faso to Niamey to show support for its neighbour.

    ECOWAS has so far failed to follow through on its threat of military action against Niger if its ousted president is not re-instated.

    President Bazoum was removed in a coup two weeks ago amid fierce anti-...
  • @telehunt_video #131864 12:22 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ghost_of_novorossia/14755 ↩

    ПриZрак Новороссии

    Night 😌
    What do coordinators do at night?
    Of course, they pack another cargo 🫡

    The request from Arta, the gods of war, was for us outside the scope of our activities, but we almost managed.

    We thank the Rostovites and everyone who helped us. ❣️
    We also thank Lilia and her son, they helped palletize 7 pallets with cargo 💪

    Yes, we see off the summer with a sad look 🙄, but this summer we sent TONS of cargo to the NWO zone for our Army!
    Sucking insects in the warehouse just attacked us, it was a swarm of rabid and hungry mosquitoes 🥹

    We are satisfied, today is a good day, just great ❣️

    We are waiting for another 50 completed first-aid kits, and we send the cargo.
    Also, 35 6x3 camouflage nets were packed as part of the #Narodnaya_Network project.

    Follow the news on our channel.

    The enemy will be defeated ⚔️
    Victory will be ours ⚔️

    Ночь 😌
    Что делают координаторы ночью?
    Конечно же пакуют очередной груз 🫡

    Заявка от арты, богов войны- была для нас вне рамок нашей деятельности, но мы почти справились.

    Благодарим ростовчан, и всех кто нам помогал. ❣️
    Лилию и ее сыночка так же благодарим, они помогли запаллетировать 7 поддонов с грузом 💪

    Да, лето мы провожаем грустным взглядом 🙄, но зато  этим летом  мы отправили ТОННЫ груза в зону СВО для нашей Армии!
  • @telehunt_video #131865 12:41 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusbrief/143796 ↩


    Footage from the moment of the destruction of the drone in the area of ​​​​the Minsk highway near Moscow is published by Shot. The video shows a flash, and then a loud explosion sound is heard. According to unconfirmed information, the UAV was shot down in the Odintsovo district.
    Кадры с моментом уничтожения беспилотника в районе Минского шоссе под Москвой публикует Shot. На видео видно вспышку, а затем слышно громкий звук взрыва. По неподтвержденной информации, БПЛА сбили в Одинцовском районе.
  • @telehunt_video #131866 12:50 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/bditelnost/24981 ↩

    Бдительность - Z

    ❗🇬🇧🇺🇦 The moment when an enemy UAV was destroyed in the area of ​​the Minsk Highway on approach to Moscow by air defense forces.

    The video shows a flash, and then a loud explosion sound is heard. The device was shot down in the Odintsovo region.

    #Russia #Moscow #Moscow_region #Ukraine #terrorism #sabotage

    Subscribe to "Vigilance-Z"

    ❗🇷🇺🇺🇦 Момент уничтожения  БПЛА противника в районе Минского шоссе на подлёте к Москве силами ПВО.

    На видео видна вспышка, а затем слышен громкий звук взрыва. Аппарат был сбит в Одинцовском районе.

    #Россия #Москва #Московская_область #Украина #терроризм #диверсии

    Подписаться на «Бдительность-Z» 

  • @telehunt_video #131867 12:58 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124865 ↩


    Air defense forces shot down two drones on approach to Moscow, there is no information about the victims, Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said.

    "There was an attempt to fly over the city of two combat drones. Both were shot down by air defense. One in the Domodedovo area, the second in the Minsk highway area. At the moment, there is no information about the victims of the fall of the wreckage. Emergency services are working on the spot," he wrote in his Telegram- channel.
    Силы ПВО сбили два беспилотника на подлете к Москве, информации о пострадавших нет, сообщил мэр Сергей Собянин.

    "Была попытка пролета на город двух боевых беспилотников. Оба сбиты ПВО. Один в районе Домодедово, второй в районе Минского шоссе. На данную минуту информации о пострадавших от падения обломков нет. Экстренные службы работают на месте", — написал он в своем Telegram-канале.
  • @telehunt_video #131868 12:58 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/milinfolive/104856 ↩

    Военный Осведомитель

    ❗️ Sobyanin: There was an attempt to fly two combat drones to Moscow. Both shot down by air defense. One in the Domodedovo area, the second in the Minsk highway area. At the moment, there is no information about the victims of the fall of the wreckage. Emergency services are on site
    ❗️Собянин: Была попытка пролёта на Москву двух боевых беспилотников. Оба сбиты ПВО. Один в районе Домодедово, второй в районе Минского шоссе. На данную минуту информации о пострадавших от падения обломков нет. Экстренные службы работают на месте
  • @telehunt_video #131869 01:09 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94366 ↩


    Mortar battery OBTF "Cascade"

    Checking the mines for suitability, their cleanliness and correct adjustment for the target is the key to the success of the destruction of neo-Nazis. A fighter of the OBTF "Cascade" with the call sign "Fox" spoke about the work of the mortar crew and interaction with the "birds"

    Минометная батарея ОБТФ «Каскад»

    Проверка мин на пригодность, их чистота и правильная корректировка по цели - залог успеха уничтожения неонацистов. Боец ОБТФ «Каскад» с позывным «Лис» рассказал о работе миномётного расчета и взаимодействии с «птичками»

  • @telehunt_video #131870 02:00 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rian_ru/211557 ↩

    РИА Новости

    Units of the Russian group of troops "Center" thwarted six attempts to attack the Armed Forces of Ukraine, destroying 60 militants, RIA Novosti was told in the Ministry of Defense
    Подразделения российской группировки войск "Центр" сорвали шесть попыток атак ВСУ, уничтожив 60 боевиков, рассказали РИА Новости в Минобороны
  • @telehunt_video #131871 02:08 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94367 ↩


    Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, transgender UAF spokeswoman for Western audiences, tweeted her revelation:

    “What is the difference between us [the West and Ukraine] and them [Russia]? Besides the fact that we are fighting for freedom under this [yellow-black] flag, and they are fighting for tyranny and dictatorship? The fact that we are people, but they [Russians] are not.”

    There is no fascism in Ukraine ©

    One Austrian artist also said something similar...

    On which we congratulate you, comrades-Untermensch.

    Well, well, from the point of view of these representatives of an undoubtedly superior race, we, the citizens of Russia, are some kind of insects.

    But here's what is absolutely certain, from the point of view of biology, this is not quite a mentally healthy something called Sarah Ashton-Cirillo - not a man and not a woman, no matter what dresses she dresses up and no matter how she paints her lips, and does not try to portray secondary sex characteristics.

    No matter how hard you try, you can't fool nature.

    Your CC

    Официальный представитель ВСУ для западной аудитории трансгендер Сара Эштон-Чирилло поделилась в твиттере своим откровением:

    «В чëм разница между нами [Западом и Юкрейн] и ими [Россией]? Кроме того, что мы под этим [жовто-блакитным] флагом сражаемся за свободу, а они - за тиранию и диктатуру? В том, что мы люди, а они [русские] - нет»

    На Украине нет фашизма ©

    Один австрийский художник тоже что-то подобное говорил...

    С чем мы вас...
  • @telehunt_video #131872 02:13 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusich_army/10297 ↩


    The war in Donbass has left its mark on the hearts of many Donetsk residents, including our heroine. In the most difficult time for her native land, she decided to head the Art-Donbass Museum and go through all the upcoming difficulties with it. The main activity of the museum is the work to promote and develop the culture and history of Donbass. Art-Donbass Art Museum actively contributes to the development of children's creativity, cooperating with various art schools, studios in the Palaces of Culture. And all this thanks to Ekaterina: “We are very pleased that many young artists come. We are happy to help them in revealing their talent, ”our heroine notes.

    Ekaterina Kalinichenko, being a young and creative specialist, could easily leave the war and find a promising job in any other region, but she remained in her native land, with her people.

    Война на Донбассе оставила свой отпечаток на сердцах многих дончан, в том числе и нашей героини. В самое трудное время для своего родного края, она приняла решение возглавить художественный музей «Арт-Донбасс» и пройти с ним все предстоящие трудности. Основное направление деятельности музея — это работа по популяризации и развитию культуры и истории Донбасса. ХМ «Арт-Донбасс» активно способствует развитию детског...
  • @telehunt_video #131873 02:30 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rian_ru/211558 ↩

    РИА Новости

    The artillery crew of the D-30 howitzer of the Central Military District of Russia destroyed the Ukrainian camouflaged stronghold and fortifications in the Krasnolimansk direction, RIA Novosti was told in the Ministry of Defense
    Артиллерийский расчет гаубицы Д-30 Центрального военного округа России уничтожил украинский замаскированный опорный пункт и укрепления на краснолиманском направлении, сообщили РИА Новости в Минобороны
  • @telehunt_video #131874 02:41 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50921 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🏴‍☠️🇺🇦The enemy publishes a video of a raid on our bank of the Dnieper
    "The destruction of the command post of the Russians in the occupied part of the Kherson region. The special operation was carried out by the fighters of the Stugna unit together with other units," Ukrainian military propaganda broadcasts
    Commentary of our comrade from intelligence, fighting on the same sector of the front:
    "They destroyed the command post?! The command post on the shore?! 😂
    So why are they running away with their tails between their legs?)))"
    Editor's note: enemy attacks on the banks of the Dnieper should not be underestimated, but this video is obviously propaganda nonsense.

    ‼️🏴‍☠️🇺🇦Враг публикует видео налёта на наш берег Днепра
    "Уничтожение командного пункта россиян на оккупированной части Херсонщины. Спецоперация была проведена бойцами подразделения "Стугна" совместно с другими подразделениями", - вещает украинские военная пропаганда
    Комментарий нашего товарища из разведки, воюющего на этом же участке фронта:
    "Они уничтожили КП?! Командный пункт на берегу?! 😂
    Ну и чего они убегают поджав хвост...
  • @telehunt_video #131875 02:49 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/chvkmedia/81539 ↩

    ЧВК Медиа

    Sarah Ashton-Cirillo, transgender UAF spokeswoman for Western audiences, tweeted her revelation:

    “What is the difference between us [the West and Ukraine] and them [Russia]? Besides the fact that we are fighting for freedom under this [yellow-black] flag, and they are fighting for tyranny and dictatorship? The fact that we are people, but they [Russians] are not.”

    There is no fascism in Ukraine ©

    One Austrian artist also said something similar...

    On which we congratulate you, comrades-Untermensch.

    Well, well, from the point of view of these representatives of an undoubtedly superior race, we, the citizens of Russia, are some kind of insects.

    But here's what is absolutely certain, from the point of view of biology, this is not quite a mentally healthy something called Sarah Ashton-Cirillo - not a man and not a woman, no matter what dresses she dresses up and no matter how she paints her lips, and does not try to portray secondary sex characteristics.

    No matter how hard you try, you can't fool nature.

    Your CC

    Официальный представитель ВСУ для западной аудитории трансгендер Сара Эштон-Чирилло поделилась в твиттере своим откровением:

    «В чëм разница между нами [Западом и Юкрейн] и ими [Россией]? Кроме того, что мы под этим [жовто-блакитным] флагом сражаемся за свободу, а они - за тиранию и диктатуру? В том, что мы люди, а они [русские] - нет»

    На Украине нет фашизма ©

    Один австрийский художник тоже что-то подобное говорил...

    С чем мы вас, то...
  • @telehunt_video #131876 03:07 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94368 ↩


    MLRS "Cheburashka" works on the enemy

    Created in the DPR, an analogue of the "Sun" with 64 launch guide tubes fires 217-mm thermobaric projectiles in the NWO zone.

    РСЗО "Чебурашка" работает по противнику

    Созданный в ДНР аналог "Солнцепёка" имеющей 64 пусковых направляющих труб, ведёт огонь 217-мм термобарическими снарядами п в зоне СВО.

  • @telehunt_video #131877 03:10 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/UAVDEV/3246 ↩

    Разработчик БПЛА

    🇬🇧🇺🇦Ukrainian drone landed with drone striker
    🇷🇺🇺🇦Украинский беспилотник посажен с помощью дронобойки
  • @telehunt_video #131878 03:11 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23193 ↩

    Два майора


    “There was an attempt to fly over the city of two combat drones. Both were shot down by air defense. One in the Domodedovo area, the second in the Minsk highway area.
    At the moment, there is no information about the victims of the fall of the wreckage. Emergency services are on the scene."

    ⭐️Video: the moment the enemy drone is destroyed.

    Two Majors

    "Была попытка пролёта на город двух боевых беспилотников. Оба сбиты ПВО. Один в районе Домодедово, второй в районе Минского шоссе.
    На данную минуту информации о пострадавших от падения обломков нет. Экстренные службы работают на месте".

    ⭐️Видео: момент уничтожения дрона врага.

    Два майора
  • @telehunt_video #131879 03:11 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23194 ↩

    Два майора
  • @telehunt_video #131880 03:18 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/intelslava/50455 ↩

    Intel Slava Z

    🇷🇺🇺🇦 A direct hit on a group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kleshcheevka area in the Bakhmut direction.
    🇷🇺🇺🇦 A direct hit on a group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kleshcheevka area in the Bakhmut direction.
  • @telehunt_video #131881 03:54 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/SIL0VIKI/72703 ↩


    It's no secret that my hackers can do everything. An interesting document (link to the document and translation) of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs was found on one of the e-mails of the Armed Forces of Ukraine about the search for schemes for the supply of Swiss weapons to Ukraine in order to supply weapons and maintain a neutral status. This document was handed over to the Ukrainian side of the US intelligence services, which also spy on the Swiss. I would advise you to draw the attention of the Russian Foreign Ministry to this document.

    I also publish a video inside the mail where this document was. We have access to all their emails, applications and devices. And I also love to brag. I'm the Joker.

    Ни для кого не секрет, что моим хакерам подвластно всё. На одной из электронных почт ВСУ был обнаружен интересный документ (ссылка на документ и перевод) Федерального департамента иностранных дел Швейцарии о поисках схем поставок швейцарского вооружения на Украину, чтобы и вооружение поставлять и нейтральный статус сохранить. Этот документ передали украинской стороне спецслужбы США, которые также шпионят за швейцарцами. Советовал бы обра...
  • @telehunt_video #131882 04:00 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV/28358 ↩

    Неофициальный Безсонов

    A fighter on the front line turned to the scumbags from the Trans-Baikal Territory, who in the village of Nerchinskiy Zavod attacked disabled members of the SVO. Listen!

    Subscribe to the channel | #HeroesZ
    Боец на передовой обратился к отморозкам из Забайкальского края, которые в селе Нерчинский Завод напали на инвалидов – участников СВО. Послушайте!

    Подпишись на канал | #ГероиZ
  • @telehunt_video #131883 04:06 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94369 ↩


    The VSUshnik, who tried to trawl the fields in the direction of Rabotino, told how their idea failed completely and about the execution of his colleagues from the BMP.

    ВСУшник, который пытался протралить поля в направлении Работино, рассказал, как их затея потерпела полный крах и о расстреле своих сослуживцев из БМП.

  • @telehunt_video #131884 04:06 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rian_ru/211561 ↩

    РИА Новости

    Captured Ukrainian military Vasily Paliy, who suffers from alcoholism, told RIA Novosti that he had serious health problems, but this did not stop the military registration and enlistment office from mobilizing him - the man even became the commander of the intelligence department and was trained by an American instructor
    Попавший в плен украинский военный Василий Палий, страдающий алкоголизмом, рассказал РИА Новости, что у него серьезные проблемы со здоровьем, но это не помешало военкомату его мобилизовать – мужчина даже стал командиром отделения разведки и проходил обучение у американского инструктора
  • @telehunt_video #131885 04:25 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/madam_secretar/27972 ↩

    Мадам Секретарь

    Good morning.

    Доброе утро.

  • @telehunt_video #131886 04:58 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124870 ↩


    US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller does not understand why Niger loves Russia so much: You see people on the streets, there are people expressing support. There are more of them than people who could be paid to participate in the protests. It seems strange to me when your country is suffering from an attempted military takeover and the first thing you do is run to the store and buy a Russian flag. This surprises me. What an incredible scenario.

    Официальный представитель Госдепа США Мэттью Миллер не понимает, почему в Нигере так любят Россию: Вы видите людей на улицах, есть и выражающие поддержку. Их больше, чем людей, которым могли заплатить за участие в протестах. Для меня кажется странным, когда твоя страна страдает от попытки военного захвата власти, а первое что ты делаешь, это бежишь в магазин и покупаешь российский флаг. Это удивляет меня. Какой-то невероятный сценарий....
  • @telehunt_video #131887 04:59 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ChDambiev/24910 ↩


    The realities of the Ukrainian counter-offensive in the Zaporozhye direction. Chubovoen complains about the minefields and shows the burnt equipment of the Ukrainian formations. P.S. This is our land, Novorossiya, which we are freeing from the Ukrainianness of the brain.
    Реалии украинского контрнаступления на Запорожском направлении. Чубовоен жалуется минные поля и показывает сгоревшую технику украинских формирований. П.С. Это наша земля- Новороссия, которую мы освобождаем от украинства головного мозга.
  • @telehunt_video #131888 05:01 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30227 ↩


    The capital was attacked by combat UAVs at night

    “There was an attempt to fly over the city of two combat drones. Both shot down by air defense.
    One is in the Domodedovo area, the second is in the Minsk highway area, ”said Mayor Sobyanin.

    Soldier of Fortune. Subscribe
    Столицу ночью атаковали боевые БПЛА

    «Была попытка пролёта на город двух боевых беспилотников. Оба сбиты ПВО.
    Один в районе Домодедово, второй в районе Минского шоссе», — заявил мэр Собянин.

    Солдат Удачи. Подпишись
  • @telehunt_video #131889 05:01 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30228 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #131890 05:01 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48575 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #131891 05:01 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48576 ↩


    In Bayazitov's words, there is not enough composition to charge him with a heavier article.

    But what if I tell you that he regularly sits in political public chat rooms and calls for the killing of Russians?

    Literally his theses: (nickname per aspera)

    - "Rusnya needs to be cut out"
    - "I think Russians are faggots. I hate this nation"
    - "Everyone who is for the NWO should be killed"

    I call for the immediate arrest of this oligarch!!!

    I call on all patriotic channels, channels of the security forces, Ekaterina Mizulina, MIG, Bloodseeker, Rusich, Rokot, everyone who reads me, I ask for maximum publicity!

    This man sows enmity within the country, sets the Tatars against the Russians, calls for the killing of members of the SVO and those who support them. At the same time, he earns in Russia, has huge capital and connections.

    Has this bastard said less than the patriot and field commander Strelkov?

    Pozdnyakov. Subscribe

    В словах Баязитова недостаточно состава, чтобы вменять ему более тяжелую статью.

    А что если я вам скажу, что он регулярно сидит в политических публичных чатах и призывает убивать русских?

    Буквально его тезисы: (ник per aspera)

    – " Русню нужно вырезать "
    – " Я считаю русских пидорасами. Я ненавижу эту нацию "
    – " Всех кто за СВО их нужно убивать "

    Я призываю к немедленному аресту этого олигарха!...
  • @telehunt_video #131892 05:05 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/milinfolive/104858 ↩

    Военный Осведомитель

    Channel for men with straight arms!

