• @telehunt_video #133258 06:58 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/izvestia/139560 ↩


    Moscow is one of the most popular destinations among tourists in the summer of 2023. Experts predict that more than 6 million travelers can visit the capital by the end of August.

    The capital region yielded only to the Krasnodar Territory, ahead of St. Petersburg. Learn more in our infographic.

    Watch the live broadcast of the round-the-clock news channel "Izvestia"
  • @telehunt_video #133259 07:01 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125128 ↩


    Ussuri paratroopers destroyed the enemy stronghold near Kleshcheevka from the Kornet anti-tank missile system: footage of combat work

    “We are in the Kleshcheevka area, where the enemy is trying to attack, but he will not succeed. The BTR-4 was destroyed the other day. The strongholds that we find are also immediately destroyed. The enemy will be defeated, victory will be ours,” said the commander of the ATGM battery of the Ussuriysk Separate Guards Airborne Forces unit with the call sign “Tourist”.
  • @telehunt_video #133260 07:02 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/ukr_leaks/8197 ↩


    Believers begin to be forced out of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra

    Security forces gathered in the monastery in the morning.

    Today monks can also be evicted. On the eve of the court satisfied the claim of the reserve to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra on the "removal of obstacles in the use of property."

  • @telehunt_video #133261 07:02 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23351 ↩

    Два майора
  • @telehunt_video #133262 07:03 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nm_dnr/10802 ↩

    Народная милиция ДНР

    📹Humanitarian aid of the 116th Infantry Regiment

    The Moscow-Donbass International Volunteer Group, with the support of the 1st Donetsk Army Corps, delivered humanitarian aid to the 116th Infantry Regiment.
    The cargo includes camouflage and tactical medicine, a field bath, as well as other equipment necessary for combat missions.

    Subscribe (https://t.me/nm_dnr) to the telegram channel People's Militia of the DPR to see the war through our eyes
  • @telehunt_video #133263 07:04 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94539 ↩


    Destruction of self-propelled guns of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and ammunition for it by artillery of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

  • @telehunt_video #133264 07:08 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37913 ↩


    Residents of the city of Krakow, which is located in Poland, complain about the appearance of Wagner stickers.

    The stickers are targeted at recruiting locals, with the inscription:

    "We are here. Join us" 🤙

    Residents of the city of Krakow, which is located in Poland, complain about the appearance of Wagner stickers.

    The stickers are aimed at recruiting local residents, with the inscription:

    "We're here. Join us" 🤙

    I residenti della citta di Cracovia, che si trova in Polonia, si lamentano della comparsa di adesivi Wagner.

    Gli adesivi sono orientati al reclutamento locale, con la scritta:

    "Siamo qui. Unisciti a noi" 🤙

    Moradores da cidade de Cracóvia, na Polônia, reclamam do aparecimento de adesivos de Wagner.

    Os adesivos são voltados para o recrutamento de moradores locais, com a inscrição:

    "Estamos aqui. Junte-se a nos" 🤙

  • @telehunt_video #133265 07:08 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/voenacher/50134 ↩

    Повёрнутые на Z войне 🇷🇺

    More footage of the use of an FPV drone against enemy manpower in the Zaporozhye direction. A maneuverable drone flies straight into a trench with enemy soldiers. @BOBRMORF
  • @telehunt_video #133266 07:10 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58664 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    Do you weigh 80? 90? 100? Weight loss for the lazy! Fat along with the stomach will be gone FOREVER!

    You will be shocked, it really works! Nobody believed!
    ❗️On the FITNESS TRAINER channel, they posted a way that even those who cannot live without sweets and are too lazy to get out of bed will lose weight!

    Share the link, watch before they are covered👇

  • @telehunt_video #133267 07:12 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/afric_ylbIbka/5198 ↩

    Улыбаемся & Машем

    The real man Emmanuel will not be called, but not about that. The last leader of the Third Republic blew a container of nails into the coffin of "francophone" in West Africa. As you can see, he has been diligently doing this since 2017. In Burkina Faso, at a meeting of two presidents with local students, he trolls the leader of the host country with his inability to solve problems with power outages in the capital (while not forgetting to take everything out of there that is not screwed on). And when he left the hall, in protest of the humiliation, he added at all: "He went to fix the air conditioner." De Gaulle is rolling over in his grave. Again.
  • @telehunt_video #133268 07:14 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/BPLAROSTOV/474 ↩

    Русский беспилотник
  • @telehunt_video #133269 07:16 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37914 ↩


    🎼🎻 Wagner group fighter shows trophies..

    💀 @wagner_group_pmc ♠️

    fighter group "Wagner" shows trophies.


    el grupo de luchadores "Wagner" muestra trofeos.


    il gruppo di combattenti "Wagner" mostra i trophei.

  • @telehunt_video #133270 07:16 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/izvestia/139561 ↩


    Even the disabled are sent to serve: the prisoner spoke about forced mobilization in Ukraine.

    People are lured into the Armed Forces of Ukraine by threats, after which they are sent into battle with little or no preparation. According to the prisoner of war Ivan, the summons was handed to him, having stopped the car at the traffic police post. For failing to appear at the district military enlistment office, the man was threatened with a prison term of 3 to 10 years.

    The VSUshnik noted that the doctors did not pay attention to his health problems and very quickly recognized him as fit. “I say that I have knitting needles here, there is metal here, I once fell off the roof and never got it. They tell me: “What to do with it, they take it without a hand,” Ivan added.

    Subscribe to REN TV
  • @telehunt_video #133271 07:18 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/epoddubny/17060 ↩

    Поддубный |Z|О|V| edition


    Today, on my birthday, my new film about this "Cascade: Ascension" is released.

    OBTF "Kaskad" is the legendary Donbass assault battalion, which has been in service since 2014. Stormed "Azovstal", plant them. Ilyich, they cleared Mariupol, in the fall of last year, the OBTF, together with the 155th Marine Brigade, liberated Pavlovka, and in June 2023, together with the 40th Marine Brigade, defended Novodonetskoye and Harvest. There is no such height that the Cascade attack aircraft would not have conquered!

    And their commander is always with them - Colonel-General Dikiy, who is also the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the DPR. With such a commander as Alexei Alexandrovich, the guys are like behind a stone wall! A real military general, not a "parquet" one! Never sits in the rear!

    Watch in the film the story of the assault on Azovstal and the plant. Ilyich first hand - you will not see this anywhere else!

    Watch Solovyov-LIVE at 2100. Don't miss it!
  • @telehunt_video #133272 07:28 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/sashakots/41579 ↩


    A “gas station country” with a “torn economy” has launched an automatic station on the moon that will work in the interests of a future habitable base.

    “Luna-25” separated from the upper stage “Fregat” and put on a flight path to the Earth’s satellite. Landing of the device is planned for August 21.

    The next station, Luna-26, will be launched in 2027. It will be an orbiter for remote study of the surface, its relief and structure. As a result of the work, a universal map with a resolution of 2-3 meters will be compiled. It will be used to navigate future lunar programs In addition, the Luna-26 orbital complex will be able to work as a signal repeater for the next lunar expedition.

    - 2028. Luna-27 will deliver a powerful drilling rig that will be able to take soil samples from a depth of up to 1.5 meters. The scientific station will study the internal structure of the bowels of the moon.

    - 2029. "Luna-28" is a prototype of the runway complex. Includes a return rocket that will carry soil samples back to Earth.

    - 2031-2035. Construction of a habitable lunar base together with China.

    More details - in Komsomolskaya Pravda

  • @telehunt_video #133273 07:31 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/cyber_frontZ/12754 ↩

    КИБЕР ФРОНТ 🇷🇺ZА Россию🇷🇺

    The destruction of the Ukrainian self-propelled guns hidden in the forest in the Bakhmut direction by the Lancet.
  • @telehunt_video #133274 07:31 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30386 ↩


    Footage of the work of the MLRS "Smerch" of the Western Group of Forces.

    Soldier of Fortune. Subscribe
  • @telehunt_video #133275 07:31 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/dvish_alive/26460 ↩


    Only on 09.08.2023 in the Bakhmut direction, as a result of the joint interaction of the units "Asgard", "Ochi", "Kryla" 🇺🇦 3 OShbr, 26th brigade, head of REB 28, fire on four enemy tanks was detected and corrected
  • @telehunt_video #133276 07:31 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125134 ↩


    The weakest point of the Mastiff is that the car, having blown up on a mine, having lost only two wheels, cannot continue to move."

    The armored car is spacious and air-conditioned, but the equipment is crammed with electronics, which "gives a certain failure," said Kirill Olkov, an Izvestia correspondent. In combat conditions, electrical equipment can fail, fail, break down and deteriorate ahead of time.

    “The silhouette of the Mastiff is large, but it is overweight and its maneuverability is underestimated. Therefore, the percentage of hits is much higher,” said the serviceman with the call sign Rum-36.
  • @telehunt_video #133277 07:35 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48714 ↩


    🥊 "Now I'm 100% Russian": boxer Kevin Johnson changed his name in honor of Putin.

    Now the name of the American athlete is Kevin Vladimirovich.
  • @telehunt_video #133278 07:37 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51051 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇬🇧💥 Battles for Kleshcheevka: Paratroopers destroyed the enemy's stronghold from the Kornet ATGM

    “We are in the Kleshcheevka area, where the enemy is trying to attack, but he will not succeed. The BTR-4 was destroyed the other day. We also immediately destroy the strongholds that we find, - the commander of the Turist ATGM battery. /TK Zvezda/Ministry of Defense/
  • @telehunt_video #133279 07:37 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rgrunews/83600 ↩

    Российская Газета | Новости

    Armed police cordoned off the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

    No one is allowed into the area.

  • @telehunt_video #133280 07:41 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37917 ↩


    💀 @wagner_group_pmc ♠️
  • @telehunt_video #133281 07:47 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Mestb_Dobroj_Voli/7499 ↩

    Месть доброй воли

    How is it that a country whose soldiers allegedly saw asphalt and toilets for the first time in Ukraine launched the New Lunar Station from the New Cosmodrome ... But ukry are the descendants of those who dug out the Black Sea.

    Well, so as not to get up twice during the last hour, several missiles were launched across Ukraine, including Kyiv. Straight rocket day.

    Goodwill Revenge
  • @telehunt_video #133282 07:56 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23355 ↩

    Два майора

    We continue to publish the talks of dull Vushniks from the Kupyansky direction. Today we are talking about the evacuation of the wounded.

    Everyone has a bunch of 300s. Ask for the elders. The pencils won't come. Hello beaver.

    And the way out is simple. Stay alive - get out at a frequency of 149.200 and surrender.

    Goodwill Revenge
  • @telehunt_video #133283 07:58 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/chvkmedia/81680 ↩

    ЧВК Медиа

    Seven hours ago, the Luna-25 station was launched on the Earth's satellite. There were no such flights for almost 50 years. Where it should land, the correspondent of RIA Novosti found out with an accuracy of up to a meter.
  • @telehunt_video #133284 07:58 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58668 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    ⚡Explosion in Moscow

    A drone exploded near Karamyshevskaya embankment.

  • @telehunt_video #133285 07:58 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/DroneCenterDNR/1066 ↩



    Today, on my birthday, my new film about this "Cascade: Ascension" is released.

    OBTF "Kaskad" is the legendary Donbass assault battalion, which has been in service since 2014. Stormed "Azovstal", plant them. Ilyich, they cleared Mariupol, in the fall of last year, the OBTF, together with the 155th Marine Brigade, liberated Pavlovka, and in June 2023, together with the 40th Marine Brigade, defended Novodonetskoye and Harvest. There is no such height that the Cascade attack aircraft would not have conquered!

    And their commander is always with them - Colonel-General Dikiy, who is also the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the DPR. With such a commander as Alexei Alexandrovich, the guys are like behind a stone wall! A real military general, not a "parquet" one! Never sits in the rear!

    Watch in the film the story of the assault on Azovstal and the plant. Ilyich first hand - you will not see this anywhere else!

    Watch Solovyov-LIVE at 2100. Don't miss it!
  • @telehunt_video #133286 07:58 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/chvkmedia/81681 ↩

    ЧВК Медиа

    The first minutes of the launch of "Luna-25" - the first lunar station in the history of modern Russia.

    The head of Roskosmos, Borisov, called its launch a new page in the development of the natural satellite of the Earth and suggested that in the future the Moon would be a launch pad for deep space. The launch was broadcast by Roskosmos and RT in Russian.
  • @telehunt_video #133287 07:58 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusbrief/144470 ↩


    According to preliminary data, a drone exploded in the area of ​​Karamyshevskaya embankment, - Baza.
  • @telehunt_video #133288 08:01 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30396 ↩


    Residents of the city of Krakow, which is located in Poland, complain about the appearance of Wagner stickers.

    The stickers are targeted at recruiting locals, with the inscription:

    "We are here. Join us"

    Soldier of Fortune. Subscribe
  • @telehunt_video #133289 08:02 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rlz_the_kraken/60164 ↩

    Выпускайте Кракена!

    In the meantime, we are "playing around" with our rockets and space, the valiant Italian policemen decided to present the guest of Rome with a red candibober, teach him a lesson in tolerance and at the same time wash themselves a little.
  • @telehunt_video #133290 08:02 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/ukr_leaks/8199 ↩


    Russian military hit an American Bradley

    The footage was filmed in the Orekhovsky direction near Rabotino. They show 3 units of armored vehicles, lined and abandoned by the crew. These are 2 German Leopard tanks and American Bradley infantry fighting vehicles.

    The militants of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are wandering along the edge of the forest, who fled after their arrival.

  • @telehunt_video #133291 08:02 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125138 ↩


    Combat work of the crew of the Tunguska-M1 air defense missile system of the Western Military District in the special operation zone

    In the course of a special military operation, the crews of the Tunguska-M1 self-propelled anti-aircraft missile and gun systems continue to protect the units of the RF Armed Forces from enemy air attacks.

    During combat duty, the crews destroy unmanned aerial vehicles conducting reconnaissance in the area of ​​​​positions of Russian troops, another target of anti-aircraft gunners is Ukrainian missiles. “We are on duty every day, doing combat work at the forefront. We hit targets with anti-aircraft guided missiles at a distance of up to 10 km, ”says the commander of the Tunguska-M1 air defense missile defense system.
  • @telehunt_video #133292 08:02 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/surf_noise1/31542 ↩


    "Stirlitz ... and I will ask you to stay ... For one more minute." Stayed forever!

    On August 11, 1973, 50 years ago, the film "Seventeen Moments of Spring" was released on TV. 12 episodes, the streets were empty, the characters entered the folklore... The consultants of the film, for obvious reasons, acted under pseudonyms.
  • @telehunt_video #133293 08:02 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/bditelnost/25054 ↩

    Бдительность - Z
  • @telehunt_video #133294 08:03 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/BOBRMORF/160 ↩


    Of course, the regular OG-7V is less effective than our IEDs, but still!
  • @telehunt_video #133295 08:03 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18596 ↩

    Осторожно, новости

    “Yes, the drone flew right here.”

    Residents of the north-west of Moscow removed the consequences of the explosion.
  • @telehunt_video #133296 08:05 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125139 ↩


    The explosion occurred near the Karamyshinsky hydroelectric complex in Moscow

    Eyewitnesses report that a UAV fell in the area of ​​the Moscow River.
  • @telehunt_video #133297 08:05 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51053 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️💥 Explosion near Karamyshevskaya embankment in Moscow, reports Baza

    ▪️Eyewitnesses report that a drone fell in the area of ​​the Moskva River.
    ▪️Earlier, the "Carpet" mode was announced at Vnukovo Airport.
  • @telehunt_video #133298 08:05 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51055 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
  • @telehunt_video #133299 08:05 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51054 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
  • @telehunt_video #133300 08:06 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125140 ↩


    Fragments of the UAV allegedly fell in the park area of ​​the 67th city hospital in Moscow
  • @telehunt_video #133301 08:07 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/cyber_frontZ/12755 ↩

    КИБЕР ФРОНТ 🇷🇺ZА Россию🇷🇺

    Previously, an aircraft-type UAV was shot down in the area of ​​​​the Moscow River. Nearby is the Karamyshevsky hydroelectric complex.
  • @telehunt_video #133302 08:07 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58670 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    New footage of the arrival of an unknown drone in Moscow.

    I love Moscow PeVeO 💔

  • @telehunt_video #133303 08:08 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23357 ↩

    Два майора
  • @telehunt_video #133304 08:08 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23356 ↩

    Два майора


    Explosion near Karamyshevskaya embankment in Moscow, reports

    It is reported that a UAV is possible.

    We are waiting for the official announcement
  • @telehunt_video #133305 08:08 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23358 ↩

    Два майора
  • @telehunt_video #133306 08:08 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/madam_secretar/28048 ↩

    Мадам Секретарь

    ⚡️Fragments of the UAV allegedly fell in the park area of ​​the 67th city hospital in Moscow
  • @telehunt_video #133307 08:09 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/bditelnost/25055 ↩

    Бдительность - Z

    ❗🇬🇧🇺🇦 In the video, tentatively, the flight of an enemy UAV that exploded in the area of ​​Karamyshevskaya embankment.

    It flew from the Istrinsky district of the Moscow region and was filmed by eyewitnesses in the Pavlovskaya Sloboda area.

    #Russia #Moscow #Moscow_region #Ukraine #terrorism #sabotage

    Subscribe to "Vigilance-Z"

  • @telehunt_video #133308 08:10 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wargonzo/14319 ↩


    ⚡️Video⚡️How to restore communication on the front line⚡️

    Signalers of the 1st Motorized Rifle Regiment of the 1st Motor Rifle Regiment of the Western Military District Serpukhov and Partizan went to repair the wires damaged by the Grad. The special correspondent of the project, Valentina Nekenova, also came forward with them.

    An unsophisticated person might think that the work of a signalman in our digital age is not related to work on the front line. It would seem enough to maintain a stable connection, being all the time in a relatively safe dugout or location.