    👉🏻 Men's Tricks
    Канал для мужчин с прямыми руками!

    👉🏻 Мужские Хитрости
  • @telehunt_video #131893 05:08 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94370 ↩


    "Alligators" in action: the crews of the Ka-52 of the Russian Aerospace Forces attacked the strongholds of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

    «Аллигаторы» в деле: экипажи Ка-52 ВКС России нанесли удар по опорным пунктам ВСУ

  • @telehunt_video #131894 05:20 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/madam_secretar/27974 ↩

    Мадам Секретарь

    Advertising with transgender Dylan Mulvaney and Bud Light cost Anheuser-Busch dearly: loss of the status of America's most popular beer, a $400 million direct loss, a 10% drop in Q2 revenue and a 14% drop in retail sales.

    And this is Billy Bush, whose family ran Anheuser-Busch from 1880 to 2008:

    - We know that you reacted sharply to advertising with Dylan Mulvaney.

    - My family has always been from the patriots who loved America. And transgenders and gays are their own business. We have a free country and let everyone be what they want, but don't drag it on a beer can and shove it in people's faces. We would never do that. Anheuser-Busch were successful in any business, and something as dubious as a Dylan Mulvaney ad they wouldn't sign up for.

    ... Those who drink beer are ordinary people, hard workers who work hard day after day. They don't need to shove beer down their throats with that message. This is not what they expect from him. They had real American beer, Patriot beer, which is no longer.

    Реклама с трансгендером Диланом Малвейни и Bud Light обошлась компании Anheuser-Busch дорого: потеря статуса самого популярного пива Америки, прямой убыток в $400 млн., падение доходов во 2 квартале на 10%, а розничных продаж на 14%.

    А это Билли Буш, семья которого рулила Anheuser-Busch с 1880 по 2008:

    - Знаем, вы резко отнеслись к рекламе с Диланом Малвейни.

    - Моя семья всегда была из патриотов, любивших Америку. А трансгендеры ...
  • @telehunt_video #131895 05:30 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusich_army/10300 ↩


    REX snipers from the 14th Guards Special Purpose Brigade continue to effectively carry out tasks in the Ugledar direction.

    РЭКСы-снайперы из гвардейской 14-й бригады специального назначения продолжают эффективно выполнять задачи на Угледарском направлении.

  • @telehunt_video #131896 05:38 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusbrief/143812 ↩


    Alexei Raksha on the demographic situation in Ukraine - the country has rolled back to the level of the 19th century. This is a catastrophe. Moreover, without taking into account military operations, people simply do not want to give birth.

    ❗️MIG Russia - subscribe and understand what to expect next
    Алексей Ракша о демографической ситуации на Украине — страна откатилась на уровень 19 века. Это катастрофа. Причем без учета военных действий — просто люди рожать не хотят.

    ❗️МИГ России — подпишись и пойми, чего ожидать дальше
  • @telehunt_video #131897 05:39 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50926 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇬🇺💥 Powerful explosion and puffs of smoke: FPV drone operators destroy APU armored vehicles

    After detecting the target, the reconnaissance group goes to the launch site to hit the enemy dugout with a high-explosive projectile.
    FPV drones - with their speed, maneuverability and low price, have proven themselves well in the special operation zone. /TK Zvezda/
    ‼️🇷🇺💥 Мощный взрыв и клубы дыма: Операторы FPV-дронов уничтожают бронетехнику ВСУ

    После обнаружения цели разведгруппа отправляется к месту запуска, чтобы поразить блиндаж противника фугасным снарядом.
    FPV-дроны - своей скоростью, маневренностью и низкой ценой отлично себя зарекомендовали в зоне спецоперации. /ТК Звезда/
  • @telehunt_video #131898 05:40 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/milinfolive/104859 ↩

    Военный Осведомитель

    Destruction of a group of Ukrainian infantry by artillery fire in the Klescheevka area. Video by @z4lpr

    Military Informant
    Уничтожение группы украинской пехоты огнем артиллерии в районе Клещеевки. Видео от @z4lpr

    Военный Осведомитель
  • @telehunt_video #131899 05:42 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/45979 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    The chubat warrior tells how the KhokhlosMI openly fuck the people about all the victories of the ukroreich. But in fact, it turns out that the Russians fuck them, and very well.

    Maybe he even liked it, since he started cutting such a uterus😏
    Чубатый воеватель рассказывает как хохлоСМИ откровенно так наебывают народ касательно всех перемог укрорейха. А на деле то оказывается русские их ебут, и очень даже неплохо.

    Возможно ему даже понравилось, раз такую матку рубить начал😏
  • @telehunt_video #131900 05:42 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/RtrDonetsk/19666 ↩

    Репортёр Руденко V🇷🇺

    ⚡️ Artillerymen of the 6th Brigade of the Southern Group of Forces in the Lisichansk direction strike at the positions of the Armed Forces. The Nazi in this direction suffers huge losses.
    ⚡️ Артиллеристы 6 бригады Южной группировки войск на Лисичанском направлении наносит удары по позициям всу. Нацист на этом направлении несет огромные потери.
  • @telehunt_video #131901 05:50 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/DDGeopolitics/76505 ↩

    DD Geopolitics

    When you get up close to the vast infrastructure being built by the Russians in the far east you quickly understand that this is the realm of a Superpower. Considering how billions have been poured by western states into Ukriane in an attempt to destroy this country, their resiliance and defiance is breathtaking. This place is testament to that. Absolutely astounding. @irishmaninrussia
    When you get up close to the vast infrastructure being built by the Russians in the far east you quickly understand that this is the realm of a Superpower. Considering how billions have been poured by western states into Ukriane in an attempt to destroy this country, their resiliance and defiance is breathtaking. This place is testament to that. Absolutely astounding. @irishmaninrussia
  • @telehunt_video #131902 05:53 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rustroyka1945/12239 ↩

    ТРОЙКА 🏴‍☠️

    It would be a trough, but there will be pigs🤙.

    #ship payments
    #Judgment Day
    Было бы корыто, а свиньи найдутся🤙.

  • @telehunt_video #131903 06:00 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124878 ↩


    Fighting on the flank of Artemovsk: the 4th brigade destroys the positions of militants

    The MLRS of the Southern Group of Forces dealt a massive blow to the positions of the Nazis in the Artemovsky direction. During the strike, 10 fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed.
    Бои на фланге Артёмовска: 4 бригада уничтожает позиции боевиков

    РСЗО Южной группировки войск нанесло массированный удар по позициям нацистов на Артемовском направлении. В ходе удара было уничтожено 10 боевиков ВСУ.
  • @telehunt_video #131904 06:02 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/romanov_92/41111 ↩

    Romanov Лайт ]ࣩࣩࣩࣩ࣯ࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩ

    Moscow region, Russia.

    - Video No. 1: the moment of the air defense operation on the kamikaze UAV of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Odintsovo district of the Moscow region near the Minsk highway;

    - Video No. 2: the moment of the explosion in s. Molokovo (Leninsky city district, Moscow region).

    Kamikaze UAVs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were launched late yesterday from the Sumy region.

    Московская область, Россия.

    - Видео № 1: момент работы ПВО по БПЛА-камикадзе ВС Украины в Одинцовском р-не Московской области недалеко от Минского шоссе;

    - Видео № 2: момент взрыва в с. Молоково (Ленинский городской округ Московская область).

    БПЛА-камикадзе ВС Украины были запущены вчера поздно вечером из Сумской области.

  • @telehunt_video #131905 06:02 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/romanov_92/41112 ↩

    Romanov Лайт ]ࣩࣩࣩࣩ࣯ࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩ
  • @telehunt_video #131906 06:03 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94371 ↩


    These are the simple guys who are defending our Motherland today. Vladimir Belousov is an airborne private, originally from the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In the place where he lived, Vladimir had a small shop, which he closed and went to the front. With his unit, he has already passed Kherson, Makeevka, Kremennaya, presented for an award for courage and courage in battle.

    Вот такие простые парни сегодня защищают нашу Родину. Владимир Белоусов — рядовой ВДВ, родом из Красноярского края. В том месте, где он жил, у Владимира был небольшой магазин, который он закрыл и ушёл на фронт. Со своим подразделением он уже прошёл Херсон, Макеевку, Кременную, представлен к награде за смелость и мужество в боях.

  • @telehunt_video #131907 06:03 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50927 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    🇬🇧💥 Artillery of the 🅾️tvazhnyh inflicts crushing blows on the supporters of the Ukrainian militants

    The calculation of the D-30 grouping "Center" destroyed the stronghold and fortifications in the Krasnolimansky direction. /RIAN/Ministry of Defense/
    🇷🇺💥 Артиллерия 🅾️тважных наносит сокрушительные удары по опорникам украинских боевиков

    Расчет Д-30 группировки "Центр" уничтожил опорный пункт и укрепления на Краснолиманском направлении. /РИАН/Минобороны/
  • @telehunt_video #131908 06:09 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/sudoplatov_official/233 ↩


    FPV drone "Vladlen Tatarsky" destroyed another APU pickup🫡

    Sudoplatov. Subscribe
    FPV дрон «Владлен Татарский» уничтожил очередной пикап ВСУ🫡

    Судоплатов. Подписаться
  • @telehunt_video #131909 06:09 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/RtrDonetsk/19667 ↩

    Репортёр Руденко V🇷🇺

    How do you feel in a Bradley blown up on our mine, crests clearly showed us, recording this action on a go pro camera

    Heavy three hundredth, destroyed equipment is all that the "Germans" received in another attempt to attack our positions.
    Как ощущаешь себя в подорванном на нашей мине «Брэдли», нам наглядно показали хохлы, записав сие действие на камеру «гоу про»

    Тяжелый трехсотый, уничтоженная техника- это все, что получили «немцы» в очередной попытке атаковать наши позиции.
  • @telehunt_video #131910 06:10 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rustroyka1945/12242 ↩

    ТРОЙКА 🏴‍☠️

    FPV drone "Vladlen Tatarsky" destroyed another APU pickup🫡

    Sudoplatov. Subscribe
    FPV дрон «Владлен Татарский» уничтожил очередной пикап ВСУ🫡

    Судоплатов. Подписаться
  • @telehunt_video #131911 06:11 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/UAVDEV/3247 ↩

    Разработчик БПЛА

    By the way, few people know that Ford at the dawn of aviation got into this topic and produced aircraft. On the video - Ford Trimotor, a fairly popular regional car of its time. Completely metal and could fly with one failed motor, which was rare in those days.
    Stealed from @avia0kot
    Кстати, мало кто знает что Форд на заре авиации полез в эту тему и выпускал самолёты. На видео - Форд тримотор, довольно популярный региональник своего времени. Полностью металлический и мог лететь с одним отказавшим мотором, что в те времена было редкостью.
    Стырено у @avia0kot
  • @telehunt_video #131912 06:12 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/SIL0VIKI/72709 ↩


    # Armored Vehicles
    #ВСРФ #Бронетехника Кадры поражения Т-80БВ ВСУ попаданием 100-мм пушки БМД-4М с закрытых позиций 00:44
  • @telehunt_video #131913 06:15 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124880 ↩


    Employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry have lifted 2.4 thousand explosive items from the times of the Great Patriotic War from the bottom of the Gilzovaya Bay in Sevastopol since the beginning of summer, the press service of the Russian Emergencies Ministry told us.

    Among the finds are artillery shells, mortar shells, hand grenades, fuses. All this was towed to the Golubaya Bay, from where special vehicles transport the finds to the landfill for destruction.

    Video: EMERCOM of Russia

    Сотрудники МЧС России подняли со дна бухты Гильзовая в Севастополе 2,4 тыс. взрывоопасных предметов времен Великой Отечественной войны с начала лета, сообщили нам в пресс-службе МЧС РФ.

    Среди находок — артиллерийские снаряды, минометные мины, ручные гранаты, взрыватели. Все это было отбуксировано в Голубую бухту, откуда спецтранспорт перевозит находки на полигон для уничтожения.

    Видео: МЧС России...
  • @telehunt_video #131914 06:15 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/surf_noise1/31495 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #131915 06:15 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/surf_noise1/31496 ↩


    In Bayazitov's words, there is not enough composition to charge him with a heavier article.

    But what if I tell you that he regularly sits in political public chat rooms and calls for the killing of Russians?

    Literally, his thesis:

    - "Rusnya needs to be cut out"
    - "I think Russians are faggots. I hate this nation"
    - "Everyone who is for the NWO should be killed"

    I call for the immediate arrest of this oligarch!!!

    I call on all patriotic channels, channels of the security forces, Ekaterina Mizulina, MIG, Bloodseeker, Rusich, Rokot, everyone who reads me, I ask for maximum publicity!

    This man sows enmity within the country, sets the Tatars against the Russians, calls for the killing of members of the SVO and those who support them. At the same time, he earns in Russia, has huge capital and connections.

    Has this bastard said less than the patriot and field commander Strelkov?

    Pozdnyakov. Subscribe

    В словах Баязитова недостаточно состава, чтобы вменять ему более тяжелую статью.

    А что если я вам скажу, что он регулярно сидит в политических публичных чатах и призывает убивать русских?

    Буквально его тезисы:

    – " Русню нужно вырезать "
    – " Я считаю русских пидорасами. Я ненавижу эту нацию "
    – " Всех кто за СВО их нужно убивать "

    Я призываю к немедленному аресту этого олигарха!!!

    Призываю все п...
  • @telehunt_video #131916 06:16 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rian_ru/211563 ↩

    РИА Новости

    Today is two weeks since the coup d'état in Niger. Read more about the causes of these events and the prospects of the putschists in the RIA Novosti material.
    Сегодня две недели с момента государственного переворота в Нигере. Подробнее о причинах этих событий и перспективах путчистов - в материале РИА Новости.
  • @telehunt_video #131917 06:16 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rgrunews/83414 ↩

    Российская Газета | Новости

    💥The moment of the destruction of the UAV in the Moscow region was caught on cameras

    💥Момент уничтожения БПЛА в Московской области попал на камеры

  • @telehunt_video #131918 06:25 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/BPLAROSTOV/456 ↩

    Русский беспилотник

    FPV drone "Vladlen Tatarsky" destroyed another APU pickup🫡

    Sudoplatov. Subscribe
    FPV дрон «Владлен Татарский» уничтожил очередной пикап ВСУ🫡

    Судоплатов. Подписаться
  • @telehunt_video #131919 06:27 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ChDambiev/24914 ↩


    Not a good morning at the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of ​​the settlement. Novoselovskoe Luhansk People's Republic.
    Не доброе утро на позициях ВСУ в районе н.п. Новоселовское Луганской Народной Республики.
  • @telehunt_video #131920 06:27 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rgrunews/83415 ↩

    Российская Газета | Новости

    In Sevastopol, employees of the Russian Emergencies Ministry neutralized more than 2 thousand explosive objects of the Great Patriotic War

    All ammunition was raised from the bottom of Gilzovaya Bay.

    "Work has been carried out in the water area since the beginning of summer. During this time, rescuers have raised from the bottom of the bay and destroyed almost 2,400 explosive objects. These are artillery shells, mortar mines, hand grenades, fuses of German and Soviet production," said Alexander Kurenkov, head of the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

    Since 2021, almost 8,000 explosive items have been defused. Work will continue in the waters of Sevastopol until the end of October.


    В Севастополе сотрудники МЧС России обезвредили более 2 тысяч взрывоопасных предметов Великой Отечественной войны

    Все боеприпасы подняты со дна бухты Гильзовая.

    "Работы на акватории ведутся с начала лета. За это время спасатели подняли со дна бухты и уничтожили почти 2400 взрывоопасных предметов. Это артиллерийские снаряды, минометные мины, ручные гранаты, взрыватели немецкого и советского производства", - рассказал глава МЧС ...
  • @telehunt_video #131921 06:30 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23203 ↩

    Два майора

    Summary from Two Majors on the morning of August 9, 2023❗️

    Please subscribe to MoskalkoVa at least formally!
    A larger number of subscribers helps him more effectively fight the liberal evil spirits that have flooded our culture and education!

    Сводка от Двух майоров на утро 9 августа 2023 года❗️

    Подписывайтесь, пожалуйста, на МоскалькоVа хотя-бы формально!
    Большее количество подписчиков помогает ему эффективнее бороться с либеральной нечистью заполонившей нашу культуру и образование!

  • @telehunt_video #131922 06:31 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124881 ↩


    Footage of the combat use by the DPR forces of self-made MLRS "Snezhinka" (324-mm caliber, two launchers) and "Cheburashka" (217-mm caliber, total salvo of 64 rockets).
    Кадры боевого применения силами ДНР самодельных РСЗО "Снежинка" (калибр 324-мм, две пусковые установки) и "Чебурашка (калибр 217-мм, суммарный залп 64 ракеты).
  • @telehunt_video #131923 06:31 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30231 ↩


    Friends at the front, remember. When landing an enemy drone, pull out the battery immediately.

    Soldier of Fortune. Subscribe
    Друзья, находящиеся на фронте, запомните. При посадке вражеского дрона, сразу же вытаскивайте аккумулятор.

    Солдат Удачи. Подпишись
  • @telehunt_video #131924 06:33 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94372 ↩


    NTV story about our snipers who work in the Ugledar direction.

    Сюжет НТВ о наших снайперах, которые работают на Угледарском направлении.

  • @telehunt_video #131925 06:33 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rian_ru/211565 ↩

    РИА Новости

    Far-right Japanese organizations are holding protests near the Russian embassy in Tokyo - today is the anniversary of the USSR's entry into the war (August 9, 1945).

    Today, mourning events were held on the occasion of the anniversary of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki (also August 9, 1945). The United States was not mentioned at the ceremony (just like three days ago at similar events in Hiroshima).
    Ультраправые японские организации проводят акции протеста в районе российского посольства в Токио - сегодня годовщина вступления СССР в войну (9 августа 1945).

    Сегодня же прошли траурные мероприятия по случаю годовщины атомной бомбардировки Нагасаки (тоже 9 августа 1945). США на церемонии никто не упомянул (как и три дня назад на аналогичных мероприятиях в Хиросиме).
  • @telehunt_video #131926 06:34 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ChDambiev/24915 ↩


    The result of an artillery strike by the RF Armed Forces on the Armed Forces of Ukraine who took refuge in a forest plantation in the Zaporozhye direction.
    Результат артиллерийского удара ВС РФ по укрывшимся в лесопосадке ВСУшникам на Запорожском направлении.
  • @telehunt_video #131927 06:34 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rustroyka1945/12243 ↩

    ТРОЙКА 🏴‍☠️

    Successes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Zaporozhye direction.

    Bradley M2 ran over a mine, the bottom of the hull reinforced with anti-mine steel sheet did not help.

    impressionable not to look!
    Успехи ВСУ на Запорожском направлении.

    Bradley M2 наехал на мину, днище корпуса усиленное противоминным стальным листом не помогло.

    впечатлительным не смотреть!
  • @telehunt_video #131928 06:35 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/milinfolive/104860 ↩

    Военный Осведомитель

    A video clip from a Ukrainian unmanned boat (BEC) during an unsuccessful attack on one of the Project 22160 ships of the Russian Navy.

    Military Informant
    Видеофрагмент с украинского безэкипажного катера (БЭК), во время неудачной атаки одного из кораблей проекта 22160 ВМФ РФ.

    Военный Осведомитель
  • @telehunt_video #131929 06:40 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/newsfrontnotes/39753 ↩

    FRONTовые Zаметки

    NTV story about our snipers who work in the Ugledar direction.

    Сюжет НТВ о наших снайперах, которые работают на Угледарском направлении.

  • @telehunt_video #131930 06:41 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/izvestia/139369 ↩


    📌 We have collected the most interesting for this hour in our digest

    Watch the live broadcast of the round-the-clock news channel "Izvestia"
    📌 Собрали самое интересное к этому часу в нашем дайджесте

    Смотрите прямой эфир круглосуточного информационного телеканала "Известия"
  • @telehunt_video #131931 06:43 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ChDambiev/24916 ↩


    Forests near Kremennaya. Destroyed as a result of an artillery strike by the RF Armed Forces GAZ-66, which was used to transport ammunition and a tactical pickup truck of Ukrainian formations.
    Леса под Кременной. Уничтоженные в результате артиллерийского удара ВС РФ ГАЗ-66, использовавшийся для подвоза боеприпасов и тактический пикап украинских формирований.
  • @telehunt_video #131932 06:45 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/romanov_92/41113 ↩

    Romanov Лайт ]ࣩࣩࣩࣩ࣯ࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩ

    Cossack camps, Kherson region, Russia.

    1. On the frames - the correspondent of "Izvestia";

    2. Tomov’s colleagues write in a personal message, they are interested - is the author of the stuffing about “got in touch” with Tomov’s relatives - is he ready to report this?

    Казачьи Лагеря, Херсонская область, Россия.

    1. На кадрах - корреспондент «Известий»;

    2. В личку пишут сослуживцы Томова, интересуются - а родным Томова автор вброса про «вышел на связь» - готово об этом сообщить?

  • @telehunt_video #131933 06:48 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rgrunews/83417 ↩

    Российская Газета | Новости

    "The crew is a family, everyone should understand each other perfectly": the Pyatnashki armored group in the DPR was headed by an Odessa citizen

    The calm and friendly commander of the armored group of the international brigade "Pyatnashka" Maxim gives the impression of a friendly person. Outwardly, he is somewhat similar to a harmless, well-fed and contented bear in a brand new tight tank overalls. However, on the front line, the commander is transformed and becomes a real nightmare for the enemy. Maxim comes from Odessa - and there he took his first fight.

    For 9 years of hostilities, he himself and his subordinates gained rich combat experience. And now the Pyatnashki armored group is sharing it with the mobilized. At the same time, Maxim notes that the current battles are significantly different from those that were fought in 2014.

    Read more: https://rg.ru/2023/08/09/ulybka-psiha.html?tgm


    "Экипаж - это семья, все должны понимать друг друга с полуслова": Бронегруппу "Пятнашки" в ДНР возглавил одессит

    Спокойный и доброжелательный командир бронегруппы интернациональной бригады "Пятнашка" Максим производит впечатление дружелюбного человека. Внешне он чем-то похож на безобидного сытого и довольного медведя в новеньком плотном танковом комбинезоне. Однако на передовой командир преображается и становится настоящим кошма...
  • @telehunt_video #131934 06:50 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37773 ↩


    ❗️ Prigozhin's rebellion is a special operation agreed upon by Putin, - such a statement was made by the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Danilov.

    “It was a special operation to identify those generals who were not entirely inclined towards Putin and his entourage,” he said.

    According to him, there is already an understanding of the number of generals suspended from their duties, some of them are behind bars.

    "Prigozhin's mutiny is a special operation that Putin agreed upon," Secretary of the NSDC of Ukraine Danilov made such a statement.

    "It was a special operation to identify those generals who were not quite tuned in to Putin and his entourage," he said.

    According to him, there is already an understanding of the number of generals suspended from their duties, some of them are behind bars.


    ❗️Мятеж Пригожина — спецоперация, которую согласовал Путин, — такое заявление сделал секретарь СНБО Украины Данилов.

    «Это была спецоперация для выявления тех генералов, которые были не совсем настроены именно к Путину и его окружению», — заявил он.

    По его словам, уже есть понимание количества генералов, отстраненных от выполнения своих обязанностей, часть из них находится за решеткой.

    "Prigozhin's mutiny is a specia...
  • @telehunt_video #131935 06:51 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48578 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #131936 06:51 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/voenacher/50021 ↩

    Повёрнутые на Z войне 🇷🇺

    Footage of the destruction of AFVs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Zaporozhye direction from the army special forces "Osman"

    Кадры уничтожения ББМ ВСУ на Запорожском направлении от армейского спецназа "Осман"

  • @telehunt_video #131937 06:52 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58527 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    In Moscow, the air defense system worked at night.

    В Москве ночью работала система ПВО.

  • @telehunt_video #131938 06:55 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/donbassinsider/39961 ↩

    Donbass Insider

    ◾This Ukrainian man was forcibly conscripted, snatched on the streets and illegally sent to the frontlines despite his health condition.

    ◾Because the inability of the Ukrainian command his group was sent to dig just a few meters away from Russian positions, before they realised they had to give up and surrender to the Russian troops:

    - A lot of men die. We were lucky to be taken prisoner. A lot of Ukrainian servicemen from other units died. Commanders just send people to die. They say, it is better to die than to be taken prisoner by Russian troops. To my mind, they were proven wrong.


    ◾This Ukrainian man was forcibly conscripted, snatched on the streets and illegally sent to the frontlines despite his health condition.

    ◾Because the inability of the Ukrainian command his group was sent to dig just a few meters away from Russian positions, before they realised they had to give up and surrender to the Russian troops:

    - A lot of men die. We were lucky to be taken prisoner. A lot of Ukrainian servicemen from other u...
  • @telehunt_video #131939 06:59 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/opennewss/27324 ↩

    Русский аванпост ⚔️

    ❗️ Air defense shot down two drones on approach to Moscow

    One drone was shot down in the Domodedovo area, the second in the Minsk highway area. No one was injured, Mayor Sobyanin said.
    ❗️ПВО сбили два беспилотника на подлете к Москве

    Один беспилотник сбили в районе Домодедово, второй — в районе Минского шоссе. Пострадавших нет, - сообщил мэр Собянин.
  • @telehunt_video #131940 07:00 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23206 ↩

    Два майора
  • @telehunt_video #131941 07:00 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rian_ru/211570 ↩

    РИА Новости

    A saboteur detained in Crimea said that the SBU recruited him after learning about his Russian citizenship and threatening him with consequences (the man lived in the Dnepropetrovsk region).

    He entered Russia through Moldova and Turkey. The FSB also publishes footage of explosives found on him.
    Задержанный в Крыму диверсант рассказал, что СБУ завербовала его, узнав о его российском гражданстве и пригрозив последствиями (мужчина жил в Днепропетровской области).

    В Россию он въехал через Молдавию и Турцию. ФСБ публикует также кадры с найденной у него взрывчаткой.
  • @telehunt_video #131942 07:01 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94373 ↩


    The commander of the Ka-52 helicopter with the call sign "Mayak" spoke about his combat vehicle

    The rotary-winged reptile understands the commander "at a glance". “It [the Ka-52 helicopter] flies by itself. I just think where and what I want, and he does everything,” says the helicopter commander.

    Maneuverability "Alligator" can be envied. According to Mayak, the Ka-52 helicopter can easily fly between trees if necessary. “I have no problem if I have to walk between the trees. If the situation requires a way out from under the blow, then please, ”said Mayak.


    Командир вертолета Ка-52 с позывным «Маяк» рассказал о своей боевой машине

    Винтокрылая рептилия понимает командира «с полуслова». «Он [вертолет Ка-52] сам летает. Я просто думаю, куда и что я хочу, а он все делает», – говорит командир вертолета.

    Маневренности «Аллигатора» можно позавидовать. Со слов «Маяка», вертолет Ка-52 с легкостью может летать между деревьями, если это потребуется. «У меня нет никаких проблем, если надо пройти м...
  • @telehunt_video #131943 07:01 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/sashakots/41537 ↩


    08/09/08 The first column of Russian troops enters Tskhinval - BTG 135 and 693 regiments.

    My shooting ends when the battle begins, in which 22 people died, including Denis Vetchinov, who saved my life.

    At the last second, a cry: “Come on, help!” This is Sasha Sladkov's sound engineer, Igor Uklein, asking for help bandaging his wounded cameraman Lenya Losev.

    I turn off the soapbox. In a few minutes, they will hurt me too.

    09.08.08 Первая колонна российских войск входит в Цхинвал - БТГ 135 и 693 полков.

    Моя съемка заканчивается, когда начинается бой, в котором погибли 22 человека, в том числе - Денис Ветчинов, который спас мне жизнь.

    На последней секунде крик: «Давай, помогай!» Это звуковик Саши Сладкова Игорь Уклеин просит помочь перебинтовать его раненого оператора Леню Лосева.

    Я выключаю мыльницу. Через несколько минут ранят и меня.

  • @telehunt_video #131944 07:01 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/donbassinsider/39962 ↩

    Donbass Insider

    “You are civilized Nazis”

    Questioned by a Ukrainian journalist, this Russian prisoner of war had the courage to describe Zelensky's regime as "Nazi". According to the soldier, the fact that the conditions of his captivity are good does not change anything. In the comments under the video, many Ukrainians called for him to be executed or sent to a minefield.

    «Vous êtes des nazis civilisés»

    Interrogé par une journaliste ukrainienne, ce prisonnier de guerre russe a eu le courage de qualifier de «nazi» le régime de Zelensky. D’après le soldat, le fait que les conditions de sa captivité soient bonnes ne change rien. Dans les commentaires sous la vidéo, de nombreux Ukrainiens ont appelé à l’exécuter ou à l’envoyer sur un champ de mines.

  • @telehunt_video #131945 07:01 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/nm_dnr/10784 ↩

    Народная милиция ДНР

    📹Humanitarian aid for kindergarten in Irmino

    The Moscow-Donbass International Volunteer Group, with the support of the 1st Donetsk Army Corps, once again donated humanitarian aid to the Stakhanovskiy nursery-garden of the combined type Rosinka, which is located in Irmino.
    The cargo includes toys for children, household chemicals and other items necessary for kindergarten.

    Subscribe (https://t.me/nm_dnr) to the telegram channel People's Militia of the DPR to see the war through our eyes

    📹Гуманитарная помощь для детского сада в Ирмино

    Международная волонтёрская группа "Москва-Донбасс" при поддержке 1 Донецкого армейского корпуса, в очередной раз передала гуманитарную помощь в Стахановский ясли-сад комбинированного типа "Росинка", который находится в Ирмино.
    В составе груза - игрушки для детей, бытовая химия и другие необходимые для детского сада предметы.

    Подписывайтесь (https://t.me/nm_dnr) на телеграмм канал Народ...
  • @telehunt_video #131946 07:02 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124886 ↩


    🇬🇧Battles for Staromayorskoye: the landing force destroys the enemy trying to gain a foothold in the village
    ▪️Fighting on the Vremevsky ledge continues, having occupied Staromayorsoye, the enemy is trying to hold on there.
    ▪️VDV fighters continue to hunt down and cover up the fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who are trying to create positions in the village.
    ▪️As A. Khodakovsky said, the enemy was in a disadvantageous position for himself and is now paying with blood for location in a village located in a lowland.

    🇷🇺Бои за Старомайорское: десант уничтожает врага, пытающегося закрепиться в селе
    ▪️Бои на Времевском выступе продолжаются, заняв Старомайорсое враг пытается там удержаться.
    ▪️Бойцы ВДВ продолжают выслеживать и накрывать боевиков ВСУ, пытающихся создать позиции в населенном пункте.
    ▪️Как и говорил А. Ходаковский, противник оказался в невыгодной для себя позиции и теперь платит кровью за расположение в находящемся в низине селе.
  • @telehunt_video #131947 07:03 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ChDambiev/24917 ↩


    Another column of equipment of Ukrainian formations, destroyed somewhere in the zone of the NMD, consisting of two BMP-1s and an off-road vehicle. One of the BMP-1s, judging by the camouflage, was transferred to Ukraine by Greece.
    Еще одна разгромленная где-то в зоне проведения СВО колонна техники украинских формирований в составе двух БМП-1 и внедорожника. Одна из БМП-1, судя по камуфляжу, передана Украине Грецией.
  • @telehunt_video #131948 07:05 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50929 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇬🇧 FSB detained a saboteur who blew up a gas pipeline in the Crimean village of Korea in June

    The detainee acted on the instructions of the Ukrainian special services and confessed. In his garage was found plastic explosive "S-4" weighing 2 kg, 2 electric detonators for military purposes "EDP", 2 electric igniters and a homemade shaped charge. /TK Zvezda/
    ‼️🇷🇺 ФСБ задержала диверсанта, взорвавшего в июне газопровод в крымском поселке Кореи

    Задержанный действовал по заданию украинских спецслужб и дал признательные показания. В его гараже была обнаружена пластичная взрывчатка «С-4» массой 2 кг, 2 электродетонатора военного назначения «ЭДП», 2 электровоспламенителя и самодельный кумулятивный заряд. /ТК Звезда/
  • @telehunt_video #131949 07:06 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/dronesrussia/23661 ↩

    Обозреватель БПЛА

    ❗️Two drones shot down near Moscow

    There was an attempt to fly over the city of two combat drones. Both shot down by air defense. One in the Domodedovo area, the second in the Minsk highway area, - Sobyanin
    ❗️Два беспилотника сбиты под Москвой

    Была попытка пролёта на город двух боевых беспилотников. Оба сбиты ПВО. Один в районе Домодедово, второй в районе Минского шоссе, — Собянин
  • @telehunt_video #131950 07:08 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37775 ↩


    ❗️Fighters from the special operation zone recorded a video message with words of support to two NVO veterans who were brutally beaten by a group of scumbags in Transbaikalia.

    They called for the punishment of the perpetrators of the incident and all those who prevented the opening of a criminal case, to the fullest extent of the law.

    One of the fighters expressed the opinion that the perpetrators and those indirectly involved in this crime should be urgently mobilized and sent to the “red zone”. “They must feel in their own skin what the guys who are here feel,” the soldier said.

    Recall that two participants in the attack have already been detained, the third is on the wanted list.


    ❗️Бойцы из зоны спецоперации записали видеообращение со словами поддержки двум ветеранам СВО, которых зверски избила группа подонков в Забайкалье.

    Они призвали наказать виновников произошедшего и всех, кто препятствовал открытию уголовного дела, по всей строгости закона.

    Один из бойцов выразил мнение, что виновных и косвенно причастных к этому преступлению надо срочно мобилизовать и отправить в «красную зону». «Они должн...
  • @telehunt_video #131951 07:08 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37777 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #131952 07:08 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37776 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #131953 07:10 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/spletnicca/11284 ↩


    You won't be forced to be nice. People see everything. How the authorities steal from the army, how they lie everywhere.
    Насильно мил не будешь. Люди всё видят. Как власти воруют на армии, как повсеместно врут.
  • @telehunt_video #131954 07:14 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124888 ↩


    Footage of the destruction of AFVs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Zaporozhye direction from the army special forces "Osman"

    Кадры уничтожения ББМ ВСУ на Запорожском направлении от армейского спецназа "Осман"

  • @telehunt_video #131955 07:16 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124890 ↩


    The shelling of Donetsk: Kyiv district It is reported that a cafe is on fire near the street. Orbits. View from the "Mayak"
    Обстрел Донецка: Киевский район Сообщается, что горит кафе в районе ул. Орбиты. Вид с "Маяка"
  • @telehunt_video #131956 07:20 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rian_ru/211574 ↩

    РИА Новости

    "Here he is, darling, flew."

    Russian electronic warfare units discovered and landed a Ukrainian drone that was engaged in reconnaissance in Vasilyevka, Zaporozhye region.
    "Вот он, родименький, долетался".

    Российские подразделения радиоэлектронной борьбы обнаружили и посадили украинский дрон, который занимался разведкой в Васильевке Запорожской области.
  • @telehunt_video #131957 07:22 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/SIL0VIKI/72714 ↩


    In the Belgorod region, a previously convicted man was detained on suspicion of committing a particularly serious crime

    The day before, during the search activities, the body of a girl with signs of violent death was found.

    A criminal case has been opened on this fact. Currently, measures are being taken to establish all the circumstances of the crime.
    В Белгородской области по подозрению в совершении особо тяжкого преступления задержан ранее судимый мужчина

    Накануне при проведении поисковых мероприятий было обнаружено тело девочки с признаками насильственной смерти.

    По данному факту возбуждено уголовное дело. В настоящее время проводятся мероприятия, направленные на установление всех обстоятельств совершенного преступления.
  • @telehunt_video #131958 07:22 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58529 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    The flight from Novosibirsk to St. Petersburg had to be delayed for several hours due to an inadequate passenger.

    According to eyewitnesses, he shouted that he was being pursued by PMC fighters.

    Рейс из Новосибирска в Санкт-Петербург пришлось отложить на несколько часов из-за неадекватного пассажира.

    По словам очевидцев, он кричал, что его преследуют бойцы ЧВК.

  • @telehunt_video #131959 07:25 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124892 ↩


    A saboteur detained in Crimea said that the SBU recruited him after learning about his Russian citizenship and threatening him with consequences (the man lived in the Dnepropetrovsk region).

    He entered Russia through Moldova and Turkey. The FSB also publishes footage of explosives found on him.
    Задержанный в Крыму диверсант рассказал, что СБУ завербовала его, узнав о его российском гражданстве и пригрозив последствиями (мужчина жил в Днепропетровской области).

    В Россию он въехал через Молдавию и Турцию. ФСБ публикует также кадры с найденной у него взрывчаткой.
  • @telehunt_video #131960 07:26 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37779 ↩


    Successes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Zaporozhye direction. 😈

    Bradley M2 ran over a mine, the bottom of the hull reinforced with anti-mine steel sheet did not help.

    impressionable not to look!

    The successes of the APU in the Zaporozhye direction. 😈

    Bradley M2 hit a mine, the bottom of the hull reinforced with a mine-resistant steel sheet did not help.

    impressionable do not look!

    Successi delle forze armate nella direzione di Zaporozhye. 😈

    Bradley M2 ha colpito una mina, il fondo dello scafo rinforzato con una lamiera d'acciaio anti-miniera non ha aiutato.

    impressionable non guardare!

    Sucesso da APU na direção Zaporozhye. 😈

    Bradley M2 bateu em uma mina, o fundo do casco reforçado com uma chapa de aço anti-mina não ajudou.

    impressionável não olhar!


    Успехи ВСУ на Запорожском направлении. 😈

    Bradley M2 наехал на мину, днище корпуса усиленное противоминным стальным листом не помогло.

    впечатлительным не смотреть!

    The successes of the APU in the Zaporozhye direction. 😈

    Bradley M2 hit a mine, the bottom of the hull reinforced with a mine-resistant steel sheet did not help.

    impressionable do not look!

    Successi delle forze armate nella direzione di Zaporozhye. 😈...
  • @telehunt_video #131961 07:30 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124893 ↩


    A direct hit on the accumulation of enemy manpower in the area of ​​the settlement. Kleshcheevka near Artemovsk.

    Прямое попадание по скоплению живой силы противника в районе н.п. Клещеевка под Артемовском.