    But no. More reliable than wires, maybe there are technologies, but you can’t drown out the “tapik” with electronic warfare. And the wires run along the very front edge and, sometimes, break, falling under enemy fire. And it is also often necessary to restore communication under fire. The work must be done quickly so that the fighters do not remain without communication. And also, so as not to get into a bind.


    *our project exists at the expense of subscribers, map for help
    4279 3806 9842 9521
  • @telehunt_video #133309 08:11 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94542 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133310 08:11 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94541 ↩


    Mass epiphany of the Ukrainian military: “We realized that we were just thrown for meat”

    - Another military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine fell into Russian captivity. They talked about poor training, poor support and the absence of commanders on the ground.

    - Both were mobilized, despite health problems, and combat training was replaced by two trips to the training ground. The equipment was no better: the instructors immediately said that the tourniquets from the first-aid kits could be thrown away, as they would bring more problems due to their poor quality.

    The servicemen did not see the officers. Instead, a senior was appointed among the Ukrainian soldiers, who was given a walkie-talkie. As a result, the "messenger" fled at the first opportunity.

    - The military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are assured that they were trained to guard warehouses as part of the defense forces, but instead they were sent to the forefront. The Ukrainian servicemen learned about being on the front line with the beginning of the offensive of the Russian troops. In the first battle, they surrendered.

  • @telehunt_video #133311 08:12 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125142 ↩


    Video of a drone flying over Moscow
  • @telehunt_video #133312 08:13 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30399 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133313 08:13 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30398 ↩


    Explosion near Karamyshevskaya embankment in Moscow

    Soldier of Fortune. Subscribe
  • @telehunt_video #133314 08:14 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/warfakes/16540 ↩

    Война с фейками
  • @telehunt_video #133315 08:17 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58671 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    In Primorye, a shelter for dogs was flooded.

    A video has also surfaced showing a prison guard riding a cart pulled by a prisoner.

  • @telehunt_video #133316 08:17 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58672 ↩

    NEXTA Live
  • @telehunt_video #133317 08:17 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/sashakots/41581 ↩


    The valiant artillery of the Central Military District unwinds in the Torsk house, in which the invaders held a meeting. Watch to the end.

  • @telehunt_video #133318 08:20 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/milinfolive/104930 ↩

    Военный Осведомитель

    The destruction of Ukrainian infantry by an FPV drone in the Zaporozhye direction. Video by @BOBRMORF

    Military Informant
  • @telehunt_video #133319 08:21 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Doninside/19194 ↩

    Inside 🅉 Donetsk

    The 4th brigade of the Southern Group of Forces mows down Ukrainian soldiers in the Artyomovsk direction with the help of kamikaze drones.

  • @telehunt_video #133320 08:22 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rian_ru/211845 ↩

    РИА Новости

    ❗️ Ambulances and firefighters are gathering to the place where cotton was heard in the area of ​​Karamyshevskaya embankment. Photo and video RIA Novosti provided eyewitnesses.
  • @telehunt_video #133321 08:23 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Mestb_Dobroj_Voli/7500 ↩

    Месть доброй воли

    The routine of war. Sometimes, so quietly and without fuss, the 138th brigade takes the landings from the Khohloreikha (the mobilized 1427 SMEs are working).

    It can be seen that the secretive advancement of the group is provided, among other things, by the operator of the portable anti-UAV complex.

    The men are working on courage, we know for sure that on this sector of the front the brigade command managed to establish competent interaction, provide combat coordination and psychological training of personnel.

    Goodwill Revenge
  • @telehunt_video #133322 08:25 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94544 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133323 08:25 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94546 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133324 08:25 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94543 ↩


    In Moscow, over the Karamyshevskaya embankment in Khoroshevo-Mnevniki, an aircraft-type UAV was shot down.
  • @telehunt_video #133325 08:25 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94545 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133326 08:25 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/opennewss/27386 ↩

    Русский аванпост ⚔️
  • @telehunt_video #133327 08:26 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/panteri_panteri/23988 ↩

    Сербский Дивергент
  • @telehunt_video #133328 08:26 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/panteri_panteri/23986 ↩

    Сербский Дивергент
  • @telehunt_video #133329 08:26 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/panteri_panteri/23987 ↩

    Сербский Дивергент
  • @telehunt_video #133330 08:26 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/panteri_panteri/23985 ↩

    Сербский Дивергент

    In Moscow, a drone crashed into a hospital near Karamyshevskaya embankment, there is no information about the victims.
  • @telehunt_video #133331 08:30 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58674 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    A multi-kilometer traffic jam has gathered in front of the Crimean bridge

    There are about 500 cars in line from Kerch.

  • @telehunt_video #133332 08:31 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rybar/50617 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133333 08:31 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rybar/50618 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133334 08:31 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rybar/50619 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133335 08:31 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rybar/50620 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133336 08:33 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/SIL0VIKI/72844 ↩


    🇬🇧🇺🇦 Minus "Cossack" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Orekhovsky direction, worked out by "Lancet".

  • @telehunt_video #133337 08:35 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30402 ↩


    What a terrible power.

    Soldier of Fortune. Subscribe
  • @telehunt_video #133338 08:36 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/bditelnost/25056 ↩

    Бдительность - Z

    ❗🇬🇧🇺🇦 More footage of the flight and fall of a Ukrainian aircraft-type UAV on the Karamyshevskaya embankment in Khoroshevo-Mnevniki.

    According to eyewitnesses, the device flew along the riverbed at an altitude of 150 m and was shot down by air defense systems.

    UAV fragments fell in the park area of ​​the 67th L.A. Vorokhobov.

    #Russia #Moscow #Moscow_region #Ukraine #terrorism #sabotage

    Subscribe to "Vigilance-Z"

  • @telehunt_video #133339 08:36 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/bditelnost/25058 ↩

    Бдительность - Z
  • @telehunt_video #133340 08:36 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/bditelnost/25059 ↩

    Бдительность - Z
  • @telehunt_video #133341 08:41 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/DDGeopolitics/76787 ↩

    DD Geopolitics

    🇷🇺 Sergei Sobyanin commented on the attempted drone attack in Moscow today: "As a result of the air defense work, it was eliminated. No one was hurt when debris fell in the area of ​​Karamyshevskaya embankment. There are no serious damages. Emergency services are on site".

    The video supposedly shows the drone before it got destroyed.
  • @telehunt_video #133342 08:43 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rian_ru/211849 ↩

    РИА Новости

    Emergency services are working in the area where the drone crashed in the north-west of Moscow. Photo and video provided by RIA Novosti eyewitnesses.
  • @telehunt_video #133343 08:46 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23367 ↩

    Два майора

    Zaporozhye Front, reports @ZSU_Hunter_2_0

    @APU Leopard got lost in Zaporozhye fields. The ambush of the 22nd Special Forces brigade wanted to tell him where to go to surrender, but the tank began to run away so much that they had to catch up with it with an ATGM @.

    ⭐️The footage shows the ignition of gunpowder. Burning epic. In the last couple of days, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have increased their efforts in the direction, hoping to push through the front against the backdrop of a change in our advanced units. Interesting information is that in order to prevent the demoralization of the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who will only have to go to their death for the first time in the direction of our positions, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine excludes contacts with those units that have already encountered our troops.

    That is, each new "meat wave" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has no idea what awaits them.

    Two majors
  • @telehunt_video #133344 08:48 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/romanov_92/41181 ↩

    Romanov Лайт ]ࣩࣩࣩࣩ࣯ࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩ

    Rabotino, Pologovsky district, Zaporozhye region, Russia.

    At the entrance to the village The enemy came close to the northern part of the settlement.

  • @telehunt_video #133345 08:52 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rian_ru/211851 ↩

    РИА Новости

    Karamyshevskaya embankment is blocked. The road near hospital No. 67 is closed, the police are turning the cars around.
  • @telehunt_video #133346 08:53 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125145 ↩


    Emergency services are working in the area where the drone crashed in the north-west of Moscow. Photo and video provided by RIA Novosti eyewitnesses.
  • @telehunt_video #133347 08:53 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51058 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇬🇧 An attempt by the Kyiv regime to carry out a terrorist attack with the help of an UAV on a facility in Moscow was thwarted — Ministry of Defense

    The UAV was suppressed by electronic warfare and crashed in a forest in the west of Moscow.
    ▪️As a result of the thwarted terrorist attack, there are no casualties or damage.
  • @telehunt_video #133348 08:54 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/spletnicca/11314 ↩


    The number of victims of a fire on the island of Maui (Hawaii) has increased to 53 people
  • @telehunt_video #133349 08:54 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/spletnicca/11313 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133350 08:57 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58681 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    Muscovites talk so happily about the drone crash as if it was the funniest event of the day.

    Go get used to it already 😁

  • @telehunt_video #133351 09:01 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30403 ↩


    Ukrainian reportage on the work of Bogdan's self-propelled guns "3.0" of Ukrainian production.

    Soldier of Fortune. Subscribe
  • @telehunt_video #133352 09:01 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/cyber_frontZ/12756 ↩

    КИБЕР ФРОНТ 🇷🇺ZА Россию🇷🇺

    Police armed with machine guns cordoned off the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and do not let believers into the territory of the shrine.

    Yesterday, the Kiev court satisfied the claim of the museum-reserve against the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, thanks to which the authorities can now officially expel the monks from the shrine.
  • @telehunt_video #133353 09:01 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/cyber_frontZ/12757 ↩

    КИБЕР ФРОНТ 🇷🇺ZА Россию🇷🇺
  • @telehunt_video #133354 09:01 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/cyber_frontZ/12758 ↩

    КИБЕР ФРОНТ 🇷🇺ZА Россию🇷🇺
  • @telehunt_video #133355 09:02 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/opersvodki/16397 ↩

    Оперативные сводки
  • @telehunt_video #133356 09:02 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125147 ↩


    Deception and neglect are not new phenomena in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Now the leadership uses its fighters as bait, and also almost itself gives the soldiers into captivity.

    According to the military officer Sergei, the commander led his unit on a tank, apparently in the wrong direction. He promised to pave the way with the help of a walkie-talkie, but only the elder, who was sitting on the tower of armored vehicles, had the device. As a result, the fighters were surrounded, where they surrendered - they did not have time to accept the battle.

    According to the prisoner, they were initially trained for service in the internal troops, and should not have been sent for reconnaissance. Sergey believes that the group was sent on such a mission in order to "plow the way".

    “You don’t need to trust your superiors, and you don’t even need to go to war, guys,” the prisoner of war turned to his colleagues. He noted that the situation inside the units is demoralizing - many people talk about the senselessness of confronting Russian troops.
  • @telehunt_video #133357 09:02 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/chvkmedia/81689 ↩

    ЧВК Медиа
  • @telehunt_video #133358 09:03 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/ukr_leaks/8201 ↩


    “We were just thrown”

    It is reported that these concrete boxes were installed by the Zhytomyr authorities as bomb shelters.

    They were supposed to appear in the most crowded places, but gathered them in the yards of Soviet high-rise buildings, where you can already hide, and for a much larger number of people.

    That's just a few million hryvnia in this case, the Ukrainian officials would not "mastered".

  • @telehunt_video #133359 09:03 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94550 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133360 09:03 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94549 ↩


    Fighting near Kleshcheevka: reconnaissance suppresses enemy artillery

    On 1 video, the suppression of a large-caliber mortar.
    On the 2nd: a shell exploded near the 2s1 self-propelled guns, fragments pierced the hull, barrel and engine, the gun is no longer suitable for further use.
  • @telehunt_video #133361 09:05 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rgrunews/83612 ↩

    Российская Газета | Новости

    In Primorye, seven settlements were cut off from road traffic due to rain floods.

    Four of the settlements deprived of motor transport are located in the Krasnoarmeisky district, two - in the Oktyabrsky district and one more - in the Ussuriysk city district.
    As noted in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for Primorye, over the past day, a gradual decline in water levels continued on most small rivers and in the upper reaches of the rivers of the region.

    The rise is preserved in the middle reaches of the Ussuri, in the middle and lower reaches of the Razdolnaya River, in the lower reaches of the Arsenyevka, Ilistaya, Bolshaya Ussurka, Malinovka, Bikin rivers. The rise of water per day was mainly 0.1-0.7 meters. Flooded in some areas of the floodplains of the rivers of the central, western and southern regions.

    Levels of the category of a dangerous phenomenon are noted on the Bolshaya Ussurka River near Vaguton, on the Marevka River near the village of Pokrovka. On the Razdolnaya River near Ussuriysk and on the Bolshaya Ussurka River near Dalnerechensk, levels are close to dangerous levels.

  • @telehunt_video #133362 09:09 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusbrief/144501 ↩


    The moment of the fall of the drone in Moscow.
  • @telehunt_video #133363 09:10 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rian_ru/211852 ↩

    РИА Новости

    The police cordoned off the entrance to the territory of the Moskvoretsky park, where, presumably, a Ukrainian drone fell
  • @telehunt_video #133364 09:14 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46171 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    The video shows what appears to be the same drone that exploded near Karamyshevskaya Embankment.

    It flew from the Istrinsky district of the Moscow region and was filmed by eyewitnesses in the Pavlovskaya Sloboda area.
  • @telehunt_video #133365 09:14 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/DDGeopolitics/76792 ↩

    DD Geopolitics
  • @telehunt_video #133366 09:21 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/voenacher/50143 ↩

    Повёрнутые на Z войне 🇷🇺

    Destruction of a Spanish 120-mm self-propelled mortar NTGS Alakran by a well-aimed shot from an ATGM near the village of Prydneprovskoe in the Kherson direction. This is the first confirmed destruction of this equipment in the NWO zone. @The_Wrong_Side
  • @telehunt_video #133367 09:23 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusbrief/144506 ↩


    The state of emergency was introduced on the territory of 6 municipalities of Primorye due to a typhoon, there is a threat of destruction of the dam on the reservoir, - Vostok-Media.
  • @telehunt_video #133368 09:25 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/milinfolive/104932 ↩

    Военный Осведомитель

    Video footage of the 155-mm self-propelled guns 2S22 "Bogdan" on the chassis "Tatra" T815-7T3RC1 8x8.1R APU.

    Military Informant
  • @telehunt_video #133369 09:25 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58684 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    The moment of the drone explosion in Moscow

  • @telehunt_video #133370 09:26 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/voron_zov/1531 ↩


    Hello from our guys🤙

    BAZA FPV🏴‍☠️
  • @telehunt_video #133371 09:26 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rian_ru/211854 ↩

    РИА Новости

    Soldiers of the army special forces "Osman" thwarted the evacuation of a group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the American BMP Bradley in the Rabotino area.

    The Ukrainian military tried to get closer to the BMP, which came for them, but fire was opened on the car, after which Bradley hastily retreated.
  • @telehunt_video #133372 09:26 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/madam_secretar/28050 ↩

    Мадам Секретарь

    The moment of the fall of the drone in Moscow.
  • @telehunt_video #133373 09:28 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/ghost_of_novorossia/14852 ↩

    ПриZрак Новороссии

    Today, the god Zeus☄️ took pity on the poor girls, and threw lightning all night to make the long-awaited rain. 😌
    Cool, just perfect 🙃
    We were busy with important things all night, and at lunchtime we immediately loaded everything into KamAZ 🙃
    Today we sent another cargo to the NWO zone, which consists of:
    Radio communication
    Anti-fragmentation goggles
    Shanks and kneelers
    Cables for Kirisans

    Work continues, only now in comfortable weather conditions 💫

    ⚡️CURRENT details for collecting voluntary donations for the warring army:

    4272 2907 5403 6887

    Roman Yurievich Z.

    The enemy will be defeated ⚔️
    Victory will be ours ⚔️
  • @telehunt_video #133374 09:29 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/DDGeopolitics/76794 ↩

    DD Geopolitics

    The video shows the presumed moment of the explosion of the Ukrainian drone on Karamyshev Kaya embankment in Moscow.
  • @telehunt_video #133375 09:29 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46174 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    And here is supposedly a video of the moment of the explosion of that drone in Moscow.

    The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation claims that the drone was suppressed by electronic warfare. It was reported that he fell on the grounds of the hospital

  • @telehunt_video #133376 09:30 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23370 ↩

    Два майора

    Footage of Vladimir from Moscow

    Before sending the copter to the hottest direction of the Zaporozhye Front, the drone was tested by a serious expert (on video), its independent evaluation was carried out.

    ⭐️Thanks to Vladimir and his comrades for helping the front! The people and the army are united!

    Two majors
  • @telehunt_video #133377 09:30 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/BPLAROSTOV/476 ↩

    Русский беспилотник

    A little humor😀
  • @telehunt_video #133378 09:30 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51063 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇬🇧 Soldiers of the army special forces "Osman" disrupted the evacuation of an enemy group in the Rabotino area

    The Ukrainian militants tried to approach the American BMP "Bradley", which came for them, but fire was opened on the car. /RIAN/
  • @telehunt_video #133379 09:31 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125150 ↩


    The Russian armed forces stormed the Krasnogorovsky ventilation shaft of the Trudovskaya mine, an important "support" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Maryinka in the DPR.
  • @telehunt_video #133380 09:32 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58685 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    Footage of yesterday's rocket attack on a hotel in Zaporozhye has emerged. It was used by UN staff as part of a humanitarian mission.

  • @telehunt_video #133381 09:33 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94551 ↩


    A unit of the army special forces Osman suppresses rotation attempts in the Zaporozhye direction.
    These shots demonstrate the indifferent attitude of the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to each other.

  • @telehunt_video #133382 09:33 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/ukr_leaks/8202 ↩


    How will the Abrams help?

    “Of course, they will save a lot of Ukrainian crews, but these tanks do not have superpowers in overcoming minefields.”

    Former US Army Major Mike Lyons talks about the supply of 31 American tanks to Kyiv.

    ▪️The fact that the States will send them to Ukraine was mentioned earlier. It was noted that before that they would be removed from all the "secret" equipment and some elements of the reservation.