  • @telehunt_video #131962 07:31 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ukr_leaks/8143 ↩


    Michael, Let's Go!

    Ordinary Ukrainian military gather their wounded soldiers among the broken column of armored vehicles.

    Майкл, Let`s Go!

    Обычные украинские военные собирают своих раненых бойцов среди разбитой колонны бронетехники.

  • @telehunt_video #131963 07:31 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94374 ↩


    The destruction of the observation post of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, on the Zaporozhye front, with an accurate shot from the Kornet anti-tank system, by servicemen of the 58th Army

    Уничтожение наблюдательного пункта ВСУ, на Запорожском фронте, точным выстрелом из ПТРК "Корнет", военнослужащими 58-ой армии

  • @telehunt_video #131964 07:31 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusbrief/143846 ↩


    The explosion occurred in an apartment building in Makhachkala. “Children are stuck in the apartments and cannot leave the premises,” writes the channel “What do the Dagestanis have there?”.
    Взрыв произошел в многоквартирном жилом доме в Махачкале. «В квартирах застряли дети и не могут покинуть помещения», — пишет канал «Что там у дагестанцев?».
  • @telehunt_video #131965 07:32 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/dvish_alive/26398 ↩


    Utilization of the katsapnia in one of the directions

    Artillery works, cassettes, everything as they like
    Утилізація кацапні на одному з напрямків

    Працює артилерія, касетки, все як вони люблять
  • @telehunt_video #131966 07:34 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/chvkmedia/81547 ↩

    ЧВК Медиа

    🇭🇹Yesterday we talked about the deployment of a peacekeeping contingent to Haiti, and there, in the meantime, people again took to the streets of Port-au-Prince

    According to the old local tradition, they demand to fix the security situation and deal with the gangs.

    Along the way, they recall all the sins of the British, French, Americans, Canadians and others who were noted in the slave trade or in the leadership of a large corporation.

    #Haiti #gangs
    @sex_drugs_kahlo - Latin American happiness [no]

    🇭🇹Мы вчера поговорили про ввод миротворческого контингента на Гаити, а там, тем временем, народ снова вышел на улицы Порт-о-Пренса

    По старой местной традиции требуют исправить ситуацию с безопасностью и разобраться с бандами.

    Попутно припоминают все грехи британцев, французов, американцев, канадцев и прочих, отметившихся в работорговле или в руководстве крупной корпорацией.

    #Гаити #банды
    @sex_drugs_kahlo — латиноамериканское счастье [...
  • @telehunt_video #131967 07:40 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ghost_of_novorossia/14758 ↩

    ПриZрак Новороссии


    We understaff the artillerymen of the artillery, jet and howitzer-self-propelled divisions of the 1st Army Corps.

    Today we are handing over to the guys 46 camouflage nets of the colors "Moss" and "Coast of the Dnieper". Volunteers from #people_network from Moscow, Aleksandrov, Sochi and Chelyabinsk worked on their creation.

    The fighters also received:
    - 12 large "Kuzbass" shovels;
    - 6 picks;
    - a batch of auto chemicals (cleaners, lubricants, etc.) from the "Forest Elves" from the Moscow region;
    - canister of cleaner-decopper OR-1 "Aardvark".

    The guys are grateful for the support of our subscribers: with such a rear, it is easier to carry out combat missions.

    Help us provide the Russian army with means of camouflage and communications:

    Roman Yurievich Z.




    Доукомлектовываем артиллеристов артиллеристского, реактивного и гаубично-самоходного дивизионов 1 армейского корпуса.

    Сегодня передаем парням 46 маскировочных сетей расцветок «Мох» и «Берег Днепра». Над их созданием работали волонтеры #народная_сеть из Москвы, Александрова, Сочи и Челябинска.

    Также бойцы получили:
    — 12 лопат больших «Кузбасс»;
    — 6 кирок;
    — партию автохимии (очистители, смазка и т.п.) от «Лесн...
  • @telehunt_video #131968 07:42 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50930 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇬🇧 EW units landed an enemy drone on the Zaporozhye front

    In the area of ​​N. p. Vasilyevka, electronic warfare units discovered and landed a Ukrainian reconnaissance drone. /RIAN/
    ‼️🇷🇺 Подразделения РЭБ посадили вражеский беспилотник на Запорожском фронте

    В районе н.п. Васильевка подразделения радиоэлектронной борьбы обнаружили и посадили украинский дрон, занимавшийся разведкой. /РИАН/
  • @telehunt_video #131969 07:42 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/45986 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    US Senator Tommy Taberville: I didn't vote for a single cent sent to Ukraine. I was in Ukraine three months before the start of the conflict, met with President Zelensky. But they were already at war. And after all, it's a junior high school team playing against a college team. They cannot win. We can send as much money as we want, but nothing will come of it until we send NATO and our troops there, which we are not going to do. There is no chance. So they're trying to take their eyes off the real problem here. And this is the Biden administration and the Democrats. They are a complete disaster.

    Американский сенатор Томми Табервилль: Я не голосовал ни за один цент, отправленный на Украину. Я был на Украине за три месяца до начала конфликта, встречался с президентом Зеленским. Но они уже тогда воевали. И в конце концов, это команда младших школьников, играющая против команды колледжа. Они не могут выиграть. Мы можем отправлять сколько угодно денег, но ничего не выйдет пока мы не пошлем туда НАТО и наши войска, чего мы...
  • @telehunt_video #131970 07:43 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ChDambiev/24918 ↩


    The answer arrived within a minute and a half. Chubovoyen Nazar Utva, call sign "Utya" from the 95th separate air assault brigade of Ukrainian formations, filmed the last minutes of his life before being liquidated by artillery of the RF Armed Forces. Ukrainian soldiers!
    Use the frequency 149.200, call the call sign "Volga", surrender and save your lives.
    Ответка прилетела в течении полутора минут. Чубовоен Назар Утва, позывной "Утя" из 95-й отдельной десантно-штурмовой бригады украинских формироааний снял последние минуты свой жизни перед ликвидацией артиллерией ВС РФ. Украинские военнослужащие!
    Пользуйтесь частотой 149.200, вызывайте позывной "Волга", сдавайтесь в плен и спасайте свои жизни.
  • @telehunt_video #131971 07:44 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/uav_tech/18893 ↩

    Беспилотники (дроны, БПЛА, UAV)

    Information about the downed drones was confirmed by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

    The moment of the destruction of one of them near Odintsovo was caught on video: a bright flash and the sound of an explosion.
    Информацию о сбитых беспилотниках подтвердили в Минобороны РФ.

    Момент уничтожения одного из них под Одинцово попал на видео: яркая вспышка и звук взрыва.
  • @telehunt_video #131972 07:49 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48579 ↩


    By the first of September, the builders of the region-chief of Kamchatka are in a hurry to finish the school in the village of Mironovskoye. Together with its governor, Vladimir Solodov, we visited the facility and made sure that everything is done conscientiously, attention is paid to details, all Russian standards are maintained. For example, in the gym, by the way, which surprised with its huge size, the chefs will even provide for a spectator stand.

    The repair of the MFC is also coming to an end, it will be commissioned this month. There are only a few days left, but experts assure everyone will have time. Furniture and equipment have also been purchased. Of course, it will be very convenient for residents to receive public services directly in their village.

    Vladimir Solodov promised that the builders would make a roof in the local Palace of Culture in excess of the plan. Attitude to everything is very careful, as to his own. The people of Mironov were personally convinced of this, and they are very grateful to the inhabitants of such a distant, but now close, peninsula of Kamchatka.

    К первому сентября спешат доделать школу в пгт Мироновское строители региона-шефа Камчатки. Вместе с ее губернатором Владимиром Солодовым посетили объект и убедились – все делается на совесть, уделяется внимание деталям, выдерживаются все российские стандарты. Например, в спортзале, кстати, удивившем своими огромными размерами, шефы предусмотрят даже зрительскую трибуну.

    Подходит к концу и ремонт МФЦ, он будет сдан уже в этом месяце. Ос...
  • @telehunt_video #131973 07:52 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18524 ↩

    Осторожно, новости
  • @telehunt_video #131974 07:52 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18525 ↩

    Осторожно, новости
  • @telehunt_video #131975 07:52 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18526 ↩

    Осторожно, новости
  • @telehunt_video #131976 07:52 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18527 ↩

    Осторожно, новости
  • @telehunt_video #131977 07:52 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18528 ↩

    Осторожно, новости

    Explosion in Sergiev Posad.

    Residents report a strong explosion in the city near the plant. “We jumped, the house shook and the windows shook,” eyewitnesses said.
    В Сергиевом Посаде взрыв.

    Жители сообщают о сильном взрыве в городе в районе завода. «Мы подскочили, задрожал дом и окна затряслись», - очевидцы.
  • @telehunt_video #131978 07:53 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusbrief/143856 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #131979 07:53 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusbrief/143855 ↩


    An explosion occurred in Sergiev Posad.
    ⚡️В Сергиевом Посаде прогремел взрыв.
  • @telehunt_video #131980 07:54 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/madam_secretar/27979 ↩

    Мадам Секретарь
  • @telehunt_video #131981 07:55 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/SergeyKolyasnikov/51137 ↩


    Oh fuck. Sergiev Posad. Photo and video Izvestia.
    Ох епть. Сергиев Посад. Фото и видео Известий.
  • @telehunt_video #131982 07:55 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/afric_ylbIbka/5164 ↩

    Улыбаемся & Машем

    That's it, now the neo-colonial system will crumble 😅

    Putin's detachment turned to the Nigerians: “Do not try to give in to America! Only struggle and only struggle!”

    “Biden, you wanted Niger uranium? Have you sent your witch there too? Don't get it!
    And you Nigerians, do not try to give this to America, otherwise you will replace one boot with another, French for American. Only struggle and only struggle will bring you good luck! Together with us, with Russia!

    #irony #niger

    Ну всё, теперь неоколониальная система посыпится 😅

    Отряд Путина обратился к нигерцам: «Не вздумайте уступить Америке! Только борьба и только борьба!»

    «Байден, ты захотел нигерского урана? Еще свою ведьму послал туда? Не получите!
    А вы нигерцы, не вздумайте это уступить Америке, а то замените один сапог на другой, французский на американский. Только борьба и только борьба вам принесет удачу! Вместе с нами, с Россией!».

    #ирония #...
  • @telehunt_video #131983 07:56 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/opennewss/27327 ↩

    Русский аванпост ⚔️

    Powerful explosion in Sergiev Posad. Previously, it took place at the Zagorsk optical-mechanical plant. Windows were shattered in neighboring houses. There was no information about the causes of the incident and the victims.

    The plant belongs to Rostec. military-industrial complex
    Мощный взрыв в Сергиевом Посаде. Предварительно, он произошёл на Загорском оптико-механическом заводе. В соседних домах волной выбило окна. Информации о причинах происшествия и пострадавших не поступало.

    Завод принадлежит Ростеху. ВПК
  • @telehunt_video #131984 07:57 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50931 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇬🇧💥 An explosion in Sergiev Posad, a column of smoke rises into the air

    Details are unknown, the information is being specified.
    ‼️🇷🇺💥 Взрыв в Сергиевом Посаде, столб дыма поднимается в воздух

    Подробности неизвестны, информация уточняется.
  • @telehunt_video #131985 07:57 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50932 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
  • @telehunt_video #131986 07:58 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusbrief/143859 ↩


    The explosion in Serial Posad, previously, occurred at the Zagorsk Optical and Mechanical Plant. As Shot writes, windows were shattered in neighboring houses by a wave. Information about the causes of the explosion and the victims was not received.
    Взрыв в Сериевом Посаде, предварительно, произошёл на Загорском оптико-механическом заводе. Как пишет Shot, в соседних домах волной выбило окна. Информация о причинах взрыва и пострадавших не поступала.
  • @telehunt_video #131987 07:58 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/romanov_92/41119 ↩

    Romanov Лайт ]ࣩࣩࣩࣩ࣯ࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩ
  • @telehunt_video #131988 07:58 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/romanov_92/41120 ↩

    Romanov Лайт ]ࣩࣩࣩࣩ࣯ࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩ
  • @telehunt_video #131989 07:58 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/opennewss/27328 ↩

    Русский аванпост ⚔️

    ⚡️Shotshots taken by eyewitnesses in the first minutes after the explosion in Sergiev Posad
    ⚡️Кадры, снятые очевидцами в первые минуты после взрыва в Сергиевом Посаде
  • @telehunt_video #131990 07:59 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/Za_Derjavy/28113 ↩

    Zа (V)Побѣду

    Friends, good morning☀️

    We have a new task 🫡

    Target collection is OPEN.

    Request from fighters from Mineralnye Vody. Air Defense Division. They work in the Zaporozhye direction.

    1. Thermal imaging sight - 2 pcs.,
    2. Walkie-talkies - 2 pcs.

    Total: 240,000 rubles.

    When sending a transfer, please write: “MV” (Mineralnye Vody).

    Friends, it is in our power to help our guys Win and return home. We ask you to help as much as you can. Any help is appreciated!

    Our details:🇬🇧

    Map: 2202206161940999
    SBP: +79186255575 (Sberbank)
    Alexander Petrovich G.

    Друзья, доброе утро☀️

    У нас новая задача 🫡

    ОТКРЫТ целевой сбор.

    Запрос от бойцов из Минеральных Вод. Подразделение ПВО. Работают на Запорожском направлении.

    1. Тепловизионный прицел - 2 шт.,
    2. Рации - 2 шт.

    Итого: 240 000 рублей.

    Просим при отправке перевода писать: «МВ» (Минеральные Воды).

    Друзья, в наших силах помочь нашим парням Победить и вернуться домой. Просим Вас помогать по мере ваших сил и возможностей. Ва...
  • @telehunt_video #131991 07:59 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/opersvodki/16336 ↩

    Оперативные сводки
  • @telehunt_video #131992 07:59 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/chvkmedia/81550 ↩

    ЧВК Медиа
  • @telehunt_video #131993 07:59 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18536 ↩

    Осторожно, новости
  • @telehunt_video #131994 07:59 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18535 ↩

    Осторожно, новости
  • @telehunt_video #131995 08:00 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/KharkivPolitics/20328 ↩

    Харьков. Главное

    A red-haired degenerate cattle beat up a hard worker taxi driver, because he asked not to drink in the car.

    But it wasn’t there ... the "violent" was in for a surprise, which ended very sadly

    Watch full video 👇
    Руснявый быдло-дегенерат избил работягу-таксиста, потому что тот попросил не бухать в машине.

    Но не тут то было... "буйного" ждал сюрприз, который закончился очень печально

    Смотри полное видео 👇
  • @telehunt_video #131996 08:00 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/milinfolive/104865 ↩

    Военный Осведомитель
  • @telehunt_video #131997 08:00 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/milinfolive/104866 ↩

    Военный Осведомитель
  • @telehunt_video #131998 08:01 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30238 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #131999 08:01 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30237 ↩


    The explosion occurred at the Zagorsk Optical and Mechanical Plant in Sergiev Posad.

    Soldier of Fortune. Subscribe
    Взрыв произошел на Загорском оптико-механическом заводе в Сергиево-Посаде.

    Солдат Удачи. Подпишись
  • @telehunt_video #132000 08:02 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124895 ↩


    🔥 Defeat a target from a thousand meters: what does the work of a sniper pair look like in the NWO zone

    The work of the military takes place according to the following scheme: the sniper and the spotter choose a convenient position and prepare for shooting, all factors affecting the sniper’s shooting are taken into account and compared, for example, wind direction and distance to the target. The spotter gives target designation, and the sniper opens fire to kill.

    “Ideally, you can achieve defeat through a two-centimeter hole in the wall,” said a sniper with the call sign “White”.

    🔥 Поражение цели с тысячи метров: как выглядит работа снайперской пары в зоне СВО

    Работа военных происходит по следующей схеме: снайпер и корректировщик выбирают удобную позицию и изготавливаются к стрельбе, происходит учет и сопоставление всех факторов, влияющих на стрельбу снайпера, к примеру, направление ветра и дистанция до цели. Корректировщик дает целеуказание, а снайпер открывает огонь на поражение.

    «В идеале можно достичь пора...
  • @telehunt_video #132001 08:03 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/warfakes/16489 ↩

    Война с фейками
  • @telehunt_video #132002 08:03 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18537 ↩

    Осторожно, новости

    After the explosion in Sergiev Posad, workers are evacuated from the plant.
    После взрыва в Сергиевом Посаде с завода эвакуируют рабочих.
  • @telehunt_video #132003 08:03 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusbrief/143861 ↩


    At the plant in Sergiev Posad, where the explosion occurred, the evacuation of all buildings and workshops, including rented ones, has been announced - the authorities.
    На заводе в Сергиевом Посаде, где произошел взрыв, объявлена эвакуация из всех зданий и цехов, в том числе арендованных, — власти.
  • @telehunt_video #132004 08:13 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusbrief/143867 ↩


    The number of victims of an explosion at a plant in the Moscow region has increased to 16 people - Baza.
    Число пострадавших в результате взрыва на заводе в Подмосковье увеличилось до 16 человек — Baza.
  • @telehunt_video #132005 08:14 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30239 ↩




    Team "Rosich" for tea: https://pay.mysbertips.ru/01877630


    Команде "Росич" на чай: https://pay.mysbertips.ru/01877630
  • @telehunt_video #132006 08:15 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30242 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132007 08:15 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30240 ↩


    Soldiers from the special operation zone recorded a video message with words of support to two NVO veterans who were brutally beaten by a group of scumbags in Transbaikalia

    They called for the punishment of the perpetrators of the incident and all those who prevented the opening of a criminal case, to the fullest extent of the law.

    One of the fighters expressed the opinion that the perpetrators and those indirectly involved in this crime should be urgently mobilized and sent to the “red zone”. “They must feel in their own skin what the guys who are here feel,” the soldier said.

    Soldier of Fortune. Subscribe

    Бойцы из зоны спецоперации записали видеообращение со словами поддержки двум ветеранам СВО, которых зверски избила группа подонков в Забайкалье

    Они призвали наказать виновников произошедшего и всех, кто препятствовал открытию уголовного дела, по всей строгости закона.

    Один из бойцов выразил мнение, что виновных и косвенно причастных к этому преступлению надо срочно мобилизовать и отправить в «красную зону». «Они должны на своей ш...
  • @telehunt_video #132008 08:15 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30241 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132009 08:15 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18541 ↩

    Осторожно, новости

    The blast wave and the reaction of local residents after the explosion at the plant in Serigiev Posad.
    Взрывная волна и реакция местных жителей после взрыва на заводе в Серигиевом Посаде.
  • @telehunt_video #132010 08:16 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rlz_the_kraken/60135 ↩

    Выпускайте Кракена!

    The explosion thundered on the territory of the Zagorsk optical-mechanical plant in Sergiev Posad

    An evacuation has been announced from all buildings and workshops, including rented ones. The Governor of the Moscow region went to the scene.
    Взрыв прогремел на территории Загорского оптико-механического завода в Сергиевом Посаде

    Объявлена эвакуация из всех зданий и цехов, в том числе арендованных. Губернатор Московской области выехал на место происшествия.
  • @telehunt_video #132011 08:17 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/cyber_frontZ/12738 ↩

    КИБЕР ФРОНТ 🇷🇺ZА Россию🇷🇺
  • @telehunt_video #132012 08:17 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/cyber_frontZ/12736 ↩

    КИБЕР ФРОНТ 🇷🇺ZА Россию🇷🇺

    An explosion occurred at an optical-mechanical plant in Sergiev Posad near Moscow, information about the victims is being specified. According to emergency services, the explosion is not related to the drone, as previously reported by the media.
    На оптико-механическом заводе в подмосковном Сергиевом Посаде произошел взрыв, информация о пострадавших уточняется. По данным экстренных служб, взрыв не связан с беспилотником, как ранее писали СМИ.
  • @telehunt_video #132013 08:17 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/romanov_92/41126 ↩

    Romanov Лайт ]ࣩࣩࣩࣩ࣯ࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩ
  • @telehunt_video #132014 08:17 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/romanov_92/41125 ↩

    Romanov Лайт ]ࣩࣩࣩࣩ࣯ࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩ

    Sergiev Posad, Moscow region, Russia.

    The moment of the explosion and footage of the current situation in the area of ​​the Zagorsk Optical and Mechanical Plant.

    It is reported that the number of victims increased to 16 people.

    Сергиев Посад, Московская область, Россия.

    Момент взрыва и кадры текущей ситуации в районе Загорского оптико-механического завода.

    Сообщается, что количество пострадавших увеличилось до 16 человек.

  • @telehunt_video #132015 08:18 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusbrief/143869 ↩


    Footage taken from a building near a factory in Sergiev Posad where a massive explosion took place.
    Кадры, снятые из здания, расположенного возле завода в Сергиевом Посаде, где произошел мощный взрыв.
  • @telehunt_video #132016 08:18 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/romanov_92/41128 ↩

    Romanov Лайт ]ࣩࣩࣩࣩ࣯ࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩ
  • @telehunt_video #132017 08:18 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/romanov_92/41127 ↩

    Romanov Лайт ]ࣩࣩࣩࣩ࣯ࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩ

    Sergiev Posad, Moscow region, Russia.

    The moment of the explosion and footage of the current situation in the area of ​​the Zagorsk Optical and Mechanical Plant.

    It is reported that the number of victims increased to 16 people.

    Сергиев Посад, Московская область, Россия.

    Момент взрыва и кадры текущей ситуации в районе Загорского оптико-механического завода.

    Сообщается, что количество пострадавших увеличилось до 16 человек.

  • @telehunt_video #132018 08:18 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/romanov_92/41129 ↩

    Romanov Лайт ]ࣩࣩࣩࣩ࣯ࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩ
  • @telehunt_video #132019 08:18 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/grey_zone/19931 ↩


    In Sergiev Posad near Moscow, an explosion occurred that shook the entire city. The epicenter is located on the territory of the plant of the Zagorsk Optical and Mechanical Plant.

    At the moment, it is not yet clear exactly what caused the explosion.

    В подмосковном Сергиевом Посаде произошел взрыв, который сотряс весь город. Эпицентр находится на территории завода Загорского оптико-механического завода.

    В настоящий момент точно ещё пока не ясно, что стало причиной взрыва.

  • @telehunt_video #132020 08:18 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/grey_zone/19933 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132021 08:18 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/grey_zone/19932 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132022 08:18 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/grey_zone/19935 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132023 08:18 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/grey_zone/19934 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132024 08:18 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/grey_zone/19936 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132025 08:18 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18542 ↩

    Осторожно, новости

    Consequences of the explosion. According to preliminary data, it happened in a pyrotechnics warehouse.
    Последствия взрыва. По предварительным данным, он произошёл на складе пиротехники.
  • @telehunt_video #132026 08:18 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58531 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    In Makhachkala, gas exploded in a high-rise building. There is no information about the victims yet.

    В Махачкале взорвался газ в многоэтажке. Информации о пострадавших пока нет.

  • @telehunt_video #132027 08:19 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/45991 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    In the city of Sergiev Posad, northeast of Moscow, an explosion occurred at an optics factory.

    More than 15 people were injured at the plant itself, and windows were shattered around people.

    Bandera are already jumping for joy.

    В городе Сергиев Посад на северо-востоке от Москвы произошёл взрыв на заводе по производству оптики.

    Пострадало больше 15 человек на самом заводе, а вокруг людям повыбивало окна.

    Бандеры уже скачут от радости.

  • @telehunt_video #132028 08:19 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/svobodnieslova/2657 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132029 08:19 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/panteri_panteri/23902 ↩

    Сербский Дивергент

  • @telehunt_video #132030 08:19 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusich_army/10303 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132031 08:20 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusbrief/143870 ↩


    The moment of the explosion at the plant in Sergiev Posad.
    Момент взрыва на заводе в Сергиевом Посаде.
  • @telehunt_video #132032 08:20 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rgrunews/83424 ↩

    Российская Газета | Новости

    At least five people were injured in an explosion at a plant in Sergiev Posad near Moscow. This is reported by the sources of the Telegram channel "112".

    According to preliminary information, the explosion occurred in a warehouse with pyrotechnics on the territory of a local optical-mechanical plant.

    Как минимум пять человек получили травмы при взрыве на заводе в подмосковном Сергиевом Посаде. Об этом сообщают источники Telegram-канала "112".

    По предварительной информации, взрыв прогремел на складе с пиротехникой на территории местного оптико-механического завода.

  • @telehunt_video #132033 08:21 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/opersvodki/16338 ↩

    Оперативные сводки
  • @telehunt_video #132034 08:21 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50935 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇬🇧 The pyrotechnics warehouse of the Piro-Ross company, which rented premises on the territory of the plant, exploded

    Footage taken from neighboring buildings. As a result of the incident, 18 people were injured.
    ‼️🇷🇺 Взорвался склад пиротехники компании Пиро-Росс, арендовавшей помещения на территории завода

    Кадры, снятые из соседних зданий. В результате происшествия пострадали 18 человек.
  • @telehunt_video #132035 08:21 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50937 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
  • @telehunt_video #132036 08:21 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50936 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
  • @telehunt_video #132037 08:21 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/chvkmedia/81553 ↩

    ЧВК Медиа
  • @telehunt_video #132038 08:22 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37783 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132039 08:22 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/SIL0VIKI/72718 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132040 08:23 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58533 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    The first shots after the explosion at the plant in Sergiev Posad.

    Первые кадры после взрыва на заводе в Сергиевом Посаде.

  • @telehunt_video #132041 08:24 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/voenacher/50022 ↩

    Повёрнутые на Z войне 🇷🇺

    The destruction of the Ukrainian P-18 radar station by the Lancet somewhere far behind the front line. @HersonEnot
    Уничтожение «Ланцетом» украинской РЛС П-18 где-то далеко за линией фронта. @HersonEnot
  • @telehunt_video #132042 08:26 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18543 ↩

    Осторожно, новости

    "There was a very powerful shock wave, like cabinets and windows, everything shook from the shelves, everything fell. A powerful column of smoke"

    A resident of Sergiev Posad describes the first minutes after the explosion. According to her, it happened around 10-30 - 10-45. The number of victims has now risen to 20 people.
    "Была очень мощная ударная волна, что и шкафы и окна, все затряслось с полок, все попадало. Мощный столб дыма"

    Жительница Сергиева Посада описывает первые минуты после взрыва. По ее словам, он произошел около 10-30 — 10-45. Количество пострадавших на данный момент выросло до 20 человек.
  • @telehunt_video #132043 08:27 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/nm_dnr/10785 ↩

    Народная милиция ДНР

    A thermal imaging sight for a sniper, a stretcher and harnesses have been delivered to the assault detachment of the 33rd regiment of the 20th guards division!

    In addition, you and I managed to collect the necessary amount for a drag stretcher. They have already been ordered and will soon also be in the unit.

    It remains to purchase a UAV with a thermal imaging camera. Let's push to close the fundraiser!

    Tinkoff card 2200700816791346
    Тепловизионный прицел для снайпера, носилки и жгуты доставлены в штурмовой отряд 33 полка 20 гвардейской дивизии!

    Кроме того, нам с вами удалось собрать необходимую сумму на носилки-волокуши. Они уже заказаны и скоро также будут в подразделении.

    Осталось приобрести БПЛА с тепловизионной камерой. Давайте поднажмём, чтобы закрыть сбор!

    Карта Тинькофф 2200700816791346
  • @telehunt_video #132044 08:27 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124900 ↩


    A thermal imaging sight for a sniper, a stretcher and harnesses have been delivered to the assault detachment of the 33rd regiment of the 20th guards division!

    In addition, you and I managed to collect the necessary amount for a drag stretcher. They have already been ordered and will soon also be in the unit.

    It remains to purchase a UAV with a thermal imaging camera. Let's push to close the fundraiser!

    Tinkoff card 2200700816791346
    Тепловизионный прицел для снайпера, носилки и жгуты доставлены в штурмовой отряд 33 полка 20 гвардейской дивизии!

    Кроме того, нам с вами удалось собрать необходимую сумму на носилки-волокуши. Они уже заказаны и скоро также будут в подразделении.

    Осталось приобрести БПЛА с тепловизионной камерой. Давайте поднажмём, чтобы закрыть сбор!

    Карта Тинькофф 2200700816791346
  • @telehunt_video #132045 08:28 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58534 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    Debris was cleared at the scene.

    На месте происшествия начался разбор завалов.

  • @telehunt_video #132046 08:29 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/RtrDonetsk/19669 ↩

    Репортёр Руденко V🇷🇺

    A thermal imaging sight for a sniper, a stretcher and harnesses have been delivered to the assault detachment of the 33rd regiment of the 20th guards division!

    In addition, you and I managed to collect the necessary amount for a drag stretcher. They have already been ordered and will soon also be in the unit.

    It remains to purchase a UAV with a thermal imaging camera. Let's push to close the fundraiser!

    Tinkoff card 2200700816791346
    Тепловизионный прицел для снайпера, носилки и жгуты доставлены в штурмовой отряд 33 полка 20 гвардейской дивизии!

    Кроме того, нам с вами удалось собрать необходимую сумму на носилки-волокуши. Они уже заказаны и скоро также будут в подразделении.

    Осталось приобрести БПЛА с тепловизионной камерой. Давайте поднажмём, чтобы закрыть сбор!

    Карта Тинькофф 2200700816791346
  • @telehunt_video #132047 08:30 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18544 ↩

    Осторожно, новости

    Footage of destruction and columns of smoke at a factory in Sergiev Posad. The head of the district, Dmitry Akulov, arrived at the scene.
    Кадры разрушений и столбы дыма у завода в Сергиевом Посаде. На место прибыл глава округа Дмитрий Акулов.
  • @telehunt_video #132048 08:30 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58535 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    Almost all the windows at the factory were shattered.

    На заводе повыбивало практически все окна.

  • @telehunt_video #132049 08:30 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124901 ↩


    In the area of ​​Kleshcheevka, our air reconnaissance detected the movement of the enemy (up to a platoon). The coordinates were immediately transferred to the artillery, which worked at lightning speed and right on target. The enemy was completely destroyed.

    Such is the price of "meat assaults".
    В районе Клещеевки наша воздушная разведка засекла передвижение противника ( до взвода). Координаты тут же были переданы артиллерии которая отработала молниеносно и точно в цель. Враг был полностью уничтожен.

    Такова цена «мясных штурмов».
  • @telehunt_video #132050 08:31 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV/28360 ↩

    Неофициальный Безсонов

    A thermal imaging sight for a sniper, a stretcher and harnesses have been delivered to the assault detachment of the 33rd regiment of the 20th guards division!

    In addition, you and I managed to collect the necessary amount for a drag stretcher. They have already been ordered and will soon also be in the unit.

    It remains to purchase a UAV with a thermal imaging camera. Let's push to close the fundraiser!

    Tinkoff card 2200700816791346
    Тепловизионный прицел для снайпера, носилки и жгуты доставлены в штурмовой отряд 33 полка 20 гвардейской дивизии!

    Кроме того, нам с вами удалось собрать необходимую сумму на носилки-волокуши. Они уже заказаны и скоро также будут в подразделении.

    Осталось приобрести БПЛА с тепловизионной камерой. Давайте поднажмём, чтобы закрыть сбор!

    Карта Тинькофф 2200700816791346
  • @telehunt_video #132051 08:33 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94376 ↩


    The defeat of the armored vehicle of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and personnel by the FPV drone. Kupyanskoe direction

    Поражение бронемашины ВСУ и личного состава FPV-дроном. Купянское направление

  • @telehunt_video #132052 08:33 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/RtrDonetsk/19670 ↩

    Репортёр Руденко V🇷🇺


    The work of the Podolsk special forces behind enemy lines.

    Our specialists, having gone deep behind enemy lines, destroy the enemy's deployment point. Shots from ATGMs were destroyed - a barracks with personnel, a warehouse with ammunition and command personnel of the enemy.

    Работа подольского спецназа в тылу врага.

    Наши специалисты, зайдя глубоко в тыл врага, уничтожают пункт дислокации противника. Выстрелами из ПТУР были уничтожены- казарма с личным составом, склад с БК и командный состав противника.
  • @telehunt_video #132053 08:34 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV/28361 ↩

    Неофициальный Безсонов


    The work of the Podolsk special forces behind enemy lines.

    Our specialists, having gone deep behind enemy lines, destroy the enemy's deployment point. Shots from ATGMs were destroyed - a barracks with personnel, a warehouse with ammunition and command personnel of the enemy.

    Работа подольского спецназа в тылу врага.

    Наши специалисты, зайдя глубоко в тыл врага, уничтожают пункт дислокации противника. Выстрелами из ПТУР были уничтожены- казарма с личным составом, склад с БК и командный состав противника.
  • @telehunt_video #132054 08:35 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18545 ↩

    Осторожно, новости

    State media, citing emergency services, write that the cause of the explosion in the hangar with pyrotechnics in Sergiev Posad was the "human factor".

    A warehouse on an area of ​​1.6 thousand square meters was destroyed. meters. Local residents told us that now many people have taken to the streets and inspect the consequences of the explosion, many of them "are at a loss."
  • @telehunt_video #132055 08:37 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusbrief/143880 ↩


    Video of the consequences of the explosion in Sergiev Posad.
  • @telehunt_video #132056 08:38 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58537 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    The consequences of the explosion at the plant were also felt by the residents of nearby high-rise buildings.

  • @telehunt_video #132057 08:38 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48580 ↩


    The explosion at the plant in Sergiev Posad occurred due to a violation of the technological process - emergency services.
    The human factor caused an explosion in a hangar with pyrotechnics in Sergiev Posad, a warehouse on an area of ​​1.6 thousand square meters was destroyed. meters - emergency services.
  • @telehunt_video #132058 08:40 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/VladimirKarasyov/34545 ↩

    Владимир V Карасёв

    Member of the People’s Council of the LPR, regional coordinator of the project “School of a Literate Consumer” in the LPR Svetlana Khvorostyan spoke about her trip to the city of Anthracite in the Malkevich LIVE stream:

    “In Anthracite itself, I drove on flat roads. On the interval between Lutugino and Anthracite, work is also underway to replace the road surface. In Anthracite, I met with the residents of the city, we talked about housing and communal services. Despite the fact that we still do not have a peaceful sky over our heads, I can say that the mood of the people is better now than it was two years ago. People are finally starting to get optimistic. If two years ago people were skeptical, now they already believe that everything will be fine. Now the park is being restored. People see cities being given a second life.”

  • @telehunt_video #132059 08:41 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124902 ↩


    At the site of the explosion in Sergiev Posad, the rubble began to be cleared, according to eyewitnesses, there may be dead under the rubble

    The explosion at the plant in Sergiev Posad occurred due to a violation of the technological process. A warehouse on an area of ​​1.6 thousand square meters was destroyed. meters - said the emergency services

    Doctors say the number of injured has risen to 16
  • @telehunt_video #132060 08:41 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV/28362 ↩

    Неофициальный Безсонов

    Good morning
  • @telehunt_video #132061 08:43 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18546 ↩

    Осторожно, новости

    "I'm from a neighboring building, I have people injured"

    A traffic jam at a factory in Sergiev Posad.
  • @telehunt_video #132062 08:43 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124903 ↩


    Footage from the scene of the explosion at the Zagorsk Optical and Mechanical Plant in Sergiev Posad.
  • @telehunt_video #132063 08:44 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/madam_secretar/27983 ↩

    Мадам Секретарь

    ⚡️Mash shows the moment of the explosion in Sergiev Posad from CCTV cameras
  • @telehunt_video #132064 08:45 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124904 ↩



    The work of the Podolsk special forces behind enemy lines.

    Our specialists, having gone deep behind enemy lines, destroy the enemy's deployment point. Shots from ATGMs were destroyed - a barracks with personnel, a warehouse with ammunition and command personnel of the enemy.
  • @telehunt_video #132065 08:47 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18547 ↩

    Осторожно, новости

    A destroyed sewing shop in Sergiev Posad after an explosion at the plant.

    The rear buildings with the workshop are located not far from the epicenter, the windows were broken in the room and the furniture was broken.
  • @telehunt_video #132066 08:49 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/romanov_92/41131 ↩

    Romanov Лайт ]ࣩࣩࣩࣩ࣯ࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩ

    Sergiev Posad, Moscow region, Russia.

    The fire continues at the site of the explosion at the Zagorsk Optical and Mechanical Plant.

    / the "official" causes of the explosion published by the federal media, to put it mildly, are contradictory ...

  • @telehunt_video #132067 08:49 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/romanov_92/41132 ↩

    Romanov Лайт ]ࣩࣩࣩࣩ࣯ࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩ
  • @telehunt_video #132068 08:51 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/izvestia/139385 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132069 08:52 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/romanov_92/41135 ↩

    Romanov Лайт ]ࣩࣩࣩࣩ࣯ࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩ

    Sergiev Posad, Moscow region, Russia.

    The moment of the explosion on the territory of the Zagorsk optical-mechanical plant from the surveillance camera.

    / on the frames published on the network there is no timing preceding the moment of the explosion.

  • @telehunt_video #132070 08:53 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18548 ↩

    Осторожно, новости

    Officers of the military police arrived at the territory of the Zagorsk optical-mechanical plant.

    Numerous ambulances are now on their way to the territory. The number of victims rose to 27 people.
  • @telehunt_video #132071 08:54 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rian_ru/211592 ↩

    РИА Новости

    ❗️The explosion in Sergiev Posad, previously, occurred in a warehouse of pyrotechnic products, according to the prosecutor's office near Moscow
  • @telehunt_video #132072 08:54 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/bolshiepushki/4755 ↩

    Крупнокалиберный Переполох

    Moscow now
  • @telehunt_video #132073 08:55 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124906 ↩


    The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine did not confirm the information about the raid of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the left bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson region

    Earlier, analysts at the American Institute for the Study of War (ISW), citing Russian military bloggers, said that the Armed Forces of Ukraine landed about seven boats in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Cossack Camps and broke through the defenses there 800 meters deep.
  • @telehunt_video #132074 08:55 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/SergeyKolyasnikov/51141 ↩


    So, the explosion in Sergiev Posad thundered at the optical-mechanical plant (part of Rostec). ZOMZ is a developer and manufacturer of optical and optoelectronic devices. Including thermal imagers, binoculars, monoculars, sights, night vision devices, etc. Someone writes about missile homing heads, but did not find such information.