  • @telehunt_video #133383 09:35 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/KovaksClearSky/803 ↩


    A little humor😀
  • @telehunt_video #133384 09:35 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/KovaksClearSky/804 ↩


    Hello from our guys🤙

    BAZA FPV🏴‍☠️
  • @telehunt_video #133385 09:40 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46175 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    The dumpster of Kolomoisky Unian came to shoot stories from the Lavra, how the last priests of the UOC will be driven out there today (the entire Lavra is now blocked by police cars), but then "Daggers" began to arrive.

  • @telehunt_video #133386 09:41 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/soldiers_truth/10461 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133387 09:41 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/soldiers_truth/10460 ↩


    Soldiers of 87 smallpox today received well-deserved awards.
    Congratulations guys!
  • @telehunt_video #133388 09:41 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125152 ↩


    Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin urged the Cabinet of Ministers to do everything necessary to ensure financial and budgetary stability, taking into account defense and social tasks.

    According to him, "it is necessary to take into account all possible risks, promptly respond to them."

    Video: TASS / Ruptly
  • @telehunt_video #133389 09:43 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46177 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    Police entry into the Lavra

  • @telehunt_video #133390 09:45 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125153 ↩


    Statement by the head of the press center of the Center group

    ▫️ In the Krasnolimansky direction in the areas of the Chervonopopovsky section and Serebryansky forestry, artillery fire and air strikes from the "Center" group of troops defeated the assault groups of 21 and 42 mechanized brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Enemy losses amounted to more than 60 militants, two infantry fighting vehicles were destroyed. During the counter-battery fight, a Grad MLRS combat vehicle was hit, and a Gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount was hit by the Lancet loitering ammunition.

    ▫️ Heavy flamethrower systems "Solntsepyok" inflicted fire damage on three areas of accumulation of personnel and firepower of the enemy in the area of ​​​​Chervonaya Dibrova.

    ▫️ Bomber aircraft attacked a command and observation post and two points of temporary deployment of Ukrainian troops in the areas of Novosergeevka and Terny settlements.

    🔹 Russian Ministry of Defense
  • @telehunt_video #133391 09:45 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/stepnoy_veter/1798 ↩

    Степной ветер

    Rare footage of a night assault in Serebryansky forestry

    The reconnaissance of the Akhmat special forces, the Aida group, is working, with the support of allies from the 2nd Army Corps.

  • @telehunt_video #133392 09:49 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/dvish_alive/26461 ↩


    Bohdana's Ukrainian self-propelled gun on the Tatra chassis practices the positions of the Russian bastards
  • @telehunt_video #133393 09:51 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/sashakots/41583 ↩


    Unique shots of the assault on the enemy's opposing force by the forces of the special forces of the "Brave" group. Somewhere at the turn of Svatovo-Kremennaya.

  • @telehunt_video #133394 09:51 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/spletnicca/11315 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133395 09:51 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/spletnicca/11316 ↩


    ⚡️The commission of the Lavra in the style of raiders from the 90s seals the buildings of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra along with the people inside.

    The authorities have driven hundreds of policemen into the shrine and are not letting anyone inside.

    The director of the reserve, Ostapenko, stated that the Lavra would be closed until the reserve took control of all buildings and removed "a large number of unknown persons" from the Lavra.

    If someone does not understand, he is talking about monks, priests and parishioners.

    There is no court decision that has entered into force. But this does not stop the imperious lawlessness.
  • @telehunt_video #133396 09:51 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/spletnicca/11317 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133397 09:51 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46181 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина
  • @telehunt_video #133398 09:51 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46180 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    🇺🇦The next Ukrainians who are tired of the corrupt government led by Zelenisty, which only profits from its citizens👌

    #Corruption #Ukraine #Zelensky
  • @telehunt_video #133399 09:51 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46182 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина
  • @telehunt_video #133400 09:51 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46183 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина
  • @telehunt_video #133401 09:52 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rgrunews/83615 ↩

    Российская Газета | Новости

    Today, a drone fell near Karamyshevskaya embankment in Moscow

    An eyewitness told RG about the moment the UAV fell.

  • @telehunt_video #133402 09:53 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/soldiers_truth/10463 ↩


    The hardest game is playing with yourself.
    For example, I have never been able to win.
    The son, as I see it, followed in my (rake) footsteps)
  • @telehunt_video #133403 09:53 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/ChDambiev/24958 ↩


    The result of the work of attack aircraft of the 127th motorized rifle division in the elimination of the DRG of the Armed Forces of Ukraine operating north of Priyutnoye.

    Soldier of the Armed Forces!
    Tune the frequency 149.200, call "Volga", follow the instructions and you will stay LIVE!
    Thus, you are guaranteed not to get on such a video!
    I read it myself, pass it on to someone else

  • @telehunt_video #133404 09:53 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rlz_the_kraken/60165 ↩

    Выпускайте Кракена!

    More distinct and epic footage of yesterday's Iskander, which aimed at a hotel with foreign mercenaries.
  • @telehunt_video #133405 10:00 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46184 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    Popular tiktoker and streamer Zubarev, who lives in China and is mainly watched and donated by the Russian audience. A person has 7.2 million followers on Tiktok and 1.2 million on Twitch.

    Namovlyata is translated as babies.

    Writes Pozdnyakov

    And we ask ourselves: are Russia and China allies? Maybe it is worth the Russian audience to be active and force the state machine to cooperate with China and the subsequent extradition of the cannibal back to Russia, or to deportation if he is a citizen of another country?

  • @telehunt_video #133406 10:00 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37924 ↩


    The moment of the missile strike of the Russian Armed Forces on the building of the Reikartz hotel in Zaporozhye the night before.
    According to preliminary information, the personnel of Ukrainian formations were accommodated on the territory of the hotel.

    The moment of the missile strike of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the building of the Reikartz hotel in Zaporozhye the night before.
    According to preliminary information, the personnel of Ukrainian formations were stationed on the territory of the hotel.

  • @telehunt_video #133407 10:00 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125155 ↩


    VSUshny Leopard 🇩🇪 got lost in Zaporozhye fields. The ambush of the 22nd Special Forces brigade wanted to tell him where to go to surrender, but the tank began to run away so much that they had to catch up with it with an ATGM.
  • @telehunt_video #133408 10:02 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/BOBRMORF/161 ↩


    Who seeks will always find!
  • @telehunt_video #133409 10:02 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/milinfolive/104933 ↩

    Военный Осведомитель

    Footage of the failed evacuation of the crew of the Leopard 2 tank under the cover of the BMP M2 Bradley ODS-SA of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Zaporozhye.

    The infantry fighting vehicle covered the entire process with the fire of its cannon until Russian artillery began to arrive at the site. After the first arrival, Bradley turns around and quickly leaves the place, leaving one of the crew members at the tank.

    Military Informant
  • @telehunt_video #133410 10:04 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/ukr_leaks/8203 ↩


    Vushnik threatens to kill MPs when he returns from the front line

    He complains that the authorities have been blocking his bank card for 3 months, where the money comes from. Because of this, he cannot pay for his mother's operation.

  • @telehunt_video #133411 10:04 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9936 ↩


    It is useless to run away, you will die tired.
  • @telehunt_video #133412 10:04 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9937 ↩


    Of course, the regular OG-7V is less effective than our IEDs, but still!
  • @telehunt_video #133413 10:04 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9935 ↩


    Are you here? And we are here!
  • @telehunt_video #133414 10:04 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9938 ↩


    Who seeks will always find!
  • @telehunt_video #133415 10:05 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46187 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    Parishioners of the UOC barricaded themselves in one of the buildings of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra to protect the shrine.

    The official Bandera media call them "fanatics of the UOC-MP".

  • @telehunt_video #133416 10:06 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51064 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇬🇧💥 Bobrov FPV drones destroy Ukrainian militants on the Zaporozhye front

    Powerful blows are inflicted on the fortifications of the Ukrainian Nazis. The militants try to run or hide, but our drones reach their targets.
  • @telehunt_video #133417 10:06 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51065 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
  • @telehunt_video #133418 10:06 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51066 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
  • @telehunt_video #133419 10:07 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94554 ↩


    Footage of the defeat of the APU group using an FPV drone.
    Location and date unknown

    video: @bobrmorf
  • @telehunt_video #133420 10:08 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/dvish_alive/26463 ↩


    Robotin, the situation is as follows
  • @telehunt_video #133421 10:08 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/dvish_alive/26464 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133422 10:08 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/bditelnost/25062 ↩

    Бдительность - Z

    ❗🇬🇧🇺🇦 Video of the fall and explosion of a Ukrainian strike UAV on the Karamyshevskaya embankment in Moscow near City Clinical Hospital No. 67.

    Video and photo of the wreckage of the drone.

    #Russia #Moscow #Moscow_region #Ukraine #terrorism #sabotage

    Subscribe to "Vigilance-Z"

  • @telehunt_video #133423 10:08 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/bditelnost/25063 ↩

    Бдительность - Z
  • @telehunt_video #133424 10:17 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/voenacher/50145 ↩

    Повёрнутые на Z войне 🇷🇺

    The fighters of the 269th separate rifle battalion knocked out the Yugoslav BMP M-80A (marked by the Armed Forces of Ukraine from Slovenia) in the Gorlovka direction. @zsvyazist
  • @telehunt_video #133425 10:21 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/SergeyKolyasnikov/51217 ↩


    Another video of the strike on Zaporozhye yesterday. Evaluate the accuracy, arrival clearly at a military facility, all civilians are intact.

    But today the Ukronazis shelled Gorlovka with cluster munitions.
  • @telehunt_video #133426 10:25 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9939 ↩


    Army 2023 and electronic warfare!
    We went for our electronic warfare.

    The enemy will be defeated!
    Victory will be ours!

    You can help the project here

  • @telehunt_video #133427 10:26 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rgrunews/83625 ↩

    Российская Газета | Новости

    Novosibirsk scouts in the DPR rescued a puppy named Khinkal

    The puppy ran hungry among the ruins of Kurdyumovka. The soldiers took him away and fed him. The pet quickly gained weight, for which he received the nickname Khinkal.
  • @telehunt_video #133428 10:27 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94556 ↩


    Unsuccessful rotation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Rabotino.
  • @telehunt_video #133429 10:29 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/chvkmedia/81692 ↩

    ЧВК Медиа

    "In the area of ​​the city of Zaporizhzhia, a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries was hit," - the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

    As a result of the strike, more than 45 mercenaries from Europe and Latin America were eliminated, and more than 70 foreigners were injured.
  • @telehunt_video #133430 10:30 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/ukr_leaks/8204 ↩


    Information expansion into our world and influence on our audience has been going on for several decades. Manipulations, substitution of concepts and distortion of the truth have already turned into outright lies.

    Our enemy has a media advantage, he owns the global media, popular social networks and he created a whole army of special psychological operations.

    ☝️But, even in these difficult conditions, we reveal their deceit, bring it to the surface and denounce fakes. We have learned to distinguish between the methods of influence of the enemy and to deliver information to our subscribers in time.

    "THIS IS DIFFERENT" - a channel on which we parse and ridicule Western propaganda and publish a selected feed of events.

    The channel is NOT anonymous, it is run by Stas Yaskevich, a Belarusian public figure and blogger. This implies personal responsibility for the published information.

    We subscribe and partisan together on the information front!

    👉 https://t.me/drugoeeto
  • @telehunt_video #133431 10:30 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9940 ↩


    Another video of the strike on Zaporozhye yesterday. Evaluate the accuracy, the arrival is clearly at a military facility (a hotel - the location of foreign mercenaries), all civilians are intact.

    Ukronazis, out of impotence and anger, shelled Gorlovka with cluster munitions today.
  • @telehunt_video #133432 10:30 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/stepnoy_veter/1799 ↩

    Степной ветер

    🔥Suppression of attempts to rotate the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the combat zone

    These frames demonstrate the indifferent attitude of crests to each other.
  • @telehunt_video #133433 10:31 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125161 ↩


    Another video of a cruise missile hitting the Reikartz Hotel in Zaporozhye has appeared
  • @telehunt_video #133434 10:31 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/spletnicca/11318 ↩


    Yesterday's arrival of the Reikartz cruise missile in Zaporozhye

    Zaporozhye air defense is apparently not covered. Many Zaporozhians write in social networks that the front-line city is completely bare from blows and demand to move at least part of the complexes from Kyiv.
  • @telehunt_video #133435 10:35 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9941 ↩


    This is the moment of Russia's greatness!
  • @telehunt_video #133436 10:38 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9942 ↩


    Hello from our guys🤙

    BAZA FPV🏴‍☠️
  • @telehunt_video #133437 10:39 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9943 ↩


    VOG will forgive


    Team "Rosich" for tea: https://pay.mysbertips.ru/01877630
  • @telehunt_video #133438 10:40 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9945 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133439 10:40 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9944 ↩


    Explosion near Karamyshevskaya embankment in Moscow, reports Baza

    The video shows what appears to be the same drone that exploded near Karamyshevskaya Embankment.
    It flew from the Istrinsky district of the Moscow region and was filmed by eyewitnesses in the Pavlovskaya Sloboda area.

  • @telehunt_video #133440 10:42 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46192 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    The world's leading chemist Artyom Oganov publicly shared his opinion on the international situation:

    "You see one war: Russia and Ukraine, but I see two. And the second war is much more important for me personally. This is the war of the West against Russia. This is a war in which the very existence of my country, my homeland, is at stake"
  • @telehunt_video #133441 10:50 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125167 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133442 10:50 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125168 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133443 10:50 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rian_ru/211865 ↩

    РИА Новости

    Farewell to the translator and radio host Leonid Volodarsky takes place in Moscow. The ceremony was also attended by Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev.
  • @telehunt_video #133444 10:54 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23373 ↩

    Два майора

    Here's a funny video going around the net.

    ⭐️ Mice in tomato juice from fellow pendos for the APU.

    Experts and gourmets are invited to comment

    Two majors
  • @telehunt_video #133445 10:55 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/DDGeopolitics/76805 ↩

    DD Geopolitics
  • @telehunt_video #133446 10:55 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/DDGeopolitics/76806 ↩

    DD Geopolitics
  • @telehunt_video #133447 10:57 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58692 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    Russian missile hit a civilian facility in Ivano-Frankivsk region

    A child has died, there are injuries.

  • @telehunt_video #133448 10:59 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/afric_ylbIbka/5201 ↩

    Улыбаемся & Машем

    Elderly French clientele Alassane Ouatara stated that "Côte d'Ivoire will provide a battalion of between 850 and 1,100 men, along with Nigeria and Benin, to participate in the ECOWAS military operation."

    It is also curious that the Ivorian leader mentions that the state allocates all the necessary funds and provisions for the deployment of military personnel for 3 months. That is, there is no talk of any lightning-fast military operation with the liberation of the presidential palace in Niamey. ECOWAS countries are preparing for a serious medium-term conflict.

    #Ivory Coast
  • @telehunt_video #133449 11:00 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/dvish_alive/26466 ↩


    An evening of high poetry, songs and satire

    ▪️ Mykhailo Kukuyuk is an actor of the Kyiv Theater named after I. Franko, as well as an original poet, musician and even a dancer, as he participated in the show "Dancing with the Stars", and also the main "cinematic swinger" of the country

    ▪️His video poetry impressed millions of Ukrainians with its depth and satirical content, which we want to show live for his fans all over the country!

    ▪️Also, you will become listeners of Mykhailo's new musical compositions, which almost no one has heard!
    In which the unreal events of our present are vividly sung, in the simple language of music, sometimes with obscene content, but very important and inspiring for UKRAINIANS

    🔹With the participation of Oleg Honcharuk - guitar, SPD

    ⚠️Don't miss strengthening the cultural spirit!

    🎟️ Hurry up to buy a ticket via the link


    Instagram of the organizer:

  • @telehunt_video #133450 11:01 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94563 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133451 11:01 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94564 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133452 11:01 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30411 ↩


    Enemy video. Kremennaya.
    Rendering first aid to a wounded soldier. Judging by the negotiations in the background, their situation is very difficult.

    Soldier of Fortune. Subscribe
  • @telehunt_video #133453 11:01 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125170 ↩


    Front-line ingenuity: at the request of the soldiers in the repair company, special adapters are made for firing 82-caliber mines from RPGs.

    With these devices, a small hand-held mortar can be made from a grenade launcher.

    Here we have the starting charge from the RPG-7D. And we had to dock it with an 82mm mine. Our attack aircraft and scouts are effectively used in offensive operations. It's very efficient. We have already tested everything and have already handed over 50 pieces. Works effectively. After that, we decided to put everything on stream.
  • @telehunt_video #133454 11:03 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wargonzo/14321 ↩


    ⚡️Video⚡️Beautiful things burn beautifully⚡️

    “We will see each other again on the line of contact,” the commander of the Klinok sniper group with the call sign Sokol says effectively in the frame. Sometimes, war is beautiful. Especially in these shots: sunflowers, a hare on a lawn flooded with the setting sun, the fighter himself, which is already there. And he talks about beautiful things, for example, about how beautifully Bradley's armored cars burn.

    On account of the "Blade" group of the 58th Army, they are also "Putin's Brothers", a lot of such torches, you can savor what Sokol does without false modesty. Details on the video.

    Special report of the @wargonzo project tonight on Channel One and on our channel.

    *our project exists at the expense of subscribers, map for help
    4279 3806 9842 9521
  • @telehunt_video #133455 11:18 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58693 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    ⚡Zelensky: “We are dismissing all regional “military commissars”. This system should be run by people who know exactly what war is and why cynicism and bribery during war is treason.

    Warriors who went through the front or cannot be in the trenches because they lost their health, lost their limbs, but retained their dignity and do not have cynicism - they can be trusted with this recruiting system.

    Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhny should implement this decision. Before the appointment of new leaders of the TCC, there will be an inspection by the SBU.”