    Another interesting thing. This powerful explosion, they write, occurred in the areas leased by a commercial company for a pyrotechnics warehouse. Amazing nonchalance for a strategic enterprise in wartime.

    What prevented the “tenant” from stuffing the warehouse with explosives? It is difficult to think of a more comfortable environment for sabotage. Not to mention the fact that visually it does not look at all like an explosion of pyrotechnics.

    I hope that at UVZ or OKB Novator we don't have rented commercial workshops for the production of firecrackers.

    UPD. The PiroRos company, at whose warehouse an explosion occurred in Sergiev Posad, was declared bankrupt on March 28. The firm was heavily indebted, and regular inspections revealed many violations of fire protection and performance appraisals. Just a series of amazing coincidences.
  • @telehunt_video #132075 08:55 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/SergeyKolyasnikov/51143 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132076 08:55 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/SergeyKolyasnikov/51144 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132077 08:56 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50938 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇬🇧 The explosion at the plant in Sergiev Posad occurred due to a violation of the technological process - emergency services

    The number of victims increased to 25 people. Emergency services are on site.
  • @telehunt_video #132078 08:56 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50939 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
  • @telehunt_video #132079 08:56 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50940 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
  • @telehunt_video #132080 08:57 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ChDambiev/24919 ↩


    The realities of the Ukrainian counter-offensive in the Zaporizhia region. Destroyed Ukrainian armored personnel carrier VAB (4×4) of French production and decomposed into atoms Ukrainian armored car MOWAG Eagle I manufactured by the Swiss company MOWAG.
  • @telehunt_video #132081 08:59 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124907 ↩


    Consequences of shelling by Ukrainian terrorists of school No. 55 in Gorlovka
  • @telehunt_video #132082 09:01 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18549 ↩

    Осторожно, новости

    "Human life or make a list? You are an adult, you talk such nonsense. First of all, you need to help the wounded"

    Close employees of the Zagorsk Optical and Mechanical Plant came to the entrance to the territory. They ask to tell about the number of victims and organize communication with them.

    At the entrance they are stopped by the police and the military - they say that now no one knows exactly how many people were injured, for this they need to make lists.
  • @telehunt_video #132083 09:01 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/cyber_frontZ/12739 ↩

    КИБЕР ФРОНТ 🇷🇺ZА Россию🇷🇺

    Artillery of the 9th brigade destroyed the armored personnel carrier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Avdiivka direction.

    With the help of a quadrocopter, the position of Ukrainian militants was revealed. Our artillery worked accurately on the point.
  • @telehunt_video #132084 09:02 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9900 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132085 09:02 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/bolshiepushki/4756 ↩

    Крупнокалиберный Переполох

    Roman Gnatiuk is a former correspondent for Ukrainian TV channel 112, who was working in Donbas at the time the events began in 2014. He was a prisoner of the National Battalion, he was almost shot, and it was he who told the uncomfortable truth about the people of Donetsk on the air. You can watch the second half of the podcast on Boosty at https://boosty.to/bolshiepushki/posts/334d8b69-94a9-4229-88af-85bc4cc2815
  • @telehunt_video #132086 09:02 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9901 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132087 09:02 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30246 ↩


    The comments of our tankers are priceless.

    Soldier of Fortune. Subscribe
  • @telehunt_video #132088 09:02 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ukr_leaks/8146 ↩


    "Good morning! We are from Russia!

    While the Americans are stripping their Abrams, Russian fighters are towing a captured protected Mastiff car.

  • @telehunt_video #132089 09:03 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30247 ↩


    The moment of the explosion in Sergiev Posad.

    Soldier of Fortune. Subscribe
  • @telehunt_video #132090 09:04 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94377 ↩


    In the area of ​​N. p. Otradokamenka, scouts of the Dnepr group of troops discovered a temporary deployment point for one of the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. After that, the op was hit by an accurate airstrike.

  • @telehunt_video #132091 09:08 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/donbassinsider/39964 ↩

    Donbass Insider

    ❗️UPDATE: 16 Injured In Pyrotechnics Factory Blast

    Sergiev Posad City District officials have confirmed the explosion at the Zagorsk Optical and Mechanical Plant, which emergency services believe was set off in a pyrotechnics hangar due to human error.

    ▪️A 1.6 thousand square meter warehouse was destroyed.

    ▪️Medical services report that the number of victims has increased to 16.

    Subscribe to RT
  • @telehunt_video #132092 09:13 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/hackberegini/1682 ↩


    It's no secret that my hackers can do everything. An interesting document (link to the document and translation) of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs was found on one of the e-mails of the Armed Forces of Ukraine about the search for schemes for the supply of Swiss weapons to Ukraine in order to supply weapons and maintain a neutral status. This document was handed over to the Ukrainian side of the US intelligence services, which also spy on the Swiss. I would advise you to draw the attention of the Russian Foreign Ministry to this document.

    I also publish a video inside the mail where this document was. We have access to all their emails, applications and devices. And I also love to brag. I'm the Joker.
  • @telehunt_video #132093 09:15 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124909 ↩


    A serviceman with the call sign "Leshy" is a native of the city of Graivoron, Belgorod Region. At home, his wife Rita and three small children are waiting for him, to whom he, taking this opportunity, sends his big regards.

    “Everything will be fine, we will break through,” the fighter is sure. “Thank you for having me!”
  • @telehunt_video #132094 09:15 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30248 ↩


    🔞My friend, a doctor with the call sign "Book" in the South-Donetsk direction provides first aid to soldiers with various types of injuries.

  • @telehunt_video #132095 09:16 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/hackberegini/1683 ↩


    It's no secret that my hackers can do everything. An interesting document (link to the document and translation) of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs was found on one of the e-mails of the Armed Forces of Ukraine about the search for schemes for the supply of Swiss weapons to Ukraine in order to supply weapons and maintain a neutral status. This document was handed over to the Ukrainian side of the US intelligence services, which also spy on the Swiss. I would advise you to draw the attention of the Russian Foreign Ministry to this document.

    I also publish a video inside the mail where this document was. We have access to all their emails, applications and devices. And I also love to brag. I'm the Joker.
  • @telehunt_video #132096 09:16 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9902 ↩


    Bredla turned into a burning brazier with overcooked pork, having fallen on a mine. Footage from the Armed Forces of Ukraine themselves. Two of his legs were torn off in the video, he died later.

    It would seem that for a moment human pity slips through, but I think that they did not go to treat our cookies, but to kill. They are fighting for those who want to execute and repress 3 million inhabitants of Crimea, for those who killed civilians in Kupyansk and Kherson for supporting Russia .No! I don’t feel sorry for them. I took up arms, which means you are going to kill Russians, which means you simply have to be liquidated.

    These are the realities. This is how our ancestors fought. There is no mercy for the enemy
  • @telehunt_video #132097 09:17 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18550 ↩

    Осторожно, новости

    Ambulances continue to arrive on the territory of the Zagorsk Optical and Mechanical Plant. Eyewitnesses told us that in the last half hour alone, they counted more than 20 cars.

    Close employees of the plant say that the number of victims is constantly increasing, so doctors continue to arrive on the territory. At the same time, the victims are taken not only in ambulances. So one of them (with a head injury) was taken away in a police patrol car.

    According to Governor Vorobyov, 31 victims are now known. Among them, three are seriously injured, they are in intensive care, another 12 people were sent to the emergency room. A total of 19 people were taken to the hospital.
  • @telehunt_video #132098 09:19 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/romanov_92/41137 ↩

    Romanov Лайт ]ࣩࣩࣩࣩ࣯ࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩ

    Sergiev Posad, Moscow region, Russia.

    Frames from the area of ​​the explosion in which there is a projectile.

    /source: @trofimovonline

  • @telehunt_video #132099 09:20 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rian_ru/211599 ↩

    РИА Новости

    In the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, after the emergency at the plant, a blast wave was felt, but there was no damage, RIA Novosti was told in the monastery
  • @telehunt_video #132100 09:24 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusbrief/143902 ↩


    A strong fire broke out in Kurchatov, Kursk region, reports Shot. According to eyewitnesses, the hearth is located on the roof of a residential building on Leningradskaya.
  • @telehunt_video #132101 09:25 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rgrunews/83432 ↩

    Российская Газета | Новости

    Following Yulia Borisova, Vera Vasilyeva left. Two legends, two queens of our stages and screens. Both retained a straight back, a proud posture and a cheerful disposition until the last days. Both were an example of a very long and very glorious life. Both until old age remained a model of the real, to the marrow of the bones and to the last breath of a woman. Elegant, charming, beautiful.

    Read more: https://rg.ru/2023/08/09/izluchavshaia-schaste-ushla-narodnaia-artistka-vera-vasileva.html?tgm

  • @telehunt_video #132102 09:25 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/romanov_92/41138 ↩

    Romanov Лайт ]ࣩࣩࣩࣩ࣯ࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩ

    Sergiev Posad, Moscow region, Russia.

    More footage from the spot

  • @telehunt_video #132103 09:25 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18551 ↩

    Осторожно, новости

    Strong fire in Kurchatov (Kursk region).

    According to local residents, the roof of a house on Leningradskaya Street caught fire. On July 14, Kurchatov, which is located near the Kursk nuclear power plant, was attacked by a UAV.
  • @telehunt_video #132104 09:27 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46002 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    How do you feel in the Bradley blown up on our mine, Bandera clearly showed us, recording this action on the Go Pro camera.

    Heavy three hundredth, destroyed equipment is all that Bandera received in another attempt to attack our positions.

    (c) rtrdonetsk

    On our own behalf, we add that the Bandera without legs had already died in the hospital on the fourth day.

  • @telehunt_video #132105 09:30 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124910 ↩


    The commander of the Ka-52 helicopter with the call sign "Mayak" spoke about his combat vehicle

    The rotary-winged reptile understands the commander "at a glance". “It [the Ka-52 helicopter] flies by itself. I just think where and what I want, and he does everything,” says the helicopter commander.

    Maneuverability "Alligator" can be envied. According to Mayak, the Ka-52 helicopter can easily fly between trees if necessary. “I have no problem if I have to walk between the trees. If the situation requires a way out from under the blow, then please, ”said Mayak.

  • @telehunt_video #132106 09:30 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30249 ↩


    Video with a survey in Latvia and comments on it.

    Soldier of Fortune. Subscribe
  • @telehunt_video #132107 09:32 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9905 ↩


    So, the explosion in Sergiev Posad thundered at the optical-mechanical plant (part of Rostec). ZOMZ is a developer and manufacturer of optical and optoelectronic devices. Including thermal imagers, binoculars, monoculars, sights, night vision devices, etc. Someone writes about missile homing heads, but did not find such information.

    Another interesting thing. This powerful explosion, they write, occurred in the areas leased by a commercial company for a pyrotechnics warehouse. Amazing nonchalance for a strategic enterprise in wartime.

    What prevented the “tenant” from stuffing the warehouse with explosives? It is difficult to think of a more comfortable environment for sabotage. Not to mention the fact that visually it does not look at all like an explosion of pyrotechnics.

    I hope that at UVZ or OKB "Novator" we do not have rented commercial workshops for the production of firecrackers?

    UPD. The PiroRos company, at whose warehouse an explosion occurred in Sergiev Posad, was declared bankrupt on March 28. The firm was heavily indebted, and regular inspections revealed many violations of fire protection and performance appraisals. Just a series of amazing coincidences.
  • @telehunt_video #132108 09:32 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9908 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132109 09:32 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9907 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132110 09:33 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ukr_leaks/8147 ↩


    Metropolitan of the OCU created by the Ukrainian authorities Daniil said that the same authorities are “inventing war”

    According to him, this is done in order to "prevent the pilgrimage of representatives of the OCU."

    “Our government either invents a war, or is afraid that the Moscow people will sue them and will not allow us to gather you in this sanctuary,” he said.

  • @telehunt_video #132111 09:36 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18555 ↩

    Осторожно, новости

    A factory worker in Sergiev Posad, after a call, rescued colleagues from the rubble.

    An employee spoke about how he pulled two people out immediately after the explosion at the plant:

    “I went to look for people, the first thing I found was a saleswoman. It was totally dark there. We took out only one injured, there were not big wounds, they took them to the ambulance, ”said the man who helped the Ministry of Emergency Situations to get people out of the rubble.

    A large crater formed at the site of the explosion.
  • @telehunt_video #132112 09:37 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rlz_the_kraken/60138 ↩

    Выпускайте Кракена!

    The sewing shop, which was located next to the hangar that exploded today in Sergiev Posad, was blown to smithereens.

    Despite the assumptions of eyewitnesses that it was a drone strike, the cause of the explosion was a violation of technological processes.
  • @telehunt_video #132113 09:39 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/Doninside/19174 ↩

    Inside 🅉 Donetsk

    Our artillerymen are destroying a Ukrainian camouflaged stronghold and fortifications in the Krasnolimansky direction from a D-30 howitzer, RIA Novosti was told in the Ministry of Defense

  • @telehunt_video #132114 09:39 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50942 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    🇬🇧💥 The lancet of "🅾️the good ones" hit an enemy armored vehicle camouflaged in a forest belt

    The Nazis hid their equipment in a forest belt in the Krasnolimansky direction, but were discovered by a drone hanging in the air. The Lancet's strike disables enemy vehicles.
  • @telehunt_video #132115 09:39 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/makers2fron/1212 ↩


    All good day!

    Many thanks from all our fighters at the NVO - NVP 73 Ulyanovsk https://vk.com/nvp_73 and to the Craftsmen of the Front https://t.me/makers2fron as well as personally to Sergey Bykov, who found us such wonderful inventors. They made and gave us tails and drop systems for drones for the fighters. It should be noted that now, there, on the front end, near-military devices and devices are very necessary, which often save the lives of fighters.
  • @telehunt_video #132116 09:41 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rgrunews/83434 ↩

    Российская Газета | Новости

    US President Joe Biden was wrong about the number of wonders of the world, saying that the Grand Canyon is "one of nine".

    "The Grand Canyon is one of the nine wonders of the world, think about it, it's amazing," the American leader said.

    "Actually, I said nine, but he's one of the seven wonders of the world," he corrected himself.

    Biden plans to run for another term in 2024. The politician is confident that he is able to fulfill the duties of the head of state, despite his advanced age and obvious health problems. The current owner of the White House regularly forgets words, stumbles, falls and does not know where to go.

  • @telehunt_video #132117 09:42 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58546 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    And in Feodosia, something is smoking in the port.

  • @telehunt_video #132118 09:43 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/izvestia/139391 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132119 09:43 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/izvestia/139390 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132120 09:43 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/voenacher/50023 ↩

    Повёрнутые на Z войне 🇷🇺

    Destroyed French armored personnel carrier VAB and Swiss armored car Mowag Eagle II in the Zaporozhye direction
  • @telehunt_video #132121 09:44 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18556 ↩

    Осторожно, новости

    The moment of the explosion in Sergiev Posad got on the registrar of a local driver.
  • @telehunt_video #132122 09:44 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusbrief/143913 ↩


    Baza publishes the moment of the explosion in Sergiev Posad from the car registrar.
  • @telehunt_video #132123 09:45 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/stepnoy_veter/1778 ↩

    Степной ветер

    🔥 Footage of the T-80BV being hit by a 100mm BMD-4M cannon
  • @telehunt_video #132124 09:54 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50943 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇬🇧 There may be people under the rubble after the explosion in Sergiev Posad, firefighters and rescuers are clearing the wreckage
  • @telehunt_video #132125 09:57 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rian_ru/211608 ↩

    РИА Новости

    Social networks publish a lot of footage from Sergiev Posad at the time of the explosion and immediately after it. We collected some of them.

    An operational headquarters has been deployed on the spot, the rubble is being cleared. Local authorities report that the entire Sergiev Posad rescue garrison is involved, forces are arriving from neighboring cities.

    Governor Vorobyov, who also arrived at the scene, said that the victims were being provided with the necessary assistance, and the owners of apartments in which the windows had been shattered by the explosion would also be helped.
  • @telehunt_video #132126 09:59 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rian_ru/211609 ↩

    РИА Новости

    Shoigu's speech at today's board of the Ministry of Defense
  • @telehunt_video #132127 10:00 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/intelslava/50458 ↩

    Intel Slava Z

    🇷🇺🇺🇦 Destroyed French armored personnel carrier VAB and Swiss armored car Mowag Eagle II in the Zaporozhye direction
  • @telehunt_video #132128 10:00 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/opersvodki/16342 ↩

    Оперативные сводки
  • @telehunt_video #132129 10:01 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/chvkmedia/81561 ↩

    ЧВК Медиа
  • @telehunt_video #132130 10:01 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/grey_zone/19941 ↩


    According to Sergei Chankaev, director of the Piro-Ross company, the explosion in Sergiev Posad, near Moscow, did not occur in a pyrotechnic warehouse, but on the territory of a neighboring building, where some metal pipes were allegedly stored.

    In turn, local residents and other onlookers find elements of artillery shells throughout the city.

  • @telehunt_video #132131 10:01 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/grey_zone/19942 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132132 10:01 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124912 ↩


    Approach time - 20 seconds: FPV drone operators showed how they destroy enemy armored vehicles in the NVO zone

    After the transfer of coordinates, a group of scouts begins to work, which is preparing to launch strike FPV drones - indispensable helpers in the special operation zone. Their main advantages are speed, maneuverability and low price. The reconnaissance group is sent to the launch site to hit the enemy's dugout with a high-explosive projectile.

    With the help of special glasses in which the screen is built, the drone operator sees the space in front of the unmanned vehicle. His assistant launches the drone and monitors the direction of flight to orient and correct the work. The projectile hits exactly on target. Such work in combat is the result of long training at the training ground.
  • @telehunt_video #132133 10:02 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50945 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇬🇧 Statement by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation at a meeting of the Collegium of the Russian Ministry of Defense:

    ▪️With the creation of the Leningrad and Moscow military districts, Russia will strengthen the groupings of troops on its western borders.
    ▪️Supplies of prohibited cluster munitions to Ukraine are a US war crime and are dictated by the growing deficit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
    ▪️Ukraine has received hundreds of tanks, over 4,000 armored vehicles, over 1,100 artillery pieces and dozens of MLRS and air defense systems from the West since February.
    ▪️Poland has become the main instrument of US anti-Russian policy.
    ▪️Poland has begun large-scale arms purchases from the US, Britain and South Korea, this carries risks for Russia.
    ▪️Poland has plans to create a Polish-Ukrainian connection ostensibly for security, but in fact - for the occupation of Western Ukraine.
    ▪️About 360,000 servicemen are deployed in close proximity to the borders of the Union State.
  • @telehunt_video #132134 10:03 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/SergeyKolyasnikov/51147 ↩


    Already an everyday video of the defeat of the Ukrainian radar by the Lancet. If not for one "but", they got it at a distance of 60 km from the UAV launch site. This is already very good. Video by @HersonEnot

    We would like to increase the range of the "Lancets" by another 15-20 km and we will be able to get almost the entire range of Western self-propelled guns and Himarsa.
  • @telehunt_video #132135 10:03 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/dvish_alive/26403 ↩


    There was an explosion at the factory with "firecrackers" in Mordor
  • @telehunt_video #132136 10:03 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46010 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина
  • @telehunt_video #132137 10:03 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46009 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    Reichsfuhrer Yermak posted a post with a sticker from the pack, which has an emoji with Zelensky inhaling white powder.