  • @telehunt_video #133456 11:19 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48717 ↩


    Those who have recently visited the Sea of ​​Azov note its unprecedented purity. Now it receives only 1.2 percent of the polluting emissions of 2013. Lost species of fish are returning to the sea. In addition to a significant increase over time in the volume of fisheries, Azov can again become an attractive place for tourism and recreation.

    For now, there are still too many problems. In addition, it is important to prevent future sea pollution as bu...
  • @telehunt_video #133457 11:25 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/KharkivPolitics/20367 ↩

    Харьков. Главное

    ⚡️It was decided to dismiss all regional military commissars by decision of the National Security and Defense Council, - Zelensky

    In total, there are already 112 criminal proceedings against officials of the TCC, 33 suspicions.

    "The soldiers who went through the front or cannot be in the trenches because they lost their health, lost their limbs, but retained their dignity and do not have cynicism - they can be trusted with this recruiting system," the president said.

    He also noted that Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhny should implement this decision. Before the appointment of new leaders of the TCC, there will be an audit by the SBU.

    Kharkiv. Main. Policy
  • @telehunt_video #133458 11:27 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/milinfolive/104939 ↩

    Военный Осведомитель

    The destruction of the Ukrainian 120-mm self-propelled mortar NTGS Alakran of Spanish production from the ATGM near the settlement of Prydniprovske, Kherson region. Stills by @The_Wrong_Side

    Military Informant
  • @telehunt_video #133459 11:27 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/spletnicca/11319 ↩


    Cynicism is treason

    We didn't say that! It's him!

    After a year and a half of the war, Zelensky declares problems in the TCC and fires all the heads of the regional TCCs.

    For this we needed:
    - call for the disabled
    - mass beatings of conscripts
    - thousands of untrained men sent to the front from the streets
    - the villa of the Odessa military commissar in Spain.

    And before that, Zelensky did not notice any problems🤷‍♂️

    What, Vladimir Alexandrovich, are the elections coming soon?
  • @telehunt_video #133460 11:32 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37928 ↩


    ❗️The result of the work of attack aircraft of the 127th motorized rifle division to eliminate the DRG of the Armed Forces of Ukraine operating north of Priyutnoye.

    ❗️Soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine!
    Tune the frequency 149.200, call "Volga", follow the instructions and you will stay LIVE!

    The result of the work of the attack aircraft of the 127 motorized rifle division to eliminate the sabotage and reconnaissance group o...
  • @telehunt_video #133461 11:34 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RtrDonetsk/19694 ↩

    Репортёр Руденко V🇷🇺

    Servants of the "Kyiv regime" complain about our artillery, they say that they unwind them harshly.
  • @telehunt_video #133462 11:34 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125173 ↩


    Vladimir Putin held an operational meeting with permanent members of the Security Council via videoconference — Kremlin

    They discussed work in the field of the information space in relation to ensuring the security of Russia in modern conditions.
  • @telehunt_video #133463 11:36 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/sashakots/41584 ↩


    "Lancet" surgically removes a foreign body from the Strela 10 air defense system somewhere in the forests near Kremennaya.
  • @telehunt_video #133464 11:41 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rgrunews/83636 ↩

    Российская Газета | Новости

    🥀In Moscow they say goodbye to translator Leonid Volodarsky.

  • @telehunt_video #133465 11:43 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51069 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇬🇧 Soldiers of the Russian 5th brigade stormed the stronghold of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Maryinka DPR

    Our fighters entered the Krasnogorovsky ventilation shaft of the Trudovskaya mine and entrenched themselves there.
    The footage shows artillery shelling of enemy positions before the assault. /RIAN/
  • @telehunt_video #133466 11:43 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/izvestia/139585 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133467 11:45 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48721 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133468 11:45 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48720 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133469 11:45 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48719 ↩


    About the weather in Donetsk. Snow, hail, sail.
  • @telehunt_video #133470 11:47 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/voron_zov/1532 ↩


    Army 2023 and electronic warfare!
    We went for our electronic warfare.

    The enemy will be defeated!
    Victory will be ours!

    You can help the project here

  • @telehunt_video #133471 11:48 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusbrief/144565 ↩


    In Primorsky Krai, which was hit by a typhoon, a check has been launched against an employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service, who "harnessed" a prisoner to a cart. “In the Main Directorate, in relation to an employee who has grossly violated the code of ethics and official conduct, an internal audit is being carried out to bring to strict disciplinary responsibility,” the department said in a statement.
  • @telehunt_video #133472 11:49 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48722 ↩


    Actually, all these drones that attack Moscow do no military harm. They are stupidly sent to show the picture to Western sponsors, they say, look, we are snapping. As a matter of fact, this is a puff. One lancet destroying the ukrov machine brings many times more benefits.
    Therefore, react to such news as this cat to the fall of the UAV.
  • @telehunt_video #133473 11:49 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/ghost_of_novorossia/14853 ↩

    ПриZрак Новороссии


    🇬🇧The Yalta branch of the "People's Network" project transferred the 28th regiment to the 1st motorized rifle battalion, the 2nd motorized rifle company, 10 nets.

    CURRENT details for collecting voluntary donations for the warring army:

    4272 2907 5403 6887

    Roman Yurievich Z.
  • @telehunt_video #133474 11:51 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/FPV_vyZOV/262 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133475 11:51 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/DDGeopolitics/76815 ↩

    DD Geopolitics
  • @telehunt_video #133476 11:52 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/sudoplatov_official/265 ↩


    We drove, slept and drove again.
    It took two days for me, Yura and Ulyana to transport such a gift to the fighters from the excellent guys Sudoplatov.

    The boat Baba Zhenya is named after the grandmother of one of the guys, who worked as a nurse at the front during the Second World War.
    Now, under her wing, the evacuation of the wounded will take place these days.

    ps. Our parcels are not only in boxes 😉

  • @telehunt_video #133477 11:53 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51070 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇺🇦🏴‍☠️ Zelensky dismisses all regional military commissars of Ukraine
    ▪️ Dismissed, military and other officials with epaulettes without suspicion, if they want to keep their epaulettes and preserve their dignity, they must go to the front.
    ▪️In total, there are 112 criminal proceedings against employees of the military registration and enlistment offices and 33 suspicions.
    ❗️ Apparently, due to total corruption, recruitment into the meat infantry failed.
  • @telehunt_video #133478 11:57 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48723 ↩


    ⚡️The moment of the UAV crash in Moscow
  • @telehunt_video #133479 11:58 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/grey_zone/19969 ↩


    Footage of the destruction of, presumably, a Leopard 2 tank of the Ukrainian Armed Forces by fighters of the 22nd Separate Special Forces Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces east of the village of Rabotino using ATGMs

  • @telehunt_video #133480 11:59 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48727 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133481 11:59 AM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48728 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133482 12:00 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48729 ↩


    In Arkhangelsk, the court in a dispute between a policeman and a trans-Ukrainian provocateur sided with the latter and exacted money from the policeman for "the defendant's spending on a lawyer"

    In March of that year, in Arkhangelsk, a local liberal in the face of an employee said "glory to Ukraine" (the slogan under which our soldiers are being killed).
    The policeman detained him, and later a protocol was drawn up to discredit the Russia...
  • @telehunt_video #133483 12:00 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125178 ↩


    Video from the enemy. MRAP was hit, one is already two hundred, another three hundred, our artillery is engaged in finishing off the car before switching to the author of the video.

    Video found by @donezkiy
  • @telehunt_video #133484 12:01 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30414 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133485 12:01 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30413 ↩


    Mass epiphany of the Ukrainian military: “We realized that we were just thrown for meat”

    Another military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was captured by the Russians. They talked about poor training, poor support and the absence of commanders on the ground.

    Soldier of Fortune. Subscribe
  • @telehunt_video #133486 12:02 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23378 ↩

    Два майора

    Reports Ghost Z by motor.

    Dear friends, following the results of the last post, subscribers had questions regarding the launch.

    In this video we show you the standard start.

    In the previous video, the technician was doing a hand launch for the first time and had a bit of an unsuccessful launch, but in the end everything went well.

    The device has a system for remote activation of the warhead, so the launch is safe in any case.

  • @telehunt_video #133487 12:02 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/BOBRMORF/162 ↩


    Beavers live here
  • @telehunt_video #133488 12:02 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV/28442 ↩

    Неофициальный Безсонов

    First, the Galicians demolished the state with slogans of restoring order. Then they, with the slogan “without Donbass and Crimea, they won’t take it into the EU,” unleashed a massacre. Then they cut the country in their own way.

    As a result, under their own pressure, Kyiv provoked the NWO, which the Galicians warmly supported. And they demanded war to the melt. As a result, the Galicians complain about the chaos and are going to leave. And who is to blame for this chaos? Are not the people who organized it? #Ukraine

  • @telehunt_video #133489 12:04 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37929 ↩


    ❗️Epic shots of the exact defeat of the infantry of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, hiding in the trenches, by the VT-40 kamikaze drone.

    Epic footage of the precise defeat of the VT-40 kamikaze drone of the infantry of the military forces of Ukraine, who took refuge in the trenches.

    Filmati epici della sconfitta esatta del drone kamikaze VT - 40 della fanteria delle forze militari ucraine, rifugiata nelle trincee.

    Imagens épicas da derrota precisa do drone kamikaze BT - 40 da Infantaria das forças militares Ucranianas refugiadas nas trincheiras.

  • @telehunt_video #133490 12:04 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18605 ↩

    Осторожно, новости

    In Ukraine, all regional "military commissars" will be fired. They will be replaced by combat officers.

    Zelensky announced this after a special meeting of the National Defense and Security Council of Ukraine. According to him, at the moment, 112 criminal cases have already been opened against employees of military registration and enlistment offices, 33 people have become suspects.

    “This system should be run by people who know exactly wha...
  • @telehunt_video #133491 12:06 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/milinfolive/104940 ↩

    Военный Осведомитель

    The strike by a FAB-500M62 planing aerial bomb from the UMPK on the headquarters of the 14th OMBr of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Kupyansk. Footage from @razved_dozor

    Military Informer
  • @telehunt_video #133492 12:07 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37930 ↩


    🎼🎻 It's great crests fucking..


    💀 @wagner_group_pmc ♠️
  • @telehunt_video #133493 12:08 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48733 ↩


    The police of Primorye comes to the aid of the inhabitants of the region, which was hit by a downpour.
  • @telehunt_video #133494 12:09 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94568 ↩


    Soldiers of the army special forces "Osman" thwarted the evacuation of a group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the American BMP Bradley in the Rabotino area.

    The Ukrainian military tried to get closer to the BMP, which came for them, but fire was opened on the car, after which Bradley hastily retreated.
  • @telehunt_video #133495 12:10 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58704 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    Residents of Russian Ivanovo “buried” the constitution

    The action was held at the Krasnaya Talka memorial on the anniversary of the execution of the pacifist demonstration in 1915, Avtozak LIVE reports.

  • @telehunt_video #133496 12:15 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9947 ↩


    Beavers live here
  • @telehunt_video #133497 12:17 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37932 ↩


    🎼🎻The best job in the world!
    💀@wagner_group_pmc ♠️
  • @telehunt_video #133498 12:17 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/izvestia/139587 ↩


    📌 We have collected the most interesting for this hour in our digest

    Watch the live broadcast of the round-the-clock news channel "Izvestia"
  • @telehunt_video #133499 12:18 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/dvish_alive/26472 ↩


    ⚡️In the Ivano-Frankivsk region, a Russian missile hit a civilian object, OVA reported.

    A child died, there are injured.
  • @telehunt_video #133500 12:21 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30415 ↩


    Zelensky decided to dismiss all regional military commissars
    Those who want to keep their place will have to prove their loyalty with blood at the front.
    Their places will be taken by "veterans" who have already fled the battlefield.

    Soldier of Fortune. Subscribe
  • @telehunt_video #133501 12:24 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58706 ↩

    NEXTA Live
  • @telehunt_video #133502 12:24 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58705 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    Muscovites with absolute indifference comment on the next attack of drones: well, they fly and fly, you don’t look at the sky so as not to be upset.

    And some caught such a zen that even the sudden explosion of the drone could not prevent them from staying on the wave.

  • @telehunt_video #133503 12:26 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/DDGeopolitics/76816 ↩

    DD Geopolitics

    An absolutely astounding experience today. Hard to relay the pure power of this gigantic rocket erupting into space behind you. What an experience. What a day. @irishmaninrussia
  • @telehunt_video #133504 12:26 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46202 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    Our Fuhrer complains that he has to change military commissars in all areas because of the cynicism that reigns everywhere. They take money in cash and cryptocurrencies. The Fuhrer believes that officers and invalids who have completed combat operations will be more honest and patriotic. Zelensky is very mistaken, because military officers are often prone to PTSD and this is superimposed on complete ignorance of the law on mobilization and military service. And besides, not only military registration and enlistment offices are involved in corruption, but also health authorities, local authorities and security forces.

    We expect a more fierce mobilization with even more intensified lawlessness and an increase in tariffs for an excuse from the army.

  • @telehunt_video #133505 12:29 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51072 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
  • @telehunt_video #133506 12:29 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51071 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇬🇧“🅾️tvazhnye” defeated a detachment of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the battles near Kremennaya: only 1 soldier survived because he surrendered
    ▪️ One of the captured soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said that only 1 of his platoon survived, and the Russian assault groups act so professionally and well-coordinated that the Armed Forces of Ukraine do not have a chance to fight. Those taken prisoner complain about poor security and lack of communication, they assure that they do not even know their commanders, they talk about heavy losses in their units.
    ▪️ Under the onslaught of Russian troops, Ukrainian servicemen tried to escape, but were taken prisoner.
    ▪️ Now they urge their colleagues not to go to the front and avoid mobilization by any means.
  • @telehunt_video #133507 12:30 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125182 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133508 12:30 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125181 ↩


    The strike of the FAB-500 air bomb from the UMPC on the temporary headquarters of the 14th separate mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Kupyansk, located in the building of the city administration.
  • @telehunt_video #133509 12:32 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94569 ↩


    Artillerymen of the 6th Army of the Western Group of Forces knocked out a self-propelled howitzer "Krab" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of ​​the settlement. Kurilovka, Kharkiv region.

  • @telehunt_video #133510 12:32 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/izvestia/139588 ↩


    Who benefits from Zelensky's death?

    According to Western countries, Kyiv has a plan in case of the death of its leader. Only there is a possibility that this scenario will lead to an internal political struggle: several candidates are aiming to replace Zelensky at once. Ukraine will be waiting for a new "time of troubles".

    Andrey Dobrov - about who will become the leader in Ukraine if Zelensky is killed.

    Now Andrey Dobrov can also be read in a separate Tg-channel.

    Subscribe to REN TV
  • @telehunt_video #133511 12:33 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/intelslava/50499 ↩

    Intel Slava Z

    🇷🇺🇺🇦 The strike by a FAB-500M62 planing aerial bomb from the UMPK on the headquarters of the 14th OMBr of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Kupyansk
  • @telehunt_video #133512 12:33 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/intelslava/50500 ↩

    Intel Slava Z

    🇷🇺🇺🇦 The destruction of the Ukrainian 120-mm self-propelled mortar NTGS Alakran of Spanish production from the ATGM near the settlement of Prydniprovske, Kherson region.
  • @telehunt_video #133513 12:35 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46203 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    Zaporozhye - a spectacular video of yesterday's defeat of the Bandera cruise missile contingent and foreign mercenaries who joined them in the Reikartz Hotel. The footage leaves a lasting impression.

  • @telehunt_video #133514 12:35 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/uav_tech/19019 ↩

    Беспилотники (дроны, БПЛА, UAV)

    Ghost Z motorized.

    Dear friends, following the results of the last post, subscribers had questions regarding the launch.

    In this video we show you the standard start.

    In the previous video, the technician was doing a hand launch for the first time and had a bit of an unsuccessful launch, but in the end everything went well.

    The device has a system for remote activation of the warhead, so the launch is safe in any case.

  • @telehunt_video #133515 12:37 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/intelslava/50501 ↩

    Intel Slava Z

    🇷🇺🇺🇦 Footage of the failed evacuation of the crew of the Leopard 2 tank under the cover of the BMP M2 Bradley ODS-SA of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Zaporozhye.

    The infantry fighting vehicle covered the entire process with the fire of its cannon until Russian artillery began to arrive at the site. After the first arrival, Bradley turns around and quickly leaves the place, leaving one of the crew members at the tank.
  • @telehunt_video #133516 12:37 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/voenacher/50151 ↩

    Повёрнутые на Z войне 🇷🇺

    A new selection of footage of the use of FPV drones against the manpower of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Zaporozhye direction. @BOBRMORF
  • @telehunt_video #133517 12:37 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/voenacher/50153 ↩

    Повёрнутые на Z войне 🇷🇺
  • @telehunt_video #133518 12:37 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/voenacher/50152 ↩

    Повёрнутые на Z войне 🇷🇺
  • @telehunt_video #133519 12:39 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rlz_the_kraken/60167 ↩

    Выпускайте Кракена!

    In the public toilets of Polish Krakow, stickers of the PMC "Wagner" with the inscription "We are here. Join us" appeared, which pretty much drives the pshek into a panic and significantly speeds up the defecation process 🤙
  • @telehunt_video #133521 12:44 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV/28445 ↩

    Неофициальный Безсонов

    The situation among the crests in Zaporozhye ...

    “They wanted to evacuate the 200th and 300th, but hit the car”
  • @telehunt_video #133522 12:45 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/madam_secretar/28056 ↩

    Мадам Секретарь

    The Royal Marines of Britain completed a 6-month training course for 1,000 Marines of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

    Tellingly, much of the time was devoted to training in landing operations on small ships.

  • @telehunt_video #133523 12:45 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV/28446 ↩

    Неофициальный Безсонов

    frontal wave

    Tune in to the front wave! We are opening a new section in which we will collect stories, memories and thoughts of our guys from the front. All the stories that you will hear in the episodes of the program were written by those who are in the places of hostilities and personally experience everything that happens.