    Stirlitz has never been so close to failure)

  • @telehunt_video #132138 10:03 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ukr_leaks/8148 ↩


    The result of the Ukrainian counteroffensive

    Fields turned into a graveyard for Western vehicles

  • @telehunt_video #132139 10:04 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18557 ↩

    Осторожно, новости

    "Well, we are alive, thank God"

    Footage from a school in Sergiev Posad that was hit by the explosion.
  • @telehunt_video #132140 10:05 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/SIL0VIKI/72724 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132141 10:05 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23213 ↩

    Два майора

    Sergiev Posad

    The warehouse of pyrotechnics of the Piro-Ross company, which rented premises on the territory of the plant, exploded.

    25 people were injured.

    The investigating authorities of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Moscow Region initiated a criminal case "on the fact of violation of industrial safety requirements for hazardous production facilities, as a result of which a fire occurred in a pyrotechnics warehouse (Article 217 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)".

    Two Majors
  • @telehunt_video #132142 10:05 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23215 ↩

    Два майора
  • @telehunt_video #132143 10:05 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23216 ↩

    Два майора
  • @telehunt_video #132144 10:05 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23214 ↩

    Два майора
  • @telehunt_video #132145 10:05 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37788 ↩


    ❗️ An FPV drone hit an armored vehicle of militants while trying to rotate in the Kupyansk direction.
    The Armed Forces of Ukraine had already climbed into the armored car when our kamikaze drone worked on them. At least three militants killed

    The FPV drone hit the militants' armored vehicle while trying to make a rotation in the Kupyansk direction.
    The APU had already climbed into an armored vehicle when our kamikaze drone worked on them. At least three militants were killed

    ❗️FPV-il drone ha colpito il veicolo blindato dei militanti mentre cercava di fare una rotazione nella direzione di Kupyansk.
    L'APU era già salito su un veicolo blindato quando il nostro drone kamikaze ha lavorato su di loro. Almeno tre militanti sono stati distrutti

    ️ ️ O drone FPV atingiu o veículo blindado dos militantes ao tentar fazer uma rotação na direção de Kupyansk.
    As forças armadas da Ucrânia já entraram no veículo blindado quando nosso drone kamikaze trabalhou neles. Pelo menos três militantes foram mortos

  • @telehunt_video #132146 10:07 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94386 ↩


    Opening remarks by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation General of the Army Sergei Shoigu at a meeting of the Collegium of the Russian Ministry of Defense:

    - Finland may deploy additional contingents of NATO strike weapons capable of hitting critical targets in the north-west of Russia;
    - Since February, Ukraine has received from the West hundreds of tanks, more than 4 thousand armored vehicles, over 1,100 artillery pieces and dozens of MLRS and air defense systems;
    - Poland has become the main tool of the US anti-Russian policy; - Poland has begun large-scale arms purchases from the United States, Britain and South Korea, this carries risks for Russia;
    - Poland has plans to create a Polish-Ukrainian connection, ostensibly for security, but in fact - for the occupation of Western Ukraine;
    — About 360,000 servicemen are deployed in close proximity to the borders of the Union State.

    Read in full: https://telegra.ph/Vstupitelnoe-slovo-Ministra-oborony-RF-na-zasedanii-Kollegii-Minoborony-Rossii-08-09
  • @telehunt_video #132147 10:09 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124915 ↩


    Meeting of the Collegium of the Russian Defense Ministry chaired by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.
  • @telehunt_video #132148 10:09 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58550 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    "Fireworks", which were stored at the exploded plant in the suburbs, are suspiciously similar to ammunition.

  • @telehunt_video #132149 10:09 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/cyber_frontZ/12740 ↩

    КИБЕР ФРОНТ 🇷🇺ZА Россию🇷🇺

    Another rally in support of the military took place in Niger. Russian flags were seen at the demonstration, while the French were advised to "get out" of the country.
  • @telehunt_video #132150 10:11 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ghost_of_novorossia/14767 ↩

    ПриZрак Новороссии

    To the previous post - the dynamics of the workflow.

    Was / became part 1
  • @telehunt_video #132151 10:11 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ghost_of_novorossia/14768 ↩

    ПриZрак Новороссии
  • @telehunt_video #132152 10:12 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124916 ↩


    Statements by Sergei Shoigu at a meeting of the board of the defense department:

    ◾️Russia will strengthen the grouping of troops on the western borders;

    ◾️Since February 2022, Ukraine has received from the West hundreds of tanks, more than 4 thousand armored vehicles, over 1,100 artillery pieces and dozens of MLRS and air defense systems;

    ◾️The total amount of assistance from NATO, the European Union and their partners to Ukraine exceeded $160 billion;

    ◾️The supply of prohibited cluster munitions to Ukraine is a US war crime and is dictated by the growing deficit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine;

    The readiness of the West to invest resources in Ukraine to turn the situation on the battlefield creates serious risks of further escalation of the conflict;

    ◾️Poland has become the main instrument of US anti-Russian policy;

    ◾️Poland has plans to create a Polish-Ukrainian connection, ostensibly for security, but in fact - for the occupation of Western Ukraine;

    ◾️About 360,000 servicemen are deployed in close proximity to the borders of the Union State.
  • @telehunt_video #132153 10:12 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30256 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132154 10:12 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ghost_of_novorossia/14776 ↩

    ПриZрак Новороссии

    To the previous post - the dynamics of the workflow.

    It was / became part 2
  • @telehunt_video #132155 10:13 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rian_ru/211612 ↩

    РИА Новости

    A baby manul was born in the Leningrad Zoo. They called him Shu - because he hisses funny at people.
  • @telehunt_video #132156 10:14 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV/28365 ↩

    Неофициальный Безсонов

    It is very difficult to believe that this is negligence or even an attempt to justify the bankruptcy of an “economic entity”.

    I sympathize with the victims. And their families. I see reports about the nature and extent of injuries (they write about 100% burns of the body), - it's all terrible.
  • @telehunt_video #132157 10:16 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124917 ↩


    The number of injured in the explosion at the plant in Sergiev Posad has reached 38, authorities say. About 20 high-rise buildings and 4 social institutions were damaged.

    Five victims are in intensive care with 100% body burns, 15 people were hospitalized in the trauma department with shrapnel injuries, the local newspaper Vperyod informs.

    Specialists did not detect harmful substances in the air at the scene. This was reported in the Telegram channel of the regional department of Rospotrebnadzor.

    The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case on violation of industrial safety requirements.
  • @telehunt_video #132158 10:18 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37789 ↩


    🎼🎻 Actual words at this time!
    Battalion "Vostok" 2008

    💀 @wagner_group_pmc ♠️

    current words!
    Battalion "East" 2008


    palabras actuales!
    Batallón "Este" 2008


    parole correnti!
    Battaglione "Est" 2008

  • @telehunt_video #132159 10:18 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18558 ↩

    Осторожно, новости

    Another video from a surveillance camera that recorded an explosion in Sergiev Posad.
  • @telehunt_video #132160 10:19 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94388 ↩


    Footage of the destruction of AFVs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Zaporozhye direction from the army special forces "Osman"

  • @telehunt_video #132161 10:19 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/KharkivPolitics/20331 ↩

    Харьков. Главное

    Video of how the border guards destroyed the Russian observation complex "Murom-m" in the Kharkiv direction

    Kharkiv. Main. Policy
  • @telehunt_video #132162 10:19 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23220 ↩

    Два майора

    "Only theft can save us from revision."

    Or a fire.

    Two Majors
  • @telehunt_video #132163 10:21 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagnernew/9528 ↩


    🎼 This is how one of the classes at the Sergiev Posad school looks like, in which the windows were blown out by the blast wave.

    Everyone was evacuated from the building.
  • @telehunt_video #132164 10:21 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ChDambiev/24920 ↩


    Chubanoid complains about the daily arrivals of Russian FAB-500M62 bombs with UMPC planning and correction modules on the positions of Ukrainian formations in the Zaporozhye direction.
  • @telehunt_video #132165 10:21 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ChDambiev/24921 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132166 10:23 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9915 ↩


    This is wonderful!
  • @telehunt_video #132167 10:26 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/SIL0VIKI/72725 ↩


    Shoigu: The existing risks are associated with the militarization of Poland, which has become the main tool of the US anti-Russian policy. Warsaw announced its intention to build, according to the Poles, "the most powerful army on the continent." In this regard, large-scale purchases of weapons have begun from the United States of America, Great Britain and the Republic of Korea, including tanks, artillery systems, air defense / missile defense systems and combat aircraft. In addition, there are plans to create on a regular basis, the so-called Polish-Ukrainian connection, ostensibly to ensure the security of Western Ukraine, but in fact - for the subsequent occupation of this territory.
  • @telehunt_video #132168 10:28 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/convoywe/1928 ↩



    Announcement of the first big interview with MAZAY - commander of the 3rd Airborne Infantry Brigade Convoy.

    Watch the full video tomorrow August 10 at 12:00 in our telegram channel.
  • @telehunt_video #132169 10:29 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/romanov_92/41139 ↩

    Romanov Лайт ]ࣩࣩࣩࣩ࣯ࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩ

    Sergiev Posad, Moscow region, Russia.

    More footage of the moment of the explosion on the territory of the Zagorsk optical-mechanical plant from the surveillance camera.

  • @telehunt_video #132170 10:29 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/romanov_92/41140 ↩

    Romanov Лайт ]ࣩࣩࣩࣩ࣯ࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩ
  • @telehunt_video #132171 10:30 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30257 ↩


    In the area of ​​​​Kleshcheevka, an enemy group was discovered, on which artillery worked finely.

    Soldier of Fortune. Subscribe
  • @telehunt_video #132172 10:30 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/stepnoy_veter/1779 ↩

    Степной ветер

    🔥Heavy flamethrower systems burn out the positions of crests near the Svatovo-Kremennaya line
  • @telehunt_video #132173 10:33 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23221 ↩

    Два майора

    The men figured out in 22 seconds what was what.

    Two Majors
  • @telehunt_video #132174 10:34 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50946 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇬🇺💥 FPV drones are destroying Nazi vehicles across the front

    ▪️In 1 video, Sudoplatovtsev drones were smashed by an enemy pickup truck.
    ▪️On 2 — kamikaze drones destroy armored vehicles in the Zaporozhye direction.
  • @telehunt_video #132175 10:34 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50947 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
  • @telehunt_video #132176 10:36 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/romanov_92/41143 ↩

    Romanov Лайт ]ࣩࣩࣩࣩ࣯ࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩ

    Kurchatov, Kursk region, Russia.

    07/14/2023 this n.p. located near the Kursk nuclear power plant, was attacked by a kamikaze UAV of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

  • @telehunt_video #132177 10:37 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37791 ↩


    🎼🎻 Kleshcheevka area.

    💀 @wagner_group_pmc ♠️
  • @telehunt_video #132178 10:38 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/uav_tech/18903 ↩

    Беспилотники (дроны, БПЛА, UAV)

    Shall we go fishing? 😁🛸
  • @telehunt_video #132179 10:45 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rian_ru/211618 ↩

    РИА Новости

    Commentary of the Moscow region governor on the explosion in Sergiev Posad
  • @telehunt_video #132180 10:47 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124918 ↩


    A large collection of assistance to children and the elderly of Donbass!

    We continue our active work to provide assistance to children and the civilian population in the Donbass and in the NVO zone. On the video, helping children with disabilities and the elderly left homeless..

    The collection is used to purchase and deliver food and hygiene kits for orphans, disabled children, large families and the elderly living in the NWO zone.

    As part of our "Social canteen" project, we provide food for about 500 children and the elderly every day. Details here https://t.me/olgavyazovskaya2014/554. Meals for children and the disabled are organized on the basis of the Mariupol Industrial College.

    We also draw up targeted applications and deliver humanitarian kits to difficult areas of Donbass. Recently, we have delivered many humanitarian kits to the most difficult areas of the NMD.

    How to help children and the elderly of Donbass in the NWO zone:

    1. Sberbank card 2202206223232526 Igor K.

    2. Sberbank card 4817760436706554 Olga V.
    or by calling +79198789416 or via SBP from other banks.

    Full details, including for legal entities, as well as in cryptocurrency and contacts at the link https://t.me/olgavyazovskaya2014/620

    For all questions write @Lelyavyaz
    Follow our work https://t.me/olgavyazovskaya2014

    Special thanks to those who support my work with information:
    Boris Rozhin https://t.me/boris_rozhin,
    Daniil Bezsonov https://t.me/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV,
    Chingiz Dambiev https://t.me/ChDambiev,
    OMON Moscow channel https://t.me/omonmoscow,
    1 Army Corps of the RF Armed Forces https://t.me/nm_dnr,
    Alexander Zhuchkovsky https://t.me/juchkovsky
    and many others who do not remain indifferent.
  • @telehunt_video #132181 10:47 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124920 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132182 10:47 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124919 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132183 10:47 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124923 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132184 10:47 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124924 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132185 10:47 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37792 ↩


    🎼🎻 A rather rare sample on the move, namely the High-speed Trench Vehicle (FTM) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, was lit up.
    The good old Soviet car, it’s a pity that the crests remained.

    💀 @wagner_group_pmc ♠️
  • @telehunt_video #132186 10:48 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/nm_dnr/10792 ↩

    Народная милиция ДНР
  • @telehunt_video #132187 10:48 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/nm_dnr/10791 ↩

    Народная милиция ДНР
  • @telehunt_video #132188 10:48 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/nm_dnr/10787 ↩

    Народная милиция ДНР
  • @telehunt_video #132189 10:48 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/nm_dnr/10788 ↩

    Народная милиция ДНР
  • @telehunt_video #132190 10:48 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/nm_dnr/10786 ↩

    Народная милиция ДНР

    A large collection of assistance to children and the elderly of Donbass!

    We continue our active work to provide assistance to children and the civilian population in the Donbass and in the NVO zone. On the video, helping children with disabilities and the elderly left homeless..

    The collection is used to purchase and deliver food and hygiene kits for orphans, disabled children, large families and the elderly living in the NWO zone.

    As part of our "Social canteen" project, we provide food for about 500 children and the elderly every day. Details here https://t.me/olgavyazovskaya2014/554. Meals for children and the disabled are organized on the basis of the Mariupol Industrial College.

    We also draw up targeted applications and deliver humanitarian kits to difficult areas of Donbass. Recently, we have delivered many humanitarian kits to the most difficult areas of the NMD.

    How to help children and the elderly of Donbass in the NWO zone:

    1. Sberbank card 2202206223232526 Igor K.

    2. Sberbank card 4817760436706554 Olga V.
    or by calling +79198789416 or via SBP from other banks.

    Full details, including for legal entities, as well as in cryptocurrency and contacts at the link https://t.me/olgavyazovskaya2014/620

    For all questions write @Lelyavyaz
    Follow our work https://t.me/olgavyazovskaya2014

    Special thanks to those who support my work with information:
    Boris Rozhin https://t.me/boris_rozhin,
    Daniil Bezsonov https://t.me/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV,
    Chingiz Dambiev https://t.me/ChDambiev,
    OMON Moscow channel https://t.me/omonmoscow,
    1 Army Corps of the RF Armed Forces https://t.me/nm_dnr,
    Alexander Zhuchkovsky https://t.me/juchkovsky
    and many others who do not remain indifferent.
  • @telehunt_video #132191 10:48 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/romanov_92/41144 ↩

    Romanov Лайт ]ࣩࣩࣩࣩ࣯ࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩ

    New Kakhovka, Kherson region, Russia.

    Shelling from the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

  • @telehunt_video #132192 10:49 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50948 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇬🇧 The plant in Sergiev Posad, where the explosion occurred, has nothing to do with optics, pyrotechnics have been produced there for a long time - Governor of the Moscow Region Vorobyov

    As a result of the explosion, 45 people were injured, 17 of them are in the hospital, 6 are in intensive care. Debris is being cleared.
    ❗️The version about the detonation of the warehouse by a drone is not confirmed.
  • @telehunt_video #132193 10:50 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rgrunews/83443 ↩

    Российская Газета | Новости

    A resident of Sergiev Posad spoke about the moment of the explosion on the territory of the plant.

  • @telehunt_video #132194 10:50 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46015 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    ⚡⚡⚡4-year-old girl died in Donetsk during the shelling of the Petrovsky district

    As a result of a direct hit, the house on the street was completely destroyed. Osoaviahima, one more person remains under the rubble of the house /📽 Donbass decides/
  • @telehunt_video #132195 10:51 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rlz_the_kraken/60139 ↩

    Выпускайте Кракена!

    🥹Firefighter from the Leningrad region Rostislav Balobin recorded a song in memory of the fluffy firefighter Semyon, who was hit by a car last spring.

    I'm not crying, they're just tears...
  • @telehunt_video #132196 10:53 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46016 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    For example, they force a vidos from Kyiv. Like a war, and they. Well, what kind of war is there. She was there a little over a year and a half ago, and now she's gone. By the way, it is worth saying that they hang out rather miserably, the pool is tiny, there are a lot of people. Like some kind of India. And so strange presentations that they should, like in besieged Leningrad, go to the Dnieper for water and plow for machines in three shifts? Let them walk, Kyiv is still waiting for its horror, which, of course, will come there sooner or later.
  • @telehunt_video #132197 10:56 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/VladimirKarasyov/34546 ↩

    Владимир V Карасёв

    SolovyovLIVE host Sergey Karnaukhov in Malkevich LIVE stream about how Ukraine influences the political decisions of the West:

    “We often think that the authorities in Ukraine are the emissaries of Western intelligence services, agents who carry out the tasks set within the framework of those political highways that are cut for this entire team. But they are not only emissaries. In 2018, when there were hearings in the US Congress, an interesting situation unfolded about Azov. Then they tried to get money from the American budget to finance Azov, and several congressmen were indignant, saying that they were not ready to go for it. There was a special resolution in which it was written that "Azov" is an armed nationalist radical group that commits conventional crimes, and they should not be helped, they should not be given money, and even more so weapons. Then Poroshenko, through his lobbyists, initiated the transfer of corrupt money, and they quickly found a way out for bribes and raised funding for Azov through the Pentagon reserve fund. When I studied this material, I made an unexpected conclusion for myself: I thought in vain that these are people who have not tasted the sweetness of managing the world at the expense of money, unscrupulousness, corruption and everything else.

    “The dangerous thing is that Ukraine has realized that it is the tail that can wag the weakened, old, rotten dog that the West is. Ukraine is well aware that due to their youth, vivacity and unscrupulousness, they can override many decisions. Therefore, we must carefully watch who says what and what is new in the media field of Ukraine.”

  • @telehunt_video #132198 10:59 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124928 ↩


    43 people were admitted to the Sergiev Posad regional hospital. Six are in intensive care - they have burns and a head injury, another 22 people were taken to the traumatology department. The rest had shrapnel injuries of moderate severity.

    Under the rubble can be 5 people. Now 23 ambulance teams and 5 disaster medicine teams are working at the site of the explosion, and air ambulance services have also been connected.

    The hospital also strengthened emergency teams. We have created a reserve of 40 beds, including 10 intensive care units.
  • @telehunt_video #132199 11:00 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94392 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132200 11:00 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94391 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132201 11:00 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94390 ↩


    A large collection of assistance to children and the elderly of Donbass!