    The authors of the stories are fighters, volunteers and just residents of the liberated territories. Every day...
  • @telehunt_video #133524 12:48 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37933 ↩


    🎼🎻 The commander of the 1st assault detachment Ratibor about the battle of his reconnaissance group of special forces against the Gelaev detachment in Chechnya, and his mistake.

    The wound received, the death of the scouts and how he nevertheless crawled out to his own.


    💀 @wagner_group_pmc ♠️

    the commander of the 1st assault detachment ratibor about the battle of his special forces reconnaissance group against the Gelaev detachment in Chechnya, and his mistake.

    the wound received, the death of the scouts and how he consequently crawled out to his own.


    il comandante del 1 ° distaccamento d'assalto ratibor sulla battaglia del suo gruppo di ricognizione delle forze speciali contro il distaccamento Gelaev in Cecenia e il suo errore.

    la ferita ricevuta, la morte degli scout e come e comunque strisciato fuori da solo.

  • @telehunt_video #133525 12:50 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/ghost_of_novorossia/14855 ↩

    ПриZрак Новороссии
  • @telehunt_video #133526 12:50 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/ghost_of_novorossia/14854 ↩

    ПриZрак Новороссии

    We continue to work on the project #digitalization_communication

    Today our guest is the cannon-artillery battalion of the 155th Marine Guards Brigade. (The division consists mainly of mobilized).

    And immediate feedback

    We pass to the guys:

    — 10 radio stations Lira DP-200;
    — 3 car antennas;
    — 12 camouflage nets from the #national_net project in the “Protection” color scheme, size 3*6m.

    We will also help the guys to flash their UAVs.

    Help to digitize the Russian warring army:

    Roman Yurievich Z.


  • @telehunt_video #133527 12:52 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/BPLAROSTOV/480 ↩

    Русский беспилотник

    Donetsk children 😢

    Russia now - subscribe
  • @telehunt_video #133528 12:53 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48735 ↩


    Can this actor Vladimir Epifantsev no longer be filmed in Russia?
  • @telehunt_video #133529 12:53 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48736 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133530 12:54 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18606 ↩

    Осторожно, новости

    Why was this whole circus needed? How far can we go here? I'll tell you a secret: we can take you to the landing and f ****, fool. Just then say that you ran away. Do you want to check?"

    Members of the Marine Corps in the Zaparozhye region complained of beatings and threats from their political officer

    Soldiers from the 2nd company of the 3rd reinforcement battalion of the 810th brigade told Caution News that from August 5 to 6 they “came...
  • @telehunt_video #133531 12:59 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nm_dnr/10803 ↩

    Народная милиция ДНР

    📹Another humanitarian convoy arrived in the capital of the republic.

    Today, the forces of the 1st Donetsk Army Corps delivered another humanitarian convoy to Donetsk. The cargo included: communication equipment, plates for body armor, a motorcycle, a car, targeted parcels and much more that is so necessary at the front.

    Subscribe to the telegram channel People's Militia of the DPR to see the war through our eyes
  • @telehunt_video #133532 12:59 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/dvish_alive/26474 ↩


    Soldiers from the 77th Separate Aeromobile Brigade found and destroyed an enemy T-80 tank in the Bakhmut area

  • @telehunt_video #133533 12:59 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51073 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇬🇧The Espanyola Special Forces Detachment received the status of an all-army brigade and the corresponding staff.
    And at the same time, Hispaniola fighters are working near Artemovsk. The video shows one of the results of their work. Coordinated actions of intelligence, artillery and fpv specialists destroyed three pieces of equipment, including the American Oshkosh armored car. The first set the coordinates, the second immobilized the equipment with their blow, then the suicide drones completed the job.
  • @telehunt_video #133534 12:59 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rian_ru/211882 ↩

    РИА Новости

    At least 90 people in Russia have already watched "Barbie" - that's how many viewers gathered two test screenings of a screen copy of the Hollywood hit in Tyumen, there were no complaints about the quality.

    The organizers told RIA Novosti that they had found a good "screen", as close as possible to the original.

    The voice acting, according to them, is also on the level - professional and polyphonic, as in "any normal film".
  • @telehunt_video #133535 01:01 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/cyber_frontZ/12760 ↩

    КИБЕР ФРОНТ 🇷🇺ZА Россию🇷🇺

    Robot for the evacuation of wounded soldiers from the battlefield.
  • @telehunt_video #133536 01:01 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30417 ↩


    The result of the work of attack aircraft of the 127th motorized rifle division in the elimination of the DRG of the Armed Forces of Ukraine operating north of Priyutnoye.

    Soldier of Fortune. Subscribe
  • @telehunt_video #133537 01:01 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125185 ↩


    🇬🇧🇺🇦Under Russian artillery fire!
  • @telehunt_video #133538 01:01 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125187 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133539 01:01 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125186 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133540 01:02 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94570 ↩


    Exclusive Military Chronicle from the Zaporozhye direction

    A unique video with the destruction of the columns of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Rabotino-Verbove area from our subscribers.

    The frame clearly shows the destroyed YPR-765 armored personnel carriers, Soviet T-64BV tanks and soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, squeezed by artillery fire in positions.

    The grenade launcher of the 1430th regiment with the call sign Panda notes...
  • @telehunt_video #133541 01:04 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23381 ↩

    Два майора

    The routine of war. Sometimes, so quietly and without fuss, the 138th brigade takes the landings from the Khohloreikha (the mobilized 1427 SMEs are working).

    It can be seen that the secretive advancement of the group is provided, among other things, by the operator of the portable anti-UAV complex.

    The men are working on courage, we know for sure that on this sector of the front the brigade command managed to establish competent interaction, provide combat coordination and psychological training of personnel.

    Goodwill Revenge
  • @telehunt_video #133542 01:04 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46211 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    Rabotino, Pologovsky district, Zaporozhye region, Russia.

    At the entrance to the village The enemy came close to the northern part of the settlement.

  • @telehunt_video #133543 01:06 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46212 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    The strike by a FAB-500M62 planing aerial bomb from the UMPK on the headquarters of the 14th OMBr of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Kupyansk. Footage from @razved_dozor

    Military Informer
  • @telehunt_video #133544 01:06 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37936 ↩


    🎼🎻The arrival of the Russian high-precision corrected artillery ammunition "Krasnopol" at the house where a group of Ukrainian infantry took refuge.

    💀@wagner_group_pmc ♠️
  • @telehunt_video #133545 01:11 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/sashakots/41585 ↩


    BMP-3 fire support detachment "Vega" unwinds the enemy's opornik direct fire. Read my report from this unique unit.

    ... The Vega detachment was formed in Novosibirsk by people who had more than one "hot spot" behind them. But they all admit that the current conflict is not at all like all the previous ones. The same "Stalik" fought in the "second Chechen" as part of a special forces brigade. Yes, and before you go as a volunteer, he had already bee...
  • @telehunt_video #133546 01:13 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RtrDonetsk/19699 ↩

    Репортёр Руденко V🇷🇺

    BMP-3 fire support detachment "Vega" unwinds the enemy's opornik direct fire. Read my report from this unique unit.

    ... The Vega detachment was formed in Novosibirsk by people who had more than one "hot spot" behind them. But they all admit that the current conflict is not at all like all the previous ones. The same "Stalik" fought in the "second Chechen" as part of a special forces brigade. Yes, and before you go as a volunteer, he had alrea...
  • @telehunt_video #133547 01:13 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46215 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    Kharkiv - Goebbels TV propagandist Natalia Moseychuk, who is known for her efforts to incite hatred for everything Russian in Ukraine, filmed a report that Russia is allegedly targeting Kharkiv residents and their children.

    Everyone knows that Kharkiv is the most Russian city in Ukraine with inextricable and strong ties with Belgorod, in fact, before the terrorist coup in 2014, it was a single cross-border agglomeration. At least some ...
  • @telehunt_video #133548 01:14 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/ukr_leaks/8210 ↩


    Armed Forces of Ukraine keep the defense in kindergarten

    It looks like they are shooting into the void in the video, so to speak "for a beautiful shot."

  • @telehunt_video #133549 01:15 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/milinfolive/104942 ↩

    Военный Осведомитель

    Fixing the defeat of the Leopard 2 tank of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by scouts of the 22nd Guards ObrSpN of the Russian Armed Forces in the Zaporozhye direction.

    Military Informant
  • @telehunt_video #133550 01:21 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46217 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    Future NATO members from Sweden at the parade, as there is in that song - “and sprinkle with cheerful sunny napalm”

  • @telehunt_video #133551 01:21 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37937 ↩


    🎼🎻 Soldiers of the "Wagner" group firing practice from 2S5 "Hyacinth" at the training ground near Osipovichi. ㅤ


    💀 @wagner_group_pmc ♠️

    fighters of the "Wagner" group firing practice from 2s5 "hyacinth" at the training ground near Osipovichi. ㅤ


    los combatientes del grupo Wagner practican disparos desde 2s5 "jacinto" en el campo de entrenamiento cerca de Osipovichi


    combattenti del gruppo Wagner si esercitano a sparare da 2s5 "giacinto" presso il campo di addestramento vicino a Osipovichi.
  • @telehunt_video #133552 01:27 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37938 ↩


    🎼🎻 💀 The main quotes of the head of the Wagner group Yevgeny Prigozhin.
    💀 @wagner_group_pmc ♠️
  • @telehunt_video #133553 01:30 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusich_army/10340 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133554 01:31 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94573 ↩


    VSUshnik shows the "excellent" cross-country ability of the American armored car International MaxxPro.

  • @telehunt_video #133555 01:31 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125193 ↩


    Footage of the defeat of the APU group using an FPV drone.
    Location and date unknown

    video: @bobrmorf
  • @telehunt_video #133556 01:32 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/newsfrontnotes/39819 ↩

    FRONTовые Zаметки

    Russian builders launched the heart of the future water pipeline Don - Seversky Donets - Donbass. This floating pumping station has become a key element of a unique project, which has no analogues in modern Russia!
  • @telehunt_video #133557 01:34 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37939 ↩


    🇬🇧 The volunteer transferred a million rubles to the orphanage.

    The fighter with the call sign "Kid" was looking for his destiny for a long time and found it in military service. Performing one of the combat missions, "Kid" was wounded, followed by compensation - a million rubles. He decided to transfer the money to the boarding school where he grew up.

    🇬🇧Glory to the Russian warrior! 🇬🇧

    The volunteers transferred one million rubles to the orphanage.

    A fighter with the call sign "Kid" has been looking for his purpose for a long time and found him in military service. Performing one of the combat missions, the "Kid" was wounded, followed by compensation - a million rubles. He decided to transfer the money to the boarding school where he grew up.

    Glory to the Russian warrior!

  • @telehunt_video #133558 01:40 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/stepnoy_veter/1801 ↩

    Степной ветер

    🇬🇧The crew of the D-30 howitzer of the Central District destroyed the Ukrainian artillery gun
  • @telehunt_video #133559 01:41 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46222 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    In Arkhangelsk, the court in a dispute between a policeman and a trans-Ukrainian provocateur sided with the latter and exacted money from the policeman for "the defendant's spending on a lawyer"

    In March of that year, in Arkhangelsk, a local liberal in the face of an employee said "glory to Ukraine" (the slogan under which our soldiers are being killed).
    The policeman detained him, and later a protocol was drawn up to discredi...
  • @telehunt_video #133560 01:44 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58713 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    Rapper Oksimiron filmed a new video in Georgia, in which he ridiculed spineless bloggers and artists bowing to the head of the Safe Internet League, Ekaterina Mizulina.

    Pathos and fearless (but only in their videos) musicians after visiting Mizulina's office with a deft hand movement turn into dancers who dance to the tune of Russian censorship.

  • @telehunt_video #133561 01:44 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/TRO_DPR/12998 ↩


    “We were in school for four days”

    A captured fighter of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said that during the training they did not even shoot:

    “Once we entered the outfit in the dining room, one day it took us to get the form and two days, too, neither here nor there. We even made salary cards when we arrived at the duty station. There was chaos.

  • @telehunt_video #133562 01:47 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/voenacher/50155 ↩

    Повёрнутые на Z войне 🇷🇺

    A selection of footage of the battles on the outskirts of the village of Rabotino, impassable for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in the Orekhovsky direction from @milchronicles.

    The footage shows dozens of destroyed armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including German Leopard 2A4 tanks, Polish PT-91 Twardy tanks, American M2A2 Bradley ODS-SA infantry fighting vehicles, American M113 armored personnel carriers and much more.
  • @telehunt_video #133563 01:50 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125197 ↩


    ‼️The daily loss of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is 800 people killed

    Such a reduction will lead to the fact that the Armed Forces of Ukraine will not be able to hold the front. These results of the failed counteroffensive do not suit anyone in Washington. The already impossible is being demanded from the Zelensky team, and the military-political leadership of Ukraine will commit the most heinous war crimes in order to fulfill the will of their overseas puppeteers.
    In Nezalezhnaya predicted total mobilization. And all this against the backdrop of scandals with corrupt Ukrainian military commissars.
    The leadership of Ukraine is going to support the strength of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at the expense of disabled people, teenagers and women.
    ‼️We draw conclusions - everyone will be taken to fight‼️
  • @telehunt_video #133564 01:51 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37943 ↩


    🎼🎻 Footage of the work of the MLRS "Smerch" of the Western Group of Forces. Terrible weapon!
    💀 @wagner_group_pmc ♠️

    footage of the work of the rszo "tornado" of the western grouping of troops. terrible weapons!


    imágenes del trabajo del sistema de defensa antimisiles "tornado" del grupo occidental de tropas. terrible arma!


    filmati del lavoro del "tornado" rszo del raggruppamento di truppe occidentale. arma terribile!

  • @telehunt_video #133565 01:51 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/SIL0VIKI/72857 ↩


    Group V scouts punished impudent lads for parking in the wrong place. The penalty came in the form of an FPV drone.

  • @telehunt_video #133566 01:51 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/voenacher/50156 ↩

    Повёрнутые на Z войне 🇷🇺

    🔥 Epic footage of the destruction of another German Leopard 2 tank by an ATGM crew from the 22nd Special Forces Brigade in the Zaporozhye direction. @ZSU_Hunter_2_0
  • @telehunt_video #133567 01:53 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RtrDonetsk/19701 ↩

    Репортёр Руденко V🇷🇺

    Zaporozhye missiles flew at the hotel where the foreign military lived.
  • @telehunt_video #133568 01:54 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rlz_the_kraken/60168 ↩

    Выпускайте Кракена!

    ❗ Footage of Ukraine's victorious counter-offensive leaked to the network

    Checkmate, Muscovites!
  • @telehunt_video #133569 01:54 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51075 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇬🇧Epic footage of our special forces destroying a German Leopard tank near Orekhovo
    Soldiers of the 22nd Spetsnaz brigade destroyed a German tank from an anti-tank system in the Rabotino area on the Zaporozhye front.
  • @telehunt_video #133570 01:55 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48737 ↩


    “Vile Russian children, I hate them”: a counselor in the Crimean camp insults the guys from Shebekino - an ardent Ukrainian, in addition, studies at a Kharkov university

    Counselor Masha Sukhomlin from the Crimean children's camp "Multfilm" mocks children, pushes them and breaks down on the guys. "I'll kill you!" and "I don't care!" in response to complaints, obviously, her usual style of communication with her pupils. The inadequacy herself publis...
  • @telehunt_video #133571 01:55 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/SIL0VIKI/72858 ↩


    The FPV drone operator with the call sign "Dancer" just loves to throw a disco on the Nazi dance floor

    The current armed conflict has definitely changed the tactics of warfare. Our operator presents his equipment, talks about its characteristics and methods of application, and also notes that the Russian Armed Forces were able to saturate the front with FPV drones.

    Write. WINGED in touch 🫡


    Winged. Subscribe 🇬🇧
  • @telehunt_video #133572 02:00 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125198 ↩


    Unsuccessful rotation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Rabotino.
  • @telehunt_video #133573 02:01 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30419 ↩


    Another fart with the brain of a Ukrainian.
    How do they see the end of hostilities?
    I won't translate it verbatim, but I'll give you an idea.
    Russia needs to undermine the nuclear power plant to withdraw its troops. They say if you leave in silence, it will be a shame and a wave of hatred will begin against Putin. And soon there will be elections, during which the war is not profitable.

    Well, what can I say? Clowns🤡

    Soldier of Fortune. Subscribe
  • @telehunt_video #133574 02:02 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/spletnicca/11322 ↩


    🍯Who wants wild honey?

    Scary even through the screen.
  • @telehunt_video #133575 02:02 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46227 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина
  • @telehunt_video #133576 02:03 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37944 ↩


    ❗️CNN published an interview with VSUshnik.

    In Ukraine, there is so little Nazism that it turned out to be quite difficult to find even one fighter without a swastika ...

    CNN published an interview with a soldier of the armed forces of Ukraine

    There is so no Nazism in Ukraine that it turned out to be quite difficult to find even one fighter without a swastika...

    La CNN ha pubblicato un'intervista con un soldato delle forze armate ucraine

    In Ucraina, non c'è così tanto nazismo che trovare anche un combattente senza una svastica si è rivelato piuttosto difficile...

    CNN publica entrevista com soldado das Forças Armadas da Ucrânia

    Na Ucrânia, o Nazismo é tão inexistente que encontrar até mesmo um lutador sem uma suástica acabou sendo bastante difícil...

  • @telehunt_video #133577 02:03 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/BOBRMORF/163 ↩


    Beavers will not give up territory without a fight!!!
  • @telehunt_video #133578 02:03 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46228 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    Some stupid plague teaches us to move and requires us to say not a sandwich, but a pander. Saucepan philologist insists on conscious degradation - we approve

  • @telehunt_video #133579 02:04 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94574 ↩


    "Lancet" surgically removes a foreign body from the Strela 10 air defense system somewhere in the forests near Kremennaya.
  • @telehunt_video #133580 02:08 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9949 ↩


    Beavers will not give up territory without a fight!!!
  • @telehunt_video #133581 02:08 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46229 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    VSUshnik shows the "excellent" cross-country ability of the American armored car International MaxxPro.

  • @telehunt_video #133582 02:11 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/ostorozhno_novosti/18608 ↩

    Осторожно, новости

    “Medical preparations purchased from the budget of the Russian Federation will not be issued to foreign citizens, that is, citizens of Ukraine. First of all, this applies to insulin”

    The head of the village of Lazurny (Kherson region) said that the Russian authorities would not issue insulin to those who did not receive a Russian passport.

    According to Alexander Dudka (the position in Russia is the head of the administration of the Lazurn...
  • @telehunt_video #133583 02:11 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/ChDambiev/24959 ↩


    The work of artillery of the group V of the RF Armed Forces on accumulations of manpower and armored vehicles of Ukrainian formations in the area of ​​the settlement. Harvest. It is reported from the field that today two attacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on this settlement have been repulsed. The enemy lost 2 tanks, 2 armored fighting vehicles and one American-made AN / TPQ-50 counter-battery radar.
  • @telehunt_video #133584 02:12 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/ukr_leaks/8212 ↩


    Children of Donetsk who grew up too early...

  • @telehunt_video #133585 02:13 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/voron_zov/1533 ↩


    It is useless to run away, you will die tired.
  • @telehunt_video #133586 02:16 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46233 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    Children of Donetsk who grew up too early...

  • @telehunt_video #133587 02:19 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9950 ↩


    Soldiers of the 22nd Special Forces Brigade hit a Leopard 2 tank of Ukrainian formations east of the village of Rabotino in the Zaporozhye direction with an accurate hit from an ATGM. ㅤ

  • @telehunt_video #133588 02:24 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46237 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина
  • @telehunt_video #133589 02:26 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37946 ↩


    ОРСИС Т5000💥

    ORSIS T5000💥
  • @telehunt_video #133590 02:27 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/milinfolive/104943 ↩

    Военный Осведомитель

    Another footage of the destruction of an entire group of Ukrainian infantry by an FPV drone in the Zaporozhye direction. Video by @BOBRMORF

    Military Informant
  • @telehunt_video #133591 02:31 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125201 ↩


    The volunteer transferred a million rubles to the orphanage

    The fighter with the call sign "Kid" was looking for his destiny for a long time and found it in military service.

    Performing one of the combat missions, "Kid" was wounded, followed by compensation - a million rubles.

    He decided to transfer the money to the boarding school where he grew up.
  • @telehunt_video #133592 02:33 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94575 ↩


    This is the kind of "stool" planted by the fighters of the 282nd OSB in the Zaporozhye direction. The drone was equipped with a munitions release system, similar in appearance to the use of phosphorus incendiaries.

    An interesting detail: the quadrocopter was shot down from a distance of 600 meters from the SVD.

  • @telehunt_video #133593 02:34 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/SIL0VIKI/72859 ↩


    BMP-3 fire support detachment "Vega" unwinds the enemy's opornik direct fire. Read my report from this unique unit.

    ... The Vega detachment was formed in Novosibirsk by people who had more than one "hot spot" behind them. But they all admit that the current conflict is not at all like all the previous ones. The same "Stalik" fought in the "second Chechen" as part of a special forces brigade. Yes, and before you go as a volunteer, he had already be...
  • @telehunt_video #133594 02:35 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/SIL0VIKI/72860 ↩


    The situation among the crests in Zaporozhye ...

    “They wanted to evacuate the 200th and 300th, but hit the car”
  • @telehunt_video #133595 02:35 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30421 ↩


    WORK OF A MILITARY MEDIC with the call sign "SAINT" and his fighters 18+
    The consumption of dressings, hemostatic agents, splints and other things is high for the guys.

    Thanks to Kostya Orengan https://t.me/orengunteam56 for the sent medicine, I already have his package in the shortest possible time, it will be at the front of our guys.
    Thanks also to Pavel Strazh https://t.me/strazh_1 and the SOLDIER OF LUCK channel https://t.me/Soldieroffortune777 as well as their subscribers, your package will be with me soon and I will also pass it on to the guys on the front line as soon as possible .

  • @telehunt_video #133596 02:38 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58720 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    The hard lot of a traitor: Gauleiter Balitsky complains to Solovyov that he lives in constant fear for his life.

  • @telehunt_video #133597 02:39 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/SIL0VIKI/72862 ↩


    🇺🇦☠️ "Grave" is not for him: The lad made the right choice when he saw the bounty hunters

    Another F-16 pilot was smart enough to save his life.
  • @telehunt_video #133598 02:41 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/ChDambiev/24960 ↩


    Another video of Russian cruise missiles arriving at the Reikartz hotel in Zaporozhye. August 11, 2023. The hotel was used to accommodate foreign mercenaries and the Armed Forces.
  • @telehunt_video #133599 02:46 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46245 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    ❗️🇺🇦Another civilian infrastructure facility is a kindergarten occupied by Ukronazis😡
    For fun and content, they fire automatic weapons right in the building😡

    #APU #ZSU #Kindergarten #Ukraine
  • @telehunt_video #133600 02:50 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Mestb_Dobroj_Voli/7507 ↩

    Месть доброй воли
  • @telehunt_video #133601 02:50 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Mestb_Dobroj_Voli/7506 ↩

    Месть доброй воли

    🔥 Exclusive footage of the work of the mobile air defense group.

    This is how warriors work, who themselves do not fly and do not give to others. Hunters for drones with MANPADS at work. Two missiles - two targets, excellent rating. Large ukropilotniks with internal combustion engines were shot down.

    Goodwill Revenge
  • @telehunt_video #133602 02:50 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58721 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    Red line, brown line. It seems that even propagandists no longer know how to react to the latest news.

    For example, Skabeeva got overexcited because of the possible sending of German Taurus missiles to Ukraine. The Germans have not decided anything yet, but the Russians are already anxious ...

  • @telehunt_video #133603 02:50 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125202 ↩


    “Vile Russian children, I hate them”: a counselor in the Crimean camp insults the guys from Shebekino - an ardent Ukrainian, in addition, studies at a Kharkov university

    Counselor Masha Sukhomlin from the Crimean children's camp "Multfilm" mocks children, pushes them and breaks down on the guys. "I'll kill you!" and "I don't care!" in response to complaints, obviously, her usual style of communication with her pupils. The inadequacy herself publi...
  • @telehunt_video #133604 02:52 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37948 ↩


    🎼🇬🇧 A small report about the work of ATGMs of the Ussuri paratroopers.

    💀 @wagner_group_pmc ♠️

    a short report on the work of the ussuri paratroopers.


    un breve resoconto sulloperato dei paracadutisti ussuri.


    un breve informe sobre el trabajo de los paracaidistas de Ussuri.

  • @telehunt_video #133605 03:00 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusich_army/10341 ↩


    💥 "Cornet" hits right on target!

    Fighters of the 58th Army with the help of anti-tank systems destroyed the observation post of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Zaporozhye direction.

    🔥 - let the Bandera people burn!

    ❤️ - our warriors cannot be defeated

    ⚡️ - well-aimed shot!

    📍 Aggregator. Subscribe
  • @telehunt_video #133606 03:00 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58722 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    Skabeeva teaches Russians the Ukrainian alphabet. As they say, better late than never.

  • @telehunt_video #133607 03:00 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48739 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133608 03:00 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48738 ↩


    Crime and Punishment.

    In Evpatoria, Ivashchenko Alexander Anatolyevich defiantly listened to songs in support of the Armed Forces of Ukraine at a high volume, after meeting with the staff of the Center for Pediatrics, he radically changed his musical preferences.

    Ivashchenko, you are from the Kherson region, you received a Russian passport, housing too, what do you lack?
  • @telehunt_video #133609 03:01 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30423 ↩


    The volunteer transferred a million rubles to the orphanage

    The fighter with the call sign "Kid" was looking for his destiny for a long time and found it in military service. Performing one of the combat missions, "Kid" was wounded, followed by compensation - a million rubles. He decided to transfer the money to the boarding school where he grew up.

    Soldier of Fortune. Subscribe
  • @telehunt_video #133610 03:01 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/VladimirKarasyov/34579 ↩

    Владимир V Карасёв

    🇬🇧💥🤝American in the service of Russia

    Dear friends, thanks to your help, we handed over another vehicle to the front line of our defenders - glorious Russian soldiers as part of the Forward to Victory! - all-wheel drive car Ford Ranger, which was finalized and modernized by our specialists.

    It will help them launch even more enemy armored vehicles and bring our Victory closer.

    These videos show examples of the work of the guys who receive...
  • @telehunt_video #133611 03:02 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37949 ↩


    🎼🎻 Soldiers of the 22nd Special Forces Brigade with an accurate hit from an ATGM hit a Leopard tank of 2 Ukrainian formations east of the village of Rabotino in the Zaporozhye direction. ㅤ

    💀 @wagner_group_pmc ♠️

    Soldiers of the 22nd Special Forces Brigade hit a Ukrainian Leopard 2 tank east of the village of Rabotino in the Zaporizhzhia direction with an accurate hit from an ATGM. ㅤ


    Los soldados de la 22.ª Brigada de Fuerzas Especiales golpearon un tanque Leopard 2 ucraniano al este de la aldea de Rabotino en dirección a Zaporizhia con un golpe preciso de un ATGM. ㅤ


    I soldati della 22a brigata delle forze speciali hanno colpito un carro armato ucraino Leopard 2 a est del villaggio di Rabotino in direzione Zaporizhzhia con un colpo preciso di un ATGM. ㅤ

  • @telehunt_video #133612 03:02 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125203 ↩


    Anti-aircraft gunners of the Amur formation work in the Zaporozhye direction

    The crews of the BUK-M1 complexes have developed tactics for combating all air attack weapons of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
  • @telehunt_video #133613 03:04 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV/28447 ↩

    Неофициальный Безсонов

    Andrei is a native of Donetsk, for whom volunteering began after the massive shelling of the Armed Forces of his hometown: “After the tragic events, when children died before my eyes, I decided that I would take risks, I was on the front line and my main task would be to help the civilian population "- recalls the volunteer.

    Andrei is engaged in volunteer activities to organize assistance to low-income families in front-line cities and regions, as well as blogging and highlighting the consequences of artillery shelling, regardless of the risks to his own life.
  • @telehunt_video #133614 03:05 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/SergeyKolyasnikov/51223 ↩


    The useless offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Ukrainian commanders send those mobilized to be slaughtered, and when they are wounded, they kill their own or burn them alive. The enemy has a lot of equipment, but it burns instantly. Our guys do not give the enemy a chance to advance

    #who if not us
  • @telehunt_video #133615 03:05 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/SergeyKolyasnikov/51224 ↩


    🔥 Exclusive footage of the work of the mobile air defense group.

    This is how warriors work, who themselves do not fly and do not give to others. Hunters for drones with MANPADS at work. Two missiles - two targets, excellent rating. Large ukropilotniks with internal combustion engines were shot down.

    Goodwill Revenge
  • @telehunt_video #133616 03:05 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/SergeyKolyasnikov/51225 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133617 03:05 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94576 ↩


    Soldiers of the Air Defense Forces showed the captured Cougar armored car

    A valuable trophy turned out to be in the hands of the Russian military - a NATO-style armored car. Terrible in appearance, he turned out to be completely unprepared for military operations in the special operation zone. The crew of the BMP of the Eastern Military District delivered him to the base in tow.

    “We have been looking for him for a long time. Tried to get the c...
  • @telehunt_video #133618 03:06 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/sashakots/41588 ↩


    frontal wave

    Tune in to the front wave! We are opening a new section in which we will collect stories, memories and thoughts of our guys from the front. All the stories that you will hear in the episodes of the program were written by those who are in the places of hostilities and personally experience everything that happens.

    The authors of the stories are fighters, volunteers and just residents of the liberated territories. Every day they see th...
  • @telehunt_video #133619 03:10 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/madam_secretar/28065 ↩

    Мадам Секретарь

    "You and I need to stop apologizing for being Catholic."

    Powerful closing sermon by Father Mark Beard

    The next day he died in a very strange car accident.

  • @telehunt_video #133620 03:12 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/ukr_leaks/8214 ↩


    Rubric "professionals" from Ukraine

    Sappers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine clear the area in a special unconventional way...

  • @telehunt_video #133621 03:12 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125206 ↩


    The consequences of the shelling of the village of Korsunka in the Kherson region by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

    One person was injured, one household was damaged, a representative of the Investigative Committee said.

    For the past three days, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been destroying residential buildings in Korsunk and Dnepryan, which survived the flood, with shelling. The density of shelling is up to 100 shells of various calibers per day, said Ivan Rozhansky, head of the organizational department of the Dnipro village council of the Novokakhovskaya VGA. According to him, now 95% of the houses in Dnepryan and Korsunka are damaged. "70% is a flood and 20% is finished off by the "horde" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine," he added.

    Video: Alexey Konovalov/TASS
  • @telehunt_video #133622 03:16 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46248 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    ❗️World's first drone detecting dog

    In the grouping of Russian troops "South" they conducted an experimental training of a dog in a new specialty. The dog handler developed the dog's hunting instincts so that he would respond to the sound of engines.

    💬The same hunting, just instead of birds we have quadcopters and other drones.
  • @telehunt_video #133623 03:16 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9954 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133624 03:16 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9953 ↩


    🔥 Exclusive footage of the work of the mobile air defense group.

    This is how warriors work, who themselves do not fly and do not give to others. Hunters for drones with MANPADS at work. Two missiles - two targets, excellent rating. Large ukropilotniks with internal combustion engines were shot down.

    Goodwill Revenge
  • @telehunt_video #133625 03:19 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125208 ↩


    Counselor from the Crimean children's camp "Multfilm" was removed after bullying children - Ministry of Education of the Republic of Crimea

    The department noted that she was hired in accordance with labor legislation, and allegedly there were no complaints from children and parents.

    Masha herself recorded a video with an apology. In it, she stated that she did not want to offend anyone, but did not say a word about her pro-Ukrainian views.
  • @telehunt_video #133626 03:20 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58724 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    96-year-old grandmother from Ukraine decided to get a passport for the first time to fly to Amsterdam

    Natalya Kospa once traveled all over the Soviet Union, and now she decided to go to Europe to visit her granddaughter. Age is not a barrier to travel.

    “I want to see the world. I read a lot of books, I know what, where and how. So I want to see it with my own eyes. And I will return to Ukraine right away,” the pensioner says.

  • @telehunt_video #133627 03:20 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37950 ↩


    🇬🇧 To the native harbor

    🇬🇧To the native harbor
  • @telehunt_video #133628 03:24 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37951 ↩


    🎼🎻18+ Very brutal execution of military by ISIS militants
    Militants burn alive soldiers tied with chains ☠️

    Doesn't it remind you of anything?
    💀 @wagner_group_pmc ♠️
  • @telehunt_video #133629 03:25 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125210 ↩


    After a video with a prisoner harnessed to a cart, the Federal Penitentiary Service began an internal check

    The employee who got on the video is threatened with dismissal from the service, the department said.

    “In relation to an employee who has grossly violated the code of ethics and official conduct, an internal audit is being carried out to bring to strict disciplinary responsibility,” the FSIN said in a statement.

    The day before, the Pogoda 25 region Telegram channel posted a video showing an employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service riding in a cart, which, presumably, is being driven by a prisoner. Now the post with the video has been deleted, but the media managed to publish it.
  • @telehunt_video #133630 03:29 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/SergeyKolyasnikov/51226 ↩


    A number of public and media outlets write that a criminal case has been initiated in Tatarstan under clause “a” part 2 of article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (incitement of hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity with the use of violence or with the threat of its use) against Bayazitov Ruslan .

    This is the devil who called for slaughtering Russians, hanging Putin, and so on. For which he was fined 30,000 rubles.

    Great news. Plant nits.
  • @telehunt_video #133631 03:30 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/FPV_vyZOV/268 ↩


    Multi-band antenna from 850 to 960 MHz, with a high signal gain of 12 dbi.

    Let's test the capabilities of the transmitter in the remote control on different frequency modes of 868 MHz and 915 MHz, depending on which channel is better.

  • @telehunt_video #133632 03:30 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30424 ↩


    The evil Russians brought the Ukrainian woman to tears. Directly in Russia.

    Soldier of Fortune. Subscribe
  • @telehunt_video #133633 03:30 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125211 ↩


    Fully equipped: "Izvestia" showed the work of the Su-35 fighter from the cockpit.

    After the fighter took off, three air-to-air missiles were fixed on one side, and only two on the other. So, during the sortie, the pilot hit the target, correspondent Ksenia Soldatova shared.
  • @telehunt_video #133634 03:31 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/stepnoy_veter/1803 ↩

    Степной ветер

    🇬🇧🔥 Lancet of the special forces of the Central District destroyed the tank of crests

  • @telehunt_video #133635 03:33 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/chvkmedia/81708 ↩

    ЧВК Медиа

    Andrei is a native of Donetsk, for whom volunteering began after the massive shelling of the Armed Forces of his hometown: “After the tragic events, when children died before my eyes, I decided that I would take risks, I was on the front line and my main task would be to help the civilian population "- recalls the volunteer.

    Andrei is engaged in volunteer activities to organize assistance to low-income families in front-line cities and regions, as well as blogging and highlighting the consequences of artillery shelling, regardless of the risks to his own life.
  • @telehunt_video #133636 03:34 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51078 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️💥Fighting on the flank of Artyomovsk: the 88th brigade destroys enemy positions
    Artillerymen of the 88th brigade of the Southern Group of Forces destroy Ukrainian Nazis in the Seversk direction
  • @telehunt_video #133637 03:35 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/ukr_leaks/8215 ↩


    The Ukrainian Minister for Reintegration, Irina Vereshchuk, is completely confused... The official cannot understand why Ukrainians who survived the bombings in Mariupol want to leave for Russia...