    We continue our active work to provide assistance to children and the civilian population in the Donbass and in the NVO zone. On the video, helping children with disabilities and the elderly left homeless..

    The collection is used to purchase and deliver food and hygiene kits for orphans, disabled children, large families and the elderly living in the NWO zone.

    As part of our "Social canteen" project, we provide food for about 500 children and the elderly every day. Details here https://t.me/olgavyazovskaya2014/554. Meals for children and the disabled are organized on the basis of the Mariupol Industrial College.

    We also draw up targeted applications and deliver humanitarian kits to difficult areas of Donbass. Recently, we have delivered many humanitarian kits to the most difficult areas of the NMD.

    How to help children and the elderly of Donbass in the NWO zone:

    1. Sberbank card 2202206223232526 Igor K.

    2. Sberbank card 4817760436706554 Olga V.
    or by calling +79198789416 or via SBP from other banks.

    Full details, including for legal entities, as well as in cryptocurrency and contacts at the link https://t.me/olgavyazovskaya2014/620

    For all questions write @Lelyavyaz
    Follow our work https://t.me/olgavyazovskaya2014

    Special thanks to those who support my work with information:
    Boris Rozhin https://t.me/boris_rozhin,
    Daniil Bezsonov https://t.me/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV,
    Chingiz Dambiev https://t.me/ChDambiev,
    OMON Moscow channel https://t.me/omonmoscow,
    1 Army Corps of the RF Armed Forces https://t.me/nm_dnr,
    Alexander Zhuchkovsky https://t.me/juchkovsky
    and many others who do not remain indifferent.
  • @telehunt_video #132202 11:00 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94396 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132203 11:00 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94395 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132204 11:00 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/bditelnost/24986 ↩

    Бдительность - Z

    ❗🇬🇧🇺🇦 The perpetrator of the sabotage and terrorist act at the energy infrastructure facility of the Republic of Crimea, carried out on the instructions of the Ukrainian special services, testifies.

    Operational video: TsOS FSB RF

    #Russia #Crimea #FSB_RF #Ukraine #terrorism #sabotage

    Subscribe to "Vigilance-Z"

  • @telehunt_video #132205 11:01 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30258 ↩


    On some program in Ukraine, the crest made it clear to everyone that UkroSMI is specifically deceiving the people and rubbing them that the Russians do not know how to fight and shit out of technology.

    Soldier of Fortune. Subscribe
  • @telehunt_video #132206 11:02 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37799 ↩


    🎼🎻 In spite of everything, the instructors of the Wagner group continue to train the national army, police and gendarmerie.
    💀 @wagner_group_pmc ♠️
  • @telehunt_video #132207 11:02 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/nm_dnr/10793 ↩

    Народная милиция ДНР

    📹58 SPN destroys enemy infantry

    In the Artyomovsk direction, the Ukrainian command continues to send its infantry to the slaughter. During unsuccessful attempts to advance the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the soldiers of the 58th Specialized Special Forces, with well-aimed launches of anti-tank guided missiles, over and over again destroy groups of enemy infantry.

    Subscribe to the telegram channel People's Militia of the DPR to see the war through our eyes
  • @telehunt_video #132208 11:02 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124929 ↩


    "Here he is, darling, flew."

    Russian electronic warfare units discovered and landed a Ukrainian drone that was engaged in reconnaissance in Vasilyevka, Zaporozhye region.
  • @telehunt_video #132209 11:06 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/romanov_92/41145 ↩

    Romanov Лайт ]ࣩࣩࣩࣩ࣯ࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩ

    Sergiev Posad, Moscow region, Russia.

    The technologist of the enterprise Yury Tarasov (at the time of the explosion was on the territory of the enterprise) stated that the explosion occurred at the site of the powder rock, as well as that the explosion was preceded by a "small pop".

  • @telehunt_video #132210 11:12 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/grey_zone/19943 ↩


    Footage from Sergiev Pasada, where a strong explosion occurred at one of the warehouses located on the territory of the Zagorsk Optical and Mechanical Plant.

    In continuation of the words of the former head of the company engaged in the manufacture of pyrotechnic products "PiroRos", the explosion occurred in the neighboring territory, and not in a warehouse belonging to him. In addition, the company was declared bankrupt in March.

    According to the employees of the production premises located opposite, shortly before the explosion, they saw a truck drive up there. In general, they add, different green and blue trucks marked with explosives and dangerous substances have been observed there repeatedly. This is confirmed by previously published footage from the plant.

    Whether this caused the explosion is unknown. Also, as at the moment, it is still unknown whether it was a diversion or the fault of the owners of the production.

  • @telehunt_video #132211 11:12 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/grey_zone/19946 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #132212 11:18 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV/28366 ↩

    Неофициальный Безсонов

    Callsign "Hare", commander of a platoon of fire support of the battalion. Alexander Peresvet.

    In 2022, an ordinary hard worker from Donetsk, like many others, was mobilized to participate in the liberation of his native Donbass. After joining the troops, the fighter immediately began to study military affairs and absorb all possible information that would help him survive and do his job. Currently, "Hare" is working in the most difficult Avdeevsky direction: "My main task is to cover the guys performing offensive actions and to enable them to quickly withdraw the wounded," our hero notes.
  • @telehunt_video #132213 11:18 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18559 ↩

    Осторожно, новости

    The number of victims in Sergiev Posad has increased to 52 people.

    This was announced by the Moscow Region authorities. They continue to search for people under the rubble: "They check the lists of people who have taken the shift. This is how they determine people who may be under the rubble," - Governor Andrei Vorobyov.
  • @telehunt_video #132214 11:19 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/UAVDEV/3250 ↩

    Разработчик БПЛА
  • @telehunt_video #132215 11:19 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/dvish_alive/26406 ↩


    Soldiers from the "Steel Border" brigade destroyed the enemy surveillance complex "Murom-M" in the Kharkiv direction
  • @telehunt_video #132216 11:20 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/chvkmedia/81566 ↩

    ЧВК Медиа

    Callsign "Hare", commander of a platoon of fire support of the battalion. Alexander Peresvet.

    In 2022, an ordinary hard worker from Donetsk, like many others, was mobilized to participate in the liberation of his native Donbass. After joining the troops, the fighter immediately began to study military affairs and absorb all possible information that would help him survive and do his job. Currently, "Hare" is working in the most difficult Avdeevsky direction: "My main task is to cover the guys performing offensive actions and to enable them to quickly withdraw the wounded," our hero notes.
  • @telehunt_video #132217 11:21 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/voenacher/50026 ↩

    Повёрнутые на Z войне 🇷🇺

    Callsign "Hare", commander of a platoon of fire support of the battalion. Alexander Peresvet.

    In 2022, an ordinary hard worker from Donetsk, like many others, was mobilized to participate in the liberation of his native Donbass. After joining the troops, the fighter immediately began to study military affairs and absorb all possible information that would help him survive and do his job. Currently, "Hare" is working in the most difficult Avdeevsky direction: "My main task is to cover the guys performing offensive actions and to enable them to quickly withdraw the wounded," our hero notes.
  • @telehunt_video #132218 11:23 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58556 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    Footage from a school in Sergiev Posad that was hit by the explosion.

  • @telehunt_video #132219 11:25 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/SIL0VIKI/72727 ↩


    Callsign "Hare", commander of a platoon of fire support of the battalion. Alexander Peresvet.

    In 2022, an ordinary hard worker from Donetsk, like many others, was mobilized to participate in the liberation of his native Donbass. After joining the troops, the fighter immediately began to study military affairs and absorb all possible information that would help him survive and do his job. Currently, "Hare" is working in the most difficult Avdeevsky direction: "My main task is to cover the guys performing offensive actions and to enable them to quickly withdraw the wounded," our hero notes.
  • @telehunt_video #132220 11:26 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50949 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇬🇧 Soldiers of the 58th Specialized Special Forces cover groups of militants with ATGM shots in the Artyomovsk direction

    The Nazi command over and over again continues to send militants to slaughter without the support of technology.
  • @telehunt_video #132221 11:26 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/dvish_alive/26407 ↩


    It is immediately clear that it was the fireworks that exploded in Russia today
  • @telehunt_video #132222 11:26 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/nm_dnr/10794 ↩

    Народная милиция ДНР

    Callsign "Hare", commander of a platoon of fire support of the battalion. Alexander Peresvet.

    In 2022, an ordinary hard worker from Donetsk, like many others, was mobilized to participate in the liberation of his native Donbass. After joining the troops, the fighter immediately began to study military affairs and absorb all possible information that would help him survive and do his job. Currently, "Hare" is working in the most difficult Avdeevsky direction: "My main task is to cover the guys performing offensive actions and to enable them to quickly withdraw the wounded," our hero notes.
  • @telehunt_video #132223 11:26 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124930 ↩


    Callsign "Hare", commander of a platoon of fire support of the battalion. Alexander Peresvet.

    In 2022, an ordinary hard worker from Donetsk, like many others, was mobilized to participate in the liberation of his native Donbass. After joining the troops, the fighter immediately began to study military affairs and absorb all possible information that would help him survive and do his job. Currently, "Hare" is working in the most difficult Avdeevsky direction: "My main task is to cover the guys performing offensive actions and to enable them to quickly withdraw the wounded," our hero notes.
  • @telehunt_video #132224 11:30 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/romanov_92/41146 ↩

    Romanov Лайт ]ࣩࣩࣩࣩ࣯ࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩ

    Sergiev Posad, Moscow region, Russia.

    Official footage from RT

    The epicenter of the explosion at the Zagorsk Optical and Mechanical Plant.

  • @telehunt_video #132225 11:30 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusbrief/143963 ↩


    The epicenter of the explosion in Sergiev Posad looks like this. The general director of the Piro-Ross company, Sergei Chankaev, was brought in for questioning. @visioner_rf
  • @telehunt_video #132226 11:30 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94398 ↩


    Footage of the use of Phoenix-mini FPV drones by paratroopers from the 45th Special Forces Brigade of the Airborne Forces. On the video, the defeat of 2 BMPs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Zaporozhye direction
  • @telehunt_video #132227 11:31 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124931 ↩


    The result of the work of the artillery of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation at the place of accumulation of ukrofascists🔥
  • @telehunt_video #132228 11:33 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58557 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    The epicenter of the explosion in Sergiev Posad.

  • @telehunt_video #132229 11:33 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/epoddubny/17038 ↩

    Поддубный |Z|О|V| edition

    A four-year-old child died as a result of an attack by Ukrainian militants in the Petrovsky district of Donetsk.

    At the time of the impact, the girl was in the house. As a result of a direct hit, the building was completely destroyed.

  • @telehunt_video #132230 11:35 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/voenacher/50027 ↩

    Повёрнутые на Z войне 🇷🇺

    An example of the conversion of agricultural equipment into an improvised engineering demining vehicle. The lack of engineering equipment in the Armed Forces of Ukraine makes it necessary to experiment with the installation of mine sweeps on tractors. DEAR BROTHER Rybar recently wrote more about such attempts to make a homemade solution to the problem of lack of engineering equipment.
  • @telehunt_video #132231 11:39 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/opersvodki/16345 ↩

    Оперативные сводки

    Callsign "Hare", commander of a platoon of fire support of the battalion. Alexander Peresvet.

    In 2022, an ordinary hard worker from Donetsk, like many others, was mobilized to participate in the liberation of his native Donbass. After joining the troops, the fighter immediately began to study military affairs and absorb all possible information that would help him survive and do his job. Currently, "Hare" is working in the most difficult Avdeevsky direction: "My main task is to cover the guys performing offensive actions and to enable them to quickly withdraw the wounded," our hero notes.
  • @telehunt_video #132232 11:42 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/SergeyKolyasnikov/51150 ↩


    Sergiev Posad. The consequences of the explosion of a warehouse with firecrackers and firecrackers.
  • @telehunt_video #132233 11:47 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rybar/50560 ↩


    An example of the conversion of agricultural equipment into an improvised engineering demining vehicle. The lack of engineering equipment in the Armed Forces of Ukraine makes it necessary to experiment with the installation of mine sweeps on tractors. DEAR BROTHER Rybar recently wrote more about such attempts to make a homemade solution to the problem of lack of engineering equipment.
  • @telehunt_video #132234 11:47 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/donbassinsider/39969 ↩

    Donbass Insider

    🇺🇦🇷🇺 A 4-year-old girl died in the Petrovski district of Donetsk during a Ukrainian bombardment.
  • @telehunt_video #132235 11:48 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/chvkmedia/81571 ↩

    ЧВК Медиа

    An example of the conversion of agricultural equipment into an improvised engineering demining vehicle. The lack of engineering equipment in the Armed Forces of Ukraine makes it necessary to experiment with the installation of mine sweeps on tractors. DEAR BROTHER Rybar recently wrote more about such attempts to make a homemade solution to the problem of lack of engineering equipment.
  • @telehunt_video #132236 11:48 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58558 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    The 3rd separate assault brigade publishes videos of battles with the "liberators".

  • @telehunt_video #132237 11:49 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/romanov_92/41147 ↩

    Romanov Лайт ]ࣩࣩࣩࣩ࣯ࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩ

    Varvarovka village, Nikolaev region, Ukraine.

  • @telehunt_video #132238 11:50 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rian_ru/211624 ↩

    РИА Новости

    A four-year-old girl was killed in Donetsk as a result of Ukrainian shelling, three more people were injured
  • @telehunt_video #132239 11:54 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37800 ↩


    🎼🎻🏴 🔥 Honor and respect for the "steel infantry"! ㅤ

    💀 @wagner_group_pmc ♠️
  • @telehunt_video #132240 11:54 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124932 ↩


    The war in Donbass has left its mark on the hearts of many Donetsk residents, including our heroine. In the most difficult time for her native land, she decided to head the Art-Donbass Museum and go through all the upcoming difficulties with it. The main activity of the museum is the work to promote and develop the culture and history of Donbass. Art-Donbass Art Museum actively contributes to the development of children's creativity, cooperating with various art schools, studios in the Palaces of Culture. And all this thanks to Ekaterina: “We are very pleased that many young artists come. We are happy to help them in revealing their talent, ”our heroine notes.

    Ekaterina Kalinichenko, being a young and creative specialist, could easily leave the war and find a promising job in any other region, but she remained in her native land, with her people.
  • @telehunt_video #132241 11:59 AM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46019 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    🙏 A wonderful commentary by Metropolitan Luka of Zaporozhye and Melitopol regarding his summons for interrogation at the SBU.

    Vladyka Luka was summoned for interrogation, he said this during today's sermon.

    From 6-50, and it is better to listen to the whole sermon. The words of the Archpastor about the Gospel, about faith and Who can help us overcome fear.
  • @telehunt_video #132242 12:01 PM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/124933 ↩


    Zaporizhia direction - a cemetery of Western armored vehicles

    The French-made VAB armored personnel carrier and the Swiss-made MOWAG Eagle I armored car found their last refuge in the fields,

    video by @ChDambiev
  • @telehunt_video #132243 12:02 PM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/rlz_the_kraken/60140 ↩

    Выпускайте Кракена!

    The RZSO with the ridiculous name "Cheburashka" is working on enemy positions with 217-mm thermobaric shells.

    This installation is an analogue of the "Sun" created by craftsmen from the DPR.
  • @telehunt_video #132244 12:02 PM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/chvkmedia/81572 ↩

    ЧВК Медиа

    Ukrainian journalist Dmitry Gordon finally went crazy and interviewed his 7-year-old daughter Alisa, discussing Russia and Vladimir Putin with her.

    Why is the interview in Russian?😅
  • @telehunt_video #132245 12:04 PM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/50950 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇬🇧 Sniper pairs of Ivanovo paratroopers hit the enemy near Artemovsk

    The fighters are armed with the domestic ORSIS T-5000 rifle, which allows them to destroy the enemy at a distance of up to 1.5 km.
    ▪️ With an accurate shot, a sniper hit a moving target at a distance of 1100 meters. After fixing the hit, the couple quickly changed their position and continued to observe.
  • @telehunt_video #132246 12:04 PM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94399 ↩


    A direct hit on the accumulation of enemy manpower in the area of ​​the settlement. Kleshcheevka near Artemovsk.

  • @telehunt_video #132247 12:04 PM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/RtrDonetsk/19673 ↩

    Репортёр Руденко V🇷🇺

    Callsign "Hare", commander of a platoon of fire support of the battalion. Alexander Peresvet.

    In 2022, an ordinary hard worker from Donetsk, like many others, was mobilized to participate in the liberation of his native Donbass. After joining the troops, the fighter immediately began to study military affairs and absorb all possible information that would help him survive and do his job. Currently, "Hare" is working in the most difficult Avdeevsky direction: "My main task is to cover the guys performing offensive actions and to enable them to quickly withdraw the wounded," our hero notes.
  • @telehunt_video #132248 12:09 PM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/Doninside/19175 ↩

    Inside 🅉 Donetsk

    Another dead child in the hands of terrorists from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Strikes on residential buildings bring their bloody fruits.

    Petrovsky district of Donetsk, Osoaviahima street, the baby was only 4 years old ...

  • @telehunt_video #132249 12:09 PM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46020 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    FSB publishes video of interrogation of saboteur detained in Crimea

    He said that the SBU recruited him after learning about his Russian citizenship and threatened to kill his family (the man lived in the Dnepropetrovsk region).

    He entered Russia through Moldova and Turkey.

    What can be said here? Living in Ukraine and falling into the hands of our Gestapo, it is very difficult to resist, especially if your loved ones are held hostage. In this case, of course, you should agree and go to Russia, in fact, to your salvation. Upon arrival, you need to come to the services and honestly tell about the trouble, you will, of course, have to take part in the operational game, but on the other hand, you will relieve yourself of the sin and responsibility for the terrorist attack and will be able to save your loved ones and bring the defeat of Bandera closer.

  • @telehunt_video #132250 12:09 PM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/SIL0VIKI/72729 ↩



    S. Rachmaninov - Musical Moment, Op.16 No. 4

    In 1896, on the rise after a successful tour of the cities of Russia and Poland, the 23-year-old Rachmaninov wrote a cycle of six Musical Moments. The most popular among them was the fourth - E minor. Listening to this raging, literally tearing music from under your fingers, it's hard to believe that it has grown out of the composer's old student fugue! However, it is. In just a few years, the young musician has become a self-confident master.

    Musical moment No. 4 in E minor will be performed by Timofey Vladimirov

    "Russian Piano School"
  • @telehunt_video #132251 12:09 PM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/ChDambiev/24922 ↩


    Minus one Ukrainian off-road truck Ural-4320.
  • @telehunt_video #132252 12:10 PM, 09 Aug 2023
    t.me/opersvodki/16346 ↩

    Оперативные сводки


    S. Rachmaninov - Musical Moment, Op.16 No. 4

    In 1896, on the rise after a successful tour of the cities of Russia and Poland, the 23-year-old Rachmaninov wrote a cycle of six Musical Moments. The most popular among them was the fourth - E minor. Listening to this raging, literally tearing music from under your fingers, it's hard to believe that it has grown out of the composer's old student fugue! However, it is. In just a few years, the young musician has become a self-confident master.

    Musical moment No. 4 in E minor will be performed by Timofey Vladimirov

    "Russian Piano School"