  • @telehunt_video #133638 03:35 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/voenacher/50158 ↩

    Повёрнутые на Z войне 🇷🇺

    Andrei is a native of Donetsk, for whom volunteering began after the massive shelling of the Armed Forces of his hometown: “After the tragic events, when children died before my eyes, I decided that I would take risks, I was on the front line and my main task would be to help the civilian population "- recalls the volunteer.

    Andrei is engaged in volunteer activities to organize assistance to low-income families in front-line cities and regions, as well as blogging and highlighting the consequences of artillery shelling, regardless of the risks to his own life.
  • @telehunt_video #133639 03:35 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125212 ↩


    Andrei is a native of Donetsk, for whom volunteering began after the massive shelling of the Armed Forces of his hometown: “After the tragic events, when children died before my eyes, I decided that I would take risks, I was on the front line and my main task would be to help the civilian population "- recalls the volunteer.

    Andrei is engaged in volunteer activities to organize assistance to low-income families in front-line cities and regions, as well as blogging and highlighting the consequences of artillery shelling, regardless of the risks to his own life.
  • @telehunt_video #133640 03:35 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94578 ↩


    Footage of the assault on the enemy's opposing force by the forces of the special forces of the "Brave" group. Somewhere at the turn of Svatovo-Kremennaya.

  • @telehunt_video #133641 03:40 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58727 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    The newest Russian tank T-90M flew off a cliff with relish

    The invaders tried to hide from Ukrainian drones and did not notice the cliff behind them. As a result, their tank flew down and turned over.

  • @telehunt_video #133642 03:42 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/madam_secretar/28066 ↩

    Мадам Секретарь

    The Swedish army is not the kind of guys who can surrender.

  • @telehunt_video #133643 03:42 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/dvish_alive/26477 ↩


    The "Kara-Dag" brigade destroys the Katsap field depot between Verbov and Novopokrovka
  • @telehunt_video #133644 03:42 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/grey_zone/19980 ↩


    Work on enemy manpower using FPV drones by fighters from the Unmanned Rapid Response Unit (BOBR @BOBRMORF) of the Russian Armed Forces in the Zaporozhye direction, near the village of Rabotino

  • @telehunt_video #133645 03:42 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/grey_zone/19981 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133646 03:42 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/grey_zone/19982 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133647 03:42 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/SIL0VIKI/72864 ↩


    Andrei is a native of Donetsk, for whom volunteering began after the massive shelling of the Armed Forces of his hometown: “After the tragic events, when children died before my eyes, I decided that I would take risks, I was on the front line and my main task would be to help the civilian population "- recalls the volunteer.

    Andrei is engaged in volunteer activities to organize assistance to low-income families in front-line cities and regions, as well as blogging and highlighting the consequences of artillery shelling, regardless of the risks to his own life.
  • @telehunt_video #133648 03:42 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/astramilitarum/33746 ↩

    Astra Militarum [Z]
  • @telehunt_video #133649 03:42 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/astramilitarum/33745 ↩

    Astra Militarum [Z]

    Birds and cars for our guys: another summer report

    In July, the scouts of the 114th brigade (the former 11th regiment of the NM of the DPR) received the requested birds, equipment and ammunition.

    Now we are preparing to transfer two vehicles to the Donetsk direction - a long Niva and a Loaf.

    "Nivasik" is already being prepared for reconnaissance, and UAZ will go to "Cascade" a little later.

    Support our military humanitarian project:

    We ...
  • @telehunt_video #133650 03:47 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/romanov_92/41182 ↩

    Romanov Лайт ]ࣩࣩࣩࣩ࣯ࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩ

    Cossack camps, Kherson region, Russia.

    Western part of the settlement under the enemy. There is a constant massive shelling of the settlement. from the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

  • @telehunt_video #133651 03:49 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9956 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133652 03:52 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51079 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    🇺🇦👊🇭🇺In Budapest, a Ukrainian killed a homeless Hungarian for 12 euros

    A 30-year-old man began demanding money at night from a homeless man who was sitting on a bench in Clausal Square. Not getting what he wanted, he beat a 49-year-old man and took 5,000 forints (about 12 euros) from him.
    The man died from the beating.
    At the same time, the Ukrainian was not 1, but in the company. His girlfriend calmly watched the beating, and then they drank wine together with the stolen money. She was also sued for failure to provide assistance.
  • @telehunt_video #133653 03:55 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/opennewss/27392 ↩

    Русский аванпост ⚔️

    Footage of the assault on the enemy's opposing force by the forces of the special forces of the "Brave" group. Somewhere at the turn of Svatovo-Kremennaya.

  • @telehunt_video #133654 03:56 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/opersvodki/16407 ↩

    Оперативные сводки

    Andrei is a native of Donetsk, for whom volunteering began after the massive shelling of the Armed Forces of his hometown: “After the tragic events, when children died before my eyes, I decided that I would take risks, I was on the front line and my main task would be to help the civilian population "- recalls the volunteer.

    Andrei is engaged in volunteer activities to organize assistance to low-income families in front-line cities and regions, as well as blogging and highlighting the consequences of artillery shelling, regardless of the risks to his own life.
  • @telehunt_video #133655 03:57 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37953 ↩


    Field training of our comrades in tactical medicine!
    Training of BARS volunteers - 15 😎🤙

    Field training of our comrades in tactical medicine!
    Training of BARS volunteers - 15 😎🤙
  • @telehunt_video #133656 04:00 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125221 ↩


    The OMON "Akhmat-1" special unit continues to destroy Ukrainian militants in the NVO zone.

    These shots were taken by the fighters themselves. Special forces are firing at the nationalists from abandoned apartments and entrance windows. Despite the constant noise from exploding shells, the Akhmat-1 fighters do not lose their fighting spirit.
  • @telehunt_video #133657 04:00 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58728 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    The network showed the mansions of "Pasha Mercedes"

    The modest house of Metropolitan Pavel is located right on the territory of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. But few people knew that it had as many as three underground floors!

    There they found a sauna, a gym and a wine cellar, however, already empty. Very Orthodox, very spiritual.

  • @telehunt_video #133658 04:01 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30425 ↩


    Khokhols. In my opinion, the Lancet deprived you of your air defense system.
    That is OK. You don't fucking need her.

    Soldier of Fortune. Subscribe
  • @telehunt_video #133659 04:02 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rlz_the_kraken/60170 ↩

    Выпускайте Кракена!

    A blogger from Kyiv absolutely deservedly called Western Ukraine a "factory of morons" for demanding to speak to them exclusively in the language of language, for which she traditionally snatched a portion of furious hate from Svidomo.

    But the tyanka was far from tolerant.
  • @telehunt_video #133660 04:03 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/BOBRMORF/164 ↩


    Bushes do not save!
  • @telehunt_video #133661 04:04 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94579 ↩


    In the defense zone of the 269th OSB in the Gorlovsky direction, the enemy tried to carry out offensive operations. Our fighters slightly corrected the plans of the enemy with precise strikes, and at the same time the number of enemy armored vehicles.

  • @telehunt_video #133662 04:04 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nm_dnr/10804 ↩

    Народная милиция ДНР

    Urgent collection of assistance to attack aircraft in the Avdeevka direction

    Fighters from the assault unit in the Avdeevka direction successfully carry out combat missions to storm strongholds and destroy enemy manpower and equipment.
    But for more effective combat work, our guys need quadcopters, equipment and tactical medicine.
    Each of us can contribute to the common Victory!

    Requisites :
    Sber MIR
    Alpha MIR

    Vladimir Andreevich R

    P.S. I call on the cooperation of associates from business and those who have the opportunity to donate large sums - we need help on a number of requests. I guarantee transparency, reliability and accountability. Write in a personal.

    Voenkor Vladimir Razin
  • @telehunt_video #133663 04:04 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125222 ↩


    Urgent collection of assistance to attack aircraft in the Avdeevka direction

    Fighters from the assault unit in the Avdeevka direction successfully carry out combat missions to storm strongholds and destroy enemy manpower and equipment.
    But for more effective combat work, our guys need quadcopters, equipment and tactical medicine.
    Each of us can contribute to the common Victory!

    Requisites :
    Sber MIR
    Alpha MIR

    Vladimir Andreevich R

    P.S. I call on the cooperation of associates from business and those who have the opportunity to donate large sums - we need help on a number of requests. I guarantee transparency, reliability and accountability. Write in a personal.

    Voenkor Vladimir Razin
  • @telehunt_video #133664 04:05 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV/28449 ↩

    Неофициальный Безсонов

    Urgent collection of assistance to attack aircraft in the Avdeevka direction

    Fighters from the assault unit in the Avdeevka direction successfully carry out combat missions to storm strongholds and destroy enemy manpower and equipment.
    But for more effective combat work, our guys need quadcopters, equipment and tactical medicine.
    Each of us can contribute to the common Victory!

    Requisites :
    Sber MIR
    Alpha MIR

    Vladimir Andreevich R

    P.S. I call on the cooperation of associates from business and those who have the opportunity to donate large sums - we need help on a number of requests. I guarantee transparency, reliability and accountability. Write in a personal.

    Voenkor Vladimir Razin
  • @telehunt_video #133665 04:05 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/dvish_alive/26479 ↩


    Destruction of the enemy T-90 on one of the directions
  • @telehunt_video #133666 04:06 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9957 ↩


    Bushes do not save!
  • @telehunt_video #133667 04:09 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/ukr_leaks/8217 ↩


    "I am grateful to Russia for coming here, I am at home"

    Emotional appeal of a Ukrainian woman to her former fellow citizens

  • @telehunt_video #133668 04:09 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/SergeyKolyasnikov/51228 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133669 04:09 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/SergeyKolyasnikov/51227 ↩


    - The fire destroyed the whole region, more than 50 dead, a thousand people were missing. And the government is spending tens of billions of dollars at this time, it is not clear what.

    - Exactly! The Kremlin has gone off the rails!

    - No, you do not understand, we are talking about Hawaii, they are completely burned out.

    - I hate cotton! To the bath!
  • @telehunt_video #133670 04:09 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/SergeyKolyasnikov/51229 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133671 04:10 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/izvestia/139602 ↩


    📌 We have collected the most interesting for this hour in our digest

    Watch the live broadcast of the round-the-clock news channel "Izvestia"
  • @telehunt_video #133672 04:16 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/romanov_92/41183 ↩

    Romanov Лайт ]ࣩࣩࣩࣩ࣯ࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩࣩ

    Cossack camps, Kherson region, Russia.


  • @telehunt_video #133673 04:21 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37954 ↩


    Never forget where we come from. We have the blood of the People - the Warrior! The people - the Winner! And at what cost did we get the country, in the size it is now.
    Glory to Great Russia!🇬🇧

    Never forget who we came from. We have the blood of the People - the Warrior! The people - the Winner! And at what cost did we get the country, in the size it is now.
    Glory to Great Russia!🇬🇧
  • @telehunt_video #133674 04:22 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46252 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина
  • @telehunt_video #133675 04:23 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46253 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    Kadyrov was categorically against negotiations with Kiev: “We are winning on all fronts, both on the battlefield and in the international political arena. All that's left is to finish what we started."

    The head of Chechnya believes that Russia is quite satisfied with the current state of affairs both on the battlefield and in the international political arena: Western weapons did not help the armed forces of Ukraine regain control of the territories occupied by the Russian army, and the attempt to “isolate the Russian Federation” failed
  • @telehunt_video #133676 04:27 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/SIL0VIKI/72867 ↩


    Since morning flurry of congratulations! I appreciate everyone and try to answer absolutely everyone😘

    Birthday, of course, is a holiday, but no one has canceled work. Therefore, I work and am happy that for a year and a half my area of ​​\u200b\u200bresponsibility is everything related to the NWO.

    I am proud that our team made films about such legendary combat units as Pyatnashka, Cascade, and the National Guard.

    I want to thank my colleagues an...
  • @telehunt_video #133677 04:29 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58729 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    In the Irkutsk region, the floor of a construction goods store collapsed. The employees of the store almost fell into the ground.

  • @telehunt_video #133678 04:30 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125223 ↩


    Soldiers of the Air Defense Forces showed the captured Cougar armored car

    A valuable trophy turned out to be in the hands of the Russian military - a NATO-style armored car. Terrible in appearance, he turned out to be completely unprepared for military operations in the special operation zone. The crew of the BMP of the Eastern Military District delivered him to the base in tow.

    “We have been looking for him for a long time. Tried to get the car...
  • @telehunt_video #133679 04:39 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37955 ↩


    Hohlam humanitarian aid🐷🇺🇦 from the owners.😬🤢

    Hohlam🐷🇺🇦 humanitarian aid from the owners.😬🤢
  • @telehunt_video #133680 04:40 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30427 ↩




    Team "Rosich" for tea: https://pay.mysbertips.ru/01877630
  • @telehunt_video #133681 04:41 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94581 ↩


    In the area of ​​N. p. Predniprovske grouping of troops "Dnepr" fire from the ATGM using the UAV "Zala" destroyed a pickup truck with a 120 mm mortar "Alakran"

  • @telehunt_video #133682 04:41 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/spletnicca/11325 ↩


    A beautiful way for globalists to convince people of the need to abandon cash by Apple

    Everything to convince you of the hygiene, environmental friendliness and convenience of electronic payments.
  • @telehunt_video #133683 04:49 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58731 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    Russian lieutenant Ivan Korolev fled to Lithuania. He requested political asylum in this country and gave an interview to the BBC.

    Korolyov claims that he did not take part in the hostilities on the territory of Ukraine, but served in the rear.

  • @telehunt_video #133684 04:49 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/newsfrontnotes/39826 ↩

    FRONTовые Zаметки

    Ukrainian saboteurs opened fire on a car with civilians in the Kherson region

    “A few hours ago, Ukraine once again showed itself. A civilian car in which people were driving home came under fire. No signs of trouble. A quadcopter arrived from Ukrainian troops. Fortunately, civilians managed to jump out of the car, leaving it. The explosion was not that big, but the car ignited and burned to the ground. People suffered, but most importantly, they survived,” our military commander said.

    In the video, the consequences of the Ukrainian strike, a completely burned-out car.

    It is noted that there were two people in the car. The injured are receiving medical assistance.

    Military reporter News Front LeX

  • @telehunt_video #133685 04:50 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37956 ↩


    Fighting 💥 on the outskirts of Sinkovka and the advancement of the RF Armed Forces in Disputed. Summary as of 11.08.2023

    Fighting 💥 on the outskirts of Sinkovka and the advancement of the RF Armed Forces in Disputed. Summary as of 08/11/2023
  • @telehunt_video #133686 04:50 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusbrief/144652 ↩


    The car of the car depot of the manager of the President of the Russian Federation caught fire in Moscow. According to "Base", the engine of the government behi spontaneously ignited on Leningradsky Prospekt. As a result of the fire, the interior of the car was also slightly burned. According to open sources, the car is assigned to the Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Russia for State Awards, Sergei Zubkov. However, this information has not been officially confirmed.
  • @telehunt_video #133687 04:53 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rian_ru/211895 ↩

    РИА Новости

    Hundreds of residents of the capital of Niger gathered for Friday prayers and a sermon in the name of peace at the Gaddafi Mosque in the city center. Many believers came to the prayer with Russian flags.
  • @telehunt_video #133688 04:54 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37957 ↩


    Close arrival💥 for the Armed Forces🐷🇺🇦 and volunteers helping them.
    Ehhh a little shortcoming! It's a pity!

    Close arrival💥 for the Armed Forces🐷🇺🇦 and volunteers helping them.
    Ehhh a little shortcoming! It's a pity!
  • @telehunt_video #133689 04:55 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV/28450 ↩

    Неофициальный Безсонов

    Bushes do not save!
  • @telehunt_video #133690 05:00 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/nexta_live/58732 ↩

    NEXTA Live

    The technical director of Piro-Ross was arrested for two months

    The explosion in Sergiev Posad occurred in his warehouse.

  • @telehunt_video #133691 05:01 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/cyber_frontZ/12762 ↩

    КИБЕР ФРОНТ 🇷🇺ZА Россию🇷🇺

    A drunken Ukrainian attacked an Estonian journalist on a bus in Tallinn.

    “An employee of the TV channel was standing facing the window in the bus and did not interfere with anyone, when he suddenly smelled the smell of fumes from the passenger behind. After a scuffle began, the aggressive passenger did not like the appearance of the journalist, and then he even began to threaten him with murder, referring to the fact that he is a citizen of Ukraine and people like this young man “are killed in the war every day,” describes Postimees situation.
  • @telehunt_video #133692 05:01 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Soldieroffortune777/30428 ↩


    Are the Russians really killing Ukrainian children?

    Soldier of Fortune. Subscribe
  • @telehunt_video #133693 05:01 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125224 ↩


    Battles for Novoselovskoe

    An infantry fighting vehicle of the Russian army evacuates wounded soldiers under enemy artillery fire.
  • @telehunt_video #133694 05:01 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23389 ↩

    Два майора

    Takeoff transport aircraft An-12 from the first person.

    Interesting fact: It was used in the filming of the film "World War Z" with the participation of Brad Pitt as an aircraft on which the main character makes non-stop flights to the US military base and further to Israel, and at the beginning of the flight the aircraft starts from the deck of an American aircraft carrier. The AN-12 obviously cannot perform all these actions due to its technical capabilities.

    Aviahub ⚪️🟠 follow
  • @telehunt_video #133695 05:02 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/stepnoy_veter/1805 ↩

    Степной ветер

    🔥FPV drone destroys Ukrainian armored vehicles in the war zone

  • @telehunt_video #133696 05:02 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/SonOfMonarchy/11184 ↩

    Сыны Монархии
  • @telehunt_video #133697 05:03 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/epoddubny/17069 ↩

    Поддубный |Z|О|V| edition

    "Lancet" surgically removes a foreign body from the Strela 10 air defense system somewhere in the forests near Kremennaya.
  • @telehunt_video #133698 05:07 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/makers2fron/1219 ↩


    Rear of the front! We work, friends!
    Thanks to all our soldiers!

    Special thanks to the fighters themselves for the detailed personal feedback on the operation of the antenna;

    Comrades "SVOI" for printing antenna winding frames;

    To all techies-craftsmen for quality work, golden hands and a clear mind.

    Everything bright and clear to everyone.©
  • @telehunt_video #133699 05:09 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wargonzo/14326 ↩


    The 1st Forum of the All-Russian Corps of Media Volunteers ended in Moscow

    At the forum organized by Readovka, young patriotic authors not only discussed the main issues of work in the media, ideological, technological and other fields with experts, but also submitted their works to the jury. At the same time, right on the margins of the forum, the guys created collaborations with each other for more efficient work within the framework of their task...
  • @telehunt_video #133700 05:11 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/izvestia/139606 ↩


    How officials are transferred to Russian cars

    Now civil servants will "go out" only on domestic cars. Vladimir Putin called for the development of domestic brands, including domestic transport. The model range of our cars is small, so we can demonstrate the hit parade of cars for the elite.

    Andrey Dobrov - about the proposals of the automotive industry for officials.

    Now Andrey Dobrov can also be read in a separate Tg-channel.

    Subscribe to REN TV
  • @telehunt_video #133701 05:20 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Mestb_Dobroj_Voli/7513 ↩

    Месть доброй воли

    Yes, my friend, you are right. Arkan was a personality. He died a vile death. Some 25 years ago, after an insidious attack by NATO, I "made" Serbia sick. He even learned Serbian himself, he read "chast imam" by Pikula. Now, of course, I translate with a dictionary, but I remember something else. One day I will definitely visit Belgrade, enter a cafe, drink brandy. And Ceca is the most beautiful woman in Serbia.

    A place of good will
  • @telehunt_video #133702 05:20 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/sudoplatov_official/267 ↩


    On August 19, in honor of the opening of the Lugansk regional branch of the Rossiya Sports Society, the First Heroic Games will be held in the Lugansk People's Republic as part of the ZAsport Heroes project.

    The sports society of "Russia" has prepared humanitarian aid to fighters performing tasks on the territory of the Lugansk People's Republic, as well as gifts to orphans and from patrons.
  • @telehunt_video #133703 05:23 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37959 ↩


    On the footage, work with a captured militant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who, as part of the DRG, tried to kill our military, fully revealed himself to the camera at the sight of an ax.
    There were no hysterics and tears.

    On the footage, work with a captured militant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, who, as part of the DRG, tried to kill our military, fully revealed himself to the camera at the sight of an ax.
    There were no hysterics and tears.
  • @telehunt_video #133704 05:26 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51084 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
  • @telehunt_video #133705 05:27 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rlz_the_kraken/60171 ↩

    Выпускайте Кракена!

    The food delivery robot appeared in the US much later than in Russia. On the footage, the guy decided that it was free food.

    Progressive America. Los Angeles. Our days.
  • @telehunt_video #133706 05:30 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51086 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
  • @telehunt_video #133707 05:30 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51085 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️💥Enemy continues to hit n.p. Cossack camps in the Kherson region
    The 1st video was filmed a couple of days ago, the enemy claims that the shelling is carried out from the Vampire MLRS.
    2 fresh smoke videos - these are the consequences of the shelling of the Cossack Camps on the left bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson region, published by enemy resources.
    A settlement under Russian control is under fire from the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
    In recent days, the special forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine landed on the shore in the area of ​​the Cossack Camps and made sabotage attacks.
  • @telehunt_video #133708 05:30 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94587 ↩


    Tankmen of the 39th Motorized Rifle Brigade hit an enemy opnik in a forest plantation with an accurate shot.
    Ugledar direction.

  • @telehunt_video #133709 05:30 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/WarDonbass/125227 ↩


    World's first drone detecting dog

    In the grouping of Russian troops "South" they conducted an experimental training of a dog in a new specialty. The dog handler developed the dog's hunting instincts so that he would respond to the sound of engines.

    💬The same hunting, just instead of birds we have quadcopters and other drones.
  • @telehunt_video #133710 05:32 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37960 ↩


    🎼🎻 The destruction of the Spanish 120-mm self-propelled mortar NTGS Alakran with a well-aimed shot from the ATGM near the village of Pridneprovskoye in the Kherson direction. This is the first confirmed destruction of this equipment in the NWO zone.

    💀 @wagner_group_pmc ♠️

    destruction by a well-aimed shot from the ATGM of the Spanish 120-mm self-propelled mortar ntgs alakran near the village of Pridneprovskoe in the direction of Kherson. this is the first confirmed destruction of this equipment in the Svo zone.


    distruzione con un colpo ben mirato dell'ATGM del mortaio semovente spagnolo da 120 mm ntgs alakran vicino al villaggio di Pridneprovskoe in direzione di Kherson. si tratta della prima distruzione accertata di questa apparecchiatura nella zona Svo.

  • @telehunt_video #133711 05:35 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37961 ↩


    🎼🎻✊🏻🔥 Contact failed, everyone burned down..

    💀 @wagner_group_pmc ♠️
  • @telehunt_video #133712 05:37 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37962 ↩


    🎼 Here they are fascist cocks, is there no fascism in Ukraine? Dill@gifts, half pokers

    💀 @wagner_group_pmc ♠️

    here they are fascist cockerels, there is no fascism in Ukraine? dill@gifts, half pokers


    aquí están los gallos fascistas, ¿no hay fascismo en Ucrania? eneldo@regalos, medio póquer


    eccoli galletti fascisti, non c'è fascismo in Ukraine? aneto@regali, mezzo attizzatoio

  • @telehunt_video #133713 05:42 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rybar/50632 ↩


    🎞 In 15 minutes @SolovievLive will host the author's program Rybar's Analysis: the results of the day.

    We've been a little tipsy over the past couple of days while touring Russian Zaporozhye, so today "Results of the Day" will be released in an extended format - the broadcast will last twice as long as usual.

    🔻In today's episode:

    ▪️Completion of training of Ukrainian marines in the UK.

    ▪️Systematic attacks on Crimea and threats to Russian territori...
  • @telehunt_video #133714 05:46 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37964 ↩


    🎼🎻 The man burns everything in fact, the crest, as usual, chews snot..

    💀 @wagner_group_pmc ♠️
  • @telehunt_video #133715 05:49 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/newsfrontnotes/39827 ↩

    FRONTовые Zаметки

    Residents of Riga were asked where they would like to live. The conclusion is...
  • @telehunt_video #133716 06:21 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/izvestia/139609 ↩


    In Moldova, they plan to change the laws to EU standards, the country's Foreign Ministry said. The authorities of the republic are already preparing an assessment of the compliance of national legislation with the norms. The Council of Europe will involve specialists who will conduct a study in the field of labor law in Moldova.

    The events are part of a project to promote European standards in labor relations in the country.

    Watch the live broadcast of the round-the-clock news channel "Izvestia"
  • @telehunt_video #133717 06:22 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23393 ↩

    Два майора

    Zaporizhia Front, Orekhovskoe direction, Rabotino district

    "...-eh, I almost hit ...
    ...-Caught fire! Yes, it caught fire, boys!

    42 motorized rifle continues to burn enemy armored vehicles.

    Two majors and RomanovLight
  • @telehunt_video #133718 06:25 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/voenacher/50168 ↩

    Повёрнутые на Z войне 🇷🇺
  • @telehunt_video #133719 06:26 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/StavBPLA/103 ↩

    Школа БПЛА Ставрополь

    From this video, we will begin to get acquainted with electronic warfare. Many asked to make a series of videos on this topic, we have filmed and will gradually tell you about the "RADIO-ELECTRONIC FIGHT"

    Contact: @NLTFLY 🚀
  • @telehunt_video #133720 07:03 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9961 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133721 07:03 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9960 ↩


    - The fire destroyed the whole region, more than 50 dead, a thousand people were missing. The fire is not even extinguished, and the government is spending tens of billions of dollars at this time, it is not clear what.

    - Exactly! The Kremlin has gone off the rails!

    - No, you do not understand, we are talking about Hawaii, they are completely burned out.

    - I hate it, cotton! To the bath!
  • @telehunt_video #133722 07:03 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9962 ↩

  • @telehunt_video #133723 07:06 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94592 ↩


    Artillerymen of the 88th brigade of the Southern Group of Forces hit the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Seversk direction

  • @telehunt_video #133725 07:07 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51094 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    🇺🇦⚔️🇬🇧The enemy showed a tank battle in Urozhayne: heavy clashes continue
    ▪️Fighting on the Vremevsky ledge does not stop.
    ▪️Earlier it was reported that the Armed Forces of Ukraine today involved significant forces and pushed our units in Urozhayne, occupying a couple of streets.
    ▪️The attacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are repulsed by the fighters of the Kaskad OBTF and the Vostok group of troops.
  • @telehunt_video #133726 07:15 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/bolshiepushki/4765 ↩

    Крупнокалиберный Переполох

    Some sad thoughts
  • @telehunt_video #133727 07:21 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rgrunews/83673 ↩

    Российская Газета | Новости

    The interlocutor of "RG" is a deputy of the Novosibirsk district of the Novosibirsk region, who changed the official's suit for a vest, camouflage and body armor.

    Ruslan Kolnik repeatedly participated in assaults, performed other combat missions, came under fire, lost comrades, he himself recently received a shell shock, but after the hospital he returned to duty.

  • @telehunt_video #133728 07:24 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV/28453 ↩

    Неофициальный Безсонов

    "Reverse side of the CIPSO"

    - combat situation;
    - the President of Poland considers Ukrainian soldiers cheap compared to more "civilized" armies, although American and even more so Polish soldiers are far from Ukrainian;
    How do Russians spend their holidays abroad?

    Daniel's channel: t.me/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV
  • @telehunt_video #133729 07:27 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/SIL0VIKI/72873 ↩


    Another video of Russian cruise missiles arriving at the Reikartz hotel in Zaporozhye. August 11, 2023. The hotel was used to accommodate foreign mercenaries and the Armed Forces.
  • @telehunt_video #133730 07:31 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/dvish_alive/26491 ↩


    🇺🇦🫶 Congratulations, indomitable, invincible nation, the strongest nation in the world❗ 💙💛
    We continue fundraising for Pick-up 4×4 for mortars of the 110th brigade of the 114th battalion. Our defenders are liberating Ukrainian lands step by step, and are entrenched on the achieved borders. Unfortunately, the war continues, and it is impossible for the military to carry out their tasks without a vehicle and bring such a longed-for victory closer.
  • @telehunt_video #133731 07:32 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94593 ↩


    Military Chronicle Exclusive

    Fights on the Donetsk ring road, part 1

    A new large report by our military officer Andrey Filatov will take you to August 2022 and show how difficult it was to pick out Ukrainian nationalists from fox holes on one of the sections of the Donetsk ring road.

    The denouement in front of Pervomaisky (namely, there were heavy battles) was stormed by the 11th regiment of the DPR. The fighters had to move close to the enemy and engage in close combat. One of these shootings at the destroyed bridge was caught on video.

    For obvious reasons, we could not publish these frames before, but now we are ready to publish them. There will be several parts. This is the first.

  • @telehunt_video #133732 07:32 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23398 ↩

    Два майора

    Reports Ghost Z by motor:

    Today we carried out regular “flight” tests of our drones. The configuration is selected more and more optimal each time, but most importantly, the optimal “software” hardware setting is selected to optimize the use of all drone components.

    Today we tested a fiberglass body (the first and yellow drone, reminiscent of the Wasp) and a standard carbon body, but with a 3-watt video transmitter.

    The results can be seen in the video. We share our routine, but more revealing work than picking in the laboratory.

  • @telehunt_video #133733 07:53 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/wagner_group_pmc/37972 ↩


    🎼🎻 Uncle Zhenya came to the Ministry of Defense.
    💀 @wagner_group_pmc ♠️
  • @telehunt_video #133734 07:53 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46255 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина


    Absolutely no one

    Aleksey Arestovich: “And I want to ask you, damn it, if you don’t vote for me, who will be worse off from this? You think with your stupid head, damn it! I will sit on a yacht in the Pacific Ocean after the war is over. There are lobsters and seminars, what will happen to you if you don't vote for me?"

    The election program of Arestovich, who intends to run for president.

  • @telehunt_video #133735 07:55 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/BPLAROSTOV/482 ↩

    Русский беспилотник

    Old school.
    You are not there brother, but your work is going on!
  • @telehunt_video #133736 08:04 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94594 ↩


    Footage of the shooting battle of Russian infantrymen in the Zaporozhye direction.

    From the author of the video: There were about ten waves of attacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, they lasted for two days.

    Unfortunately, during the battle, the author of the video was wounded and is now in the hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery and return to duty!

  • @telehunt_video #133737 08:04 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51098 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇬🇧The front needs help to repel the enemy offensive - the soldiers are asking for "Maviki"
    From September 1, China should close the channel for the supply of the necessary drones to our fighters, due to numerous requests from the front, we continue to collect Mavic 3 drones in order to have time to buy them to the maximum.
    🤝Over 8 DAYS, 6.44 million rubles were collected.
    If someone is ready to help, then you can purchase and transfer...
  • @telehunt_video #133738 08:04 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51099 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
  • @telehunt_video #133739 08:04 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51102 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
  • @telehunt_video #133740 08:04 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51101 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
  • @telehunt_video #133741 08:04 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51100 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны
  • @telehunt_video #133742 08:10 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/izvestia/139613 ↩


    📌 Find out the most important news of this hour in our video digest

    Watch the live broadcast of the round-the-clock news channel "Izvestia"
  • @telehunt_video #133743 08:10 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusich_army/10344 ↩


    Andrei is a native of Donetsk, for whom volunteering began after the massive shelling of the Armed Forces of his hometown: “After the tragic events, when children died before my eyes, I decided that I would take risks, I was on the front line and my main task would be to help the civilian population "- recalls the volunteer.

    Andrei is engaged in volunteer activities to organize assistance to low-income families in front-line cities and regions, as well as blogging and highlighting the consequences of artillery shelling, regardless of the risks to his own life.
  • @telehunt_video #133744 08:10 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/dva_majors/23403 ↩

    Два майора

    What do cluster munition balls sound like when they fly straight at you? A subscriber has just come under fire from cluster BPs in the Kievsky district of Donetsk. Near the center of the city.
  • @telehunt_video #133745 08:17 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/rusmonstr/48751 ↩


    It's funny that this scum says that she didn't mean anything like that, it was purely due to a nervous breakdown.
    Is this all a nervous breakdown? Long lasting?
  • @telehunt_video #133746 08:19 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46256 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    A good analysis of the Bendery alphabet, which is really shown to children here through the channels of Kolomoisky.

  • @telehunt_video #133747 08:20 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/surf_noise1/31551 ↩


    Fans of the Greek club "Aris" during the match of the Football Conference League posted a banner calling to defeat the Nazis "Azov"*

    During the first match of the third qualifying round of the Conference League between the Greek "Aris" and Kiev "Dynamo", the fans of the Greek team posted banners on the stands with the inscriptions "Defeat the Nazis of Azov" and "Kick the Nazis out of football." The result of the match was the defeat of Ukraine with ...
  • @telehunt_video #133748 08:24 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/projectArchangel/1580 ↩

    Проект «Архангел». Создание БПЛА.

    Video report of the trip of our group to the Zaporozhye region, organized by the Archangel project.

    Join the team!

    🔥Main channel
    Our chats:
    💥Volunteer training
    💥Instructor training
    💥training engineers
  • @telehunt_video #133749 08:32 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/RVvoenkor/51103 ↩

    Операция Z: Военкоры Русской Весны

    ‼️🇺🇦🏴‍☠️I'm trying to save you! - Arestovich spoke about the power of scum, destroying Ukraine from the inside
    From the beginning of independence in Ukraine, the scum won, who created the System, which sucks resources from the state, business and every Ukrainian, depriving citizens of the future.
  • @telehunt_video #133750 08:33 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/boris_rozhin/94595 ↩


    Soldiers of 1466 SMEs during the fighting in the Vremevsky direction shot down and then captured an American M113 armored personnel carrier. After a small repair, the machine will be used in the right direction.

  • @telehunt_video #133751 08:34 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46263 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    Donetsk is again shelled with cluster munitions.

  • @telehunt_video #133752 08:34 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV/28455 ↩

    Неофициальный Безсонов

    ❗️💥 Moments of arrival in the Kievsky district of Donetsk
  • @telehunt_video #133753 08:34 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV/28456 ↩

    Неофициальный Безсонов
  • @telehunt_video #133754 08:34 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV/28457 ↩

    Неофициальный Безсонов
  • @telehunt_video #133755 08:39 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/npo_dvina/11329 ↩

    Владимир Орлов

    ✍️📜 Respect to the guys from @leak_inform. A rare author now touches on the topic of flight from Russia of “under-youth”, and older people who, at the word mobilization, are already ready to surrender into captivity. I recommend the material of "colleagues in the shop" (https://t.me/leak_inform/2482). I would also deprive citizenship in pursuit 🤙

  • @telehunt_video #133756 08:44 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/OpenUkraine/46267 ↩

    🇺🇦 Open Ukraine| Открытая Украина

    The administration of Kupyansk after the arrival of a corrected aerial bomb.

    Where there will be Bandera, it should always be so.

  • @telehunt_video #133757 08:45 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/NeoficialniyBeZsonoV/28458 ↩

    Неофициальный Безсонов

    What does IPSO do?

    Says the specialist from the MTR of Ukraine.
  • @telehunt_video #133758 08:45 PM, 11 Aug 2023
    t.me/Lunay14/9965 ↩


    "We want to thank Gil for the channel! No one else has such content! Everything is clear, to the point and understandable even to mere mortals! Inspired by your reviews and recommendations, we decided to collect first-tier first-aid kits for the brothers, everything according to Gil's strict precepts💪 Very soon they will be on one of the hottest sections of the Artyomovsky direction near the paratroopers! Once again, thank you so much for YOUR channel, for all the lives saved💪 Ours will not come, all of ours are WE🤍💙❤️"

    (Subscriber writes to us)